She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 499: Read memory

Chapter 499 Reading memory

On the experimental table, the face of the deceased was calm and serene, as if he had never suffered fear or abuse during his lifetime. He Yao stood at the front, leaning down slightly and inspecting it carefully, and the instrument in his hand kept flashing.

Behind her, a group of senior executives stared at her back, their eyes flashing with indignation, but they all remained silent.

Just now, if Zou Ming hadn't reminded them to calm down, I'm afraid He Yao wouldn't be standing here checking the body now, but would be kicked out directly.

Lao Xu's face was particularly foul-smelling. He snorted coldly, his eyes full of contempt, and whispered in a low voice: "We have already done the autopsy a long time ago, do we still need her to come?"

He deliberately lowered his voice, thinking that only the people next to him could hear it. Unexpectedly, He Yao in front of him was busy with his work without raising his head, and said: "This is the rule of the second team. Trust yourself and not others." "Although you have done an autopsy, your credibility with me is zero due to the leaks from your bureau."

Old Xu Ben was caught for saying bad things in private, and his expression was a little unnatural. But after she said these words, his eyes suddenly widened and he asked in a higher tone: "Do you doubt us?!"

He Yao frowned at his roar. She moved her hands, turned around, and said impatiently: "If you want to stay here, please keep quiet, otherwise get out immediately!"

Lao Xu was furious, and regardless of her identity, he yelled: "Who do you think you are..."

 Just a little girl, how can she be so arrogant on the territory of their Special Administration Bureau? !

 However, before he could say the second half of his sentence, he was suddenly interrupted by Zou Ming loudly: "Director Xu!"

Director Xu was startled, and his mind went blank for a moment, unable to remember what he wanted to say.

Seeing that he was stunned, Zou Ming wiped the fine sweat on his forehead as if for the rest of his life, and glanced at He Yao imperceptibly. Seeing that she had turned around and continued to do the autopsy, he was secretly relieved.

 It’s okay, okay, it’s stopped.

Thinking of this, a chill ran down my back, and I couldn't help but feel scared.

The temper of the second team is well known to everyone, and Director Xu is not usually a vegetarian. If the two of them really had a quarrel just now, maybe the ceiling of the Special Administration Bureau will not be saved!

 Fortunately, fortunately.

For the first time, Zou Ming praised his quick response. He calmed down his turbulent mood and reasoned with Director Xu in a soft voice: "Director Xu, Miss He also wanted to be sure to solve the case early. Why should you?"

Director Xu's shoulders were shaking with anger: "What's wrong with me? Don't you look at what she said! She clearly doesn't trust our Special Administration Bureau!"

Zou Ming quickly said: "I know, but...she wasn't wrong either."

 They do have problems internally.


Director Xu immediately waited for him angrily, his face full of hatred, as if he didn't expect that he would actually speak for outsiders.

"Lao Xu, calm down first. Don't be so impatient. You get impatient when others provoke you. When will this problem be corrected?"

Just when Zou Ming was about to help the angry Director Xu, the old man Gao on the side - Director Gao suddenly spoke and calmed him down. Zou Ming was immediately grateful.

Director Xu frowned: "But..."

"Stop it." Director Gao's eyes fell on He Yao and sighed: "Although Miss He's words are really unpleasant, they are not completely unreasonable. Lao Xu, don't forget, there is something wrong within us. Now It hasn’t been resolved yet, so it’s natural for people not to trust us.”

“So, just endure it and calm down for a while.”

Director Xu fell into silence, snorted and turned his head to the side, shut up and stopped talking. After a while, He Yao completed the inspection and found nothing unusual. She looked at the data displayed on the instrument with raised eyebrows, her eyes flashed, then she put the instrument back, turned to everyone and said, "The basic inspection has been completed. , we still need some in-depth data, and the privacy of the second team will be involved next, so please avoid it.”

Zou Ming was stunned and asked: "What do you mean by avoidance..."

“Everyone, go out and turn off all the surveillance equipment here.” He Yao replied calmly.

 “Why, no?”

She looked at Zou Ming with a half-smile, "Afraid of what I might do here?"

Zou Ming waved his hand quickly: "That's not true, it's just... In addition to the surveillance equipment installed by the Special Administration Bureau, there are also some that are controlled by a team alone. We have no control authority."

He Yao narrowed her eyes, then waved her hand gently: "I know, I will handle it myself, you all go out."

Zou Ming nodded and led everyone to leave first.

After they left, He Yao returned to the experimental table, took off the sterile gloves on her hands, and her eyes fell on the corpse. After staring at it for a while, she slowly closed her eyes and gradually released her mental power.

Through the mental power threads, the entire examination room was soon covered by a net woven by her mental power, and everything in the entire space was invisible.

Suddenly, she slowly opened her almond-shaped eyes and raised her lips, "So that's it, P-25 monitor? This team is really generous."

 She tapped her fingers on the edge of the experimental table, thinking deeply about what to do.

If it was destroyed directly, the group of people from the first team might come to claim compensation in the future, but if it was not destroyed, she would feel uncomfortable in her heart.

What should we do?

He Yao's eyes scanned the surroundings, and suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind.

It just so happens that she has developed a new move recently, why not... just practice with a group of those unlucky guys?

A sly smile appeared on her lips, and she could almost predict what would happen to a group of people after they were attacked.

After everything was done, she Shi Shiran clapped her hands, stood next to the corpse again, stretched out a hand and hung it above the deceased's forehead, slowly closed her eyes, concentrated, and slowly released her mental power. .

Her power is illusion, she can create what others think, read what others think, and recall what others think.

To put it simply, she can create dreams, read minds, and read memories. She is not aggressive, but she is the most practical type of auxiliary superpower. Just like now, she can read the deceased's life for a short period of time. internal memory.

 Theoretically, both ordinary people and superpowers have their own spiritual realm, but for the latter, the spiritual realm is more powerful and can condense something as nihilistic as spiritual power into substance.

And a person's spiritual domain will dissipate within seven days after the person's death. This corpse has been dead for no more than three days. The spiritual domain has not completely dissipated, so she can naturally read the memory.

When she checked with instruments and found nothing wrong, she began to suspect that since the murderer was a person with supernatural powers, he most likely used his powers to do something to the deceased.

 And he has only one purpose, and that is to cover up the truth!

 (End of this chapter)

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