She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 500: Finally couldn't bear it anymore?

Chapter 500 Finally couldn’t bear it anymore?

Time went back to the night two days ago. Wang Degang drank the last drop of wine, threw the bottle on the ground, and collapsed on the sofa, staring lazily at the variety show on TV.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang quickly.

 “Who is it?” he shouted with a frown.

No one answered, and the doorbell rang more and more urgently, which was particularly abrupt in the quiet corridor.

Wang Degang reluctantly stood up and walked to the entrance hall with his slippers on. His face was full of reluctance, and his tone was irritable: "Come on, come on, it's a night call!"

Who is the brainless person who comes to see him in the middle of the night?

  Opening the door, before he could see the face of the visitor clearly, he couldn't wait to curse: "You are sick of riding horses - ugh!"

Blood flowed down the dagger that glowed with cold light.

 The last scene in my memory is the blood splattered on the wall, and the man's hand holding the dagger.

He Yao suddenly opened her eyes and frowned fiercely.

what happened?

 Why are there only sporadic memory fragments?

She lowered her head and looked at the corpse, thinking about the last scene she had just seen in her memory, and then her expression became more solemn.

 Without any time to think about it, he turned around and left immediately.

 She is going to find Li Jiu.

This case is more complicated and serious than they imagined.

 “Ms. He, have you found any clues?”

Zou Ming saw He Yao hurriedly coming out of the laboratory and thought she had made progress.

He Yao paused, suppressed the seriousness in her eyes, and said with a smile: "Not yet, I plan to go to the scene and have a look."

 “Do you need me to send someone to go with you?”

"No need." He Yao refused directly: "I don't like people around me when doing things, I can just go by myself."

Zou Ming understood and said, "Okay, if you need anything, just tell me." "Yeah."

 After coming out of the Special Administration Bureau, He Yao immediately asked Li Jiu out. After the two met, she hurriedly said: "Boss, I have made a major discovery!"

Li Jiu handed her a glass of water and said calmly: "Speak slowly, don't be in a hurry."

Running all the way over, He Yao was slightly out of breath, a thin layer of sweat broke out on her forehead, her hair stuck to her face, and she looked a little embarrassed.

 She took the water and took a sip, suppressed her unsteady breath, and then said: "I used my powers to check the deceased's memory of being killed before he was alive. As a result, I only saw sporadic memory fragments."

 The memory of a normal person during his or her lifetime is complete and there will never be any gaps, let alone a situation like that of a deceased person who is so fragmented that it cannot be put back together.

 Just to explain one thing, after someone killed him, they also did something to his spiritual realm.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "You mean, the other party destroyed that person's spiritual realm?"

"Hmm." He Yao nodded and guessed: "And I think the method of destruction is very similar to the mental resonance device."

The mental resonance meter is a proprietary instrument of the association. It is used to deal with unavoidable unexpected events in the mission. For example, when a person with supernatural powers happens to be witnessed by ordinary people when using his powers, the resonance meter will be needed. Disturb their mental realm and delete this memory.

Although the method used by the murderer is similar to the effect of the resonance device, the former is undoubtedly more cruel. After all, destroying the entire spiritual realm is equivalent to directly killing the person's soul.

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes and slammed the tea cup in his hand on the table, making a crisp and muffled sound, "Also, what did you see in his memory fragments?"

He Yao paused, and her tone was slightly different from before: "I also saw...the murderer's forearm has a tattoo of the Cha League."


The tea cup in Li Jiu's hand was crushed to pieces unexpectedly, and all the tea inside spilled on her hand. Her voice was cold: "Are you sure?"

He Yao nodded: "I can't be wrong, it's the Shameng."

The air was silent for a moment.

Suddenly, Li Jiu chuckled: "You have been quiet for so long, and you finally can't help it anymore?"

 (End of this chapter)

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