She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 512: That shouldn’t be an exaggeration, right?

Chapter 512 shouldn’t be an exaggeration, right?

The blond woman was a little reluctant, "Sir, do we have to hide like this?"

Lin Yan glanced at her and said, "Master's order, you just have to carry it out."

His glance contained a warning, as if he had read through her thoughts. The blond woman immediately lowered her head, with a reluctant expression on her face, but she was very unconvinced in her heart.

They are all members of the Cha League, and their strength is also considered outstanding among the Cha League, but they were sent by their master to protect Lin Yan, an ordinary person.

That's all, but this Lin Yan always yells at them arrogantly, with the attitude of a superior. As people with super powers, they have the arrogance of being superior to others, how can they tolerate his instructions? ?

Hei San and the others had already complained a lot in private, and even thought of using some means to punish him, but she stopped him.

After all, it is a task assigned by the master, or if it is not completed well, you will definitely be punished when you go back.

She had experienced the Chameng's punishment once and didn't want to experience it a second time. As long as she endured it for a while, after the mission was over, she no longer had to listen to this person's orders.

The blonde woman's hands hanging by her sides tightened and loosened, and her mind slowly calmed down.

Lin Yan didn't know her emotional changes, but just by looking at her lowering her head, he knew that she definitely wasn't thinking of anything good.

He has always known that this group of people looked down on him because he was just a useless ordinary person without any special powers.

Lin Yan sneered secretly in his heart, what's the point of being proud of, what about people with super powers? After he completes his plan, all superpowers will have to obey him!

A flash of sternness flashed across his eyes, but it was fleeting. He returned to normal in an instant and said, "You guys leave first. Since Hei San is being followed, it won't be safe here."

 Whether it is the Special Administration Bureau or the first or second team, it is not difficult to track a person to this place.

 Everyone looked at each other, nodded, and then left one after another.

After they left, Lin Yanhu raised his lips slightly and took out his mobile phone. The interface on it was still an encrypted dialog box.

  ——[I want two old men from the Li family and the Qi family. -north. ]

 He squinted his eyes and looked at this line of words, not knowing what he thought of, and fell into deep thought. Initially, he was ordered to carry out actions at the auction. Not long ago, he was asked to steal files from the Special Administration Bureau, and then he was ordered to kill people and silence them. Now he is directly arresting people.

At every step, the two wealthy families of the Imperial Capital are vaguely involved. Is it possible that there is some mystery in this that he has not noticed?

Lin Yan carefully recalled all the orders he had given himself, trying to find connections among them, but the useful information was too fragmented and could not be connected anyway.

 He gritted his teeth, but the Chameng still didn't believe him!

He has worked diligently for the Cha League for so many years, but he has received nothing in return. Just because he is not a superpower, everyone looks down on him, and that person just treats him like a servant. It won't let him get in touch with the core key things at all.

  Damn it!

Lin Yan laughed coldly.

 In this case, he will figure it out himself.

After all, he has been working for the Chameng for so many years, so he doesn’t know everything. He knows more or less about some things, but if he wants to go deeper without letting the people of the Chameng notice the abnormality, he can only learn from other aspects. Get started.

for example-

He lowered his eyes and looked at the phone.

 Li family and Qi family.

That person sent a message asking for two old men, so it shouldn’t be too much for him to invite them to tea in advance, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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