She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 513: Ji Yunshu: You want me to check Lu Qingran?

Chapter 513 Ji Yunshu: You want me to check Lu Qingran?

A bolt of lightning pierced the sky, and suddenly, heavy rain poured down.

There were dark clouds outside and the weather was gloomy, but inside the bar there was still lively singing and dancing, and the noise was as usual, without any notice that the weather had changed.

Suddenly, the door of the bar was forced open, and the cold wind and rain blew in, instantly chilling everyone.

A group of fierce men in black swarmed in, holding unknown weapons in their hands.

For a time, the bar was in chaos. The bartender and waiter were so scared that they hid behind the counter and did not dare to show their faces. The customers who were originally crazy were also frightened and ran back and forth one after another.

However, what they didn't expect was that these people didn't move much, but stood quietly at the door, as if waiting for someone.

The next moment, He Yao and Ji Yunshu, both dressed in black trench coats, stepped into the bar with solemn expressions.

He Yao: "Search for me."


 The men in black immediately scattered and searched everywhere.

The entourage behind him put down his umbrella and put it away. Ji Yunshu wiped away the raindrops dripping from the umbrella, frowned and asked He Yao: "This is already the third one. When do you want to find it?"

He Yao glanced at the frightened people with an expressionless face, narrowed her eyes, and said: "We must not let go of any places where people may be hiding. If that person is injured, he will not be able to run far."

Ji Yunshu rubbed his forehead with a headache, "Sister, we have gathered the members of the second team with such a big fanfare. It is already too high-profile. Do you still want to continue?"

As the saying goes, grabbing the dragon can't suppress the local snake. After all, the Imperial Capital is not their territory, and that's it in normal times. This time so many team members gathered at once. If the Special Administrative Bureau and the first team really pursue the investigation seriously, they will definitely not be able to take advantage of it. Walk along.

But He Yao seemed to be energized and couldn't persuade her at all.

“Seventh sister, that person dared to use superpowers on me in public. There must be someone behind him. Otherwise, he is a D-level person and cannot be so courageous.”

She guessed that his accomplices must be nearby to help him, so he attacked her without any scruples.

Ji Yunshu got angry when he mentioned this.

 “You still have the nerve to say it?”

Ji Yunshu looked at her with a look of disdain: "You can keep up with a mere D-level person. I think you have lived a stable life for too long these years, and your skills have been lost to the dog's belly!"

He Yao's face became a little uncomfortable.

"The alley here is too complicated and winding. I didn't pay attention for a moment, so I let him slip away."

"What do you want me to say about you? If you let the boss know, you will be punished!"

This is true. If it were in the past, this kind of low-level mistake would have definitely resulted in being sent to a solitary confinement room for several months.

He Yao trembled and felt a little annoyed, "Seventh sister, please stop scolding me and think of a solution quickly. I have been so aggressive today. If I get nothing, the boss will really kill me." of skin.”

Moreover, the most important point is that it is not easy for the Special Administration Bureau to explain.

After several of them followed Li Jiu to the Imperial Capital, they also transferred some members of the second team here without informing the Special Administration Bureau in advance. In order to catch the man this time, most of their trump cards were revealed. It's going to cause a lot of trouble.

“If I had known earlier, I would have gone to the Special Administration Bureau to file a case, so there is no need to shrink back now.” He Yao muttered softly.

Because they were afraid of the first team, they didn't dare to make too much noise at all. They couldn't use their fists and feet, as if they had their hands tied during a fight, and they were very suffocated.

Ji Yunshu cupped his fists and snorted, "Just be content. If the Special Administration Bureau hadn't been busy taking care of itself right now, I'm afraid we both would have been invited to drink tea."

While they were chatting, a man in black ran over, presented something with both hands, and said: "Two team leaders, we found this."

Ji Yunshu raised his eyebrows, put on the white gloves handed over by his entourage, picked up the thing and looked at it carefully for a while, and then said: "It looks like fragments, come and take a look."

 Speaking, he handed the things to He Yao.

He Yao took it and spread it in her palm, then closed her eyes and activated her powers.

 A few seconds later, she opened her eyes suddenly and said, "Yes, it's them!"

 She turned to Ji Yunshu and said, "That man indeed has an accomplice! And they just left not long ago."

Ji Yunshu pondered for a moment and motioned to the people next to him to bring the bar owner over. The bar owner was like a frightened quail at this time, shaking his body, sweating constantly, and his voice was trembling: "A few... a few, we are all a small business... a small business, what do you want? Just take it! Don’t do it!”



The two looked at each other and shook their heads in amusement.

 Are you treating them as robbers?

However, he is dressed in black, fully armed, and holding weapons. He doesn't look like a good person.

Ji Yunshu was silent and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in you. I just want to ask you a few questions."

 “You ask! You ask!”

 She looked up at the man in black and asked, "Where did you find this thing?"

  “9607 box.”

  She nodded and asked the bar owner, "Who was there just now in 9607?"


 The boss's expression became hesitant, his eyes wandered, and he began to hesitate when speaking.

He Yao frowned and said in a bad tone: "If you don't say anything else, don't blame us for being rude!"

 “No, no, no! I say!”

The boss was immediately frightened and said everything at once: "I, our boss just treated me!"

He Yao narrowed her eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Who is your boss?"

 “No, I don’t know.”

Ji Yunshu and He Yao frowned at the same time.

Seeing that they didn't believe it, the boss immediately explained: "I really don't know. That group of people bought my bar not long ago, and they come to sit there when they have nothing to do. I really don't know what's going on next to them."

Ji Yunshu thought about his words for a while, and then said to He Yao: "Third brother, if it is true as he said, then these people must have something to do with the case you are investigating."

He Yao sneered, "Seventh sister, you are so unsure. These people must be the murderers."

"Huh? Are you so sure?" Ji Yunshu looked at her funny.

“Of course, who else but the murderer would stare at a dead person’s apartment all the time?”

He Yao turned around and ordered: "You divide into one group and follow the surveillance of this bar to check the identity and whereabouts of those people. The other group should immediately disperse and chase after me. If you find any clues, don't make any announcement and notify me immediately. "


 Everyone put their legs together, put their right fists on their chests, and saluted her respectfully.

Seeing that she had transferred everyone away, Ji Yunshu asked, "What about me?"

He Yao paused and thought of something. Her eyes darkened slightly, and there was a hint of complexity in her eyes. She hesitated and said: "Seventh Sister, I have another matter that I need you to help me check."

 Ji Yunshu: "Huh?"

He Yao leaned forward and said a few words in her ear, but she suddenly frowned, her eyes darkened, and said, "You want me to help you check on Lu Qingran?"

He Yao nodded.

Ji Yunshu took a deep breath and asked, "Can I ask the reason?"

“Because I saw him and went to the scene of the crime.”

 (End of this chapter)

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