She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 514: Dr. Ji is really candid

Chapter 514 Dr. Ji is really frank

He Yao continued: "The deceased has nothing to do with him. There is no reason for him to appear at the scene of the crime for no reason at this time. This is too coincidental."

She had a solemn face and cold eyes, "There are only two possibilities. Either he was innocently implicated, or he is an insider in this case. No matter which possibility, it means that his identity is not ours." It’s so simple to imagine.”

 After all, the Lu family alone would never be able to come into contact with the level of superpowers.

Ji Yunshu was shocked after hearing this. He couldn't help lowering his head and thinking, "What you said makes sense. If there is really a problem with his identity, then we have to guard against it."

We are currently in a troubled time, and we must not let go of anyone suspicious.


 “Why did you ask me to help you check?”

He Yao was stunned, "Besides me, you are the only one in the team who is best at collecting intelligence. I have been busy with cases recently and have no time to look around, so I can only ask you."

Ji Yunshu: "That's not what I meant. I mean, if you want to check Lu Qingran, there is no need to look for me. Go look for Ah Shi."


He Yao didn't react, "Huh?"

Ji Yunshu shrugged, and his tone was sour and subtle: "I am now the boyfriend of Lu Qingran and Young Master Lu. The two of them are like glue, so sweet that they stick together all day long, and they are so cruel to dogs that it is outrageous!"

The intriguing expression on her face made He Yao's mouth twitch.

“…Before saying this, could you cover the red mark on your neck?”

You also say that others abuse dogs, but aren’t you the same? !

He Yao thought angrily, why should she bear these critical blows?

 Obviously she is also a man!

Ji Yunshu stiffened, and immediately stood up his collar. The tips of his ears turned red, his eyes became unnatural, and he yelled, "You kid! Why do you pay so much attention at such a young age?"


Who is the culprit among us?

 I am at the theoretical stage now, and you are in the stage of testing the theory through practice!

 You dirty demon king!

Knowing that he was in the wrong, Ji Yunshu coughed and managed to keep his expression as normal as he said: "Um... I'm not really needed here, so I'd better check on Lu Qingran for you."

She glanced at the team members around her again and said, "I leave my people to you. You just need to return them all to me after you use them."

 After saying that, before He Yao could react, he strode away.


He Yao stood there and shook her head, sighing: "What a guilty-minded woman."

 One of the team members was busy with his own business with his head down. When he saw Ji Yunshu suddenly leaving, he couldn't help but asked strangely: "Team leader He, why did she leave?"

He Yao turned around and said with a smile: "Your team leader sold you to me as a coolie."

 Member: “?”

After Ji Yunshu left the bar, he walked around a few streets before stopping. He breathed a long sigh of relief, took off his mask, and kept fanning with both hands, trying to blow away the heat on his face.


He Yao, that **** girl, why do you have to tease her when you have nothing to do?

Recalling the conversation just now, she subconsciously touched her neck. Her fair skin was stained with red marks, which was extremely ambiguous.

 Is it really that obvious?

Ji Yunshu was so embarrassed that he wanted to rush to Li's house and beat up the culprit immediately.

  She had clearly promised not to leave any traces, but she actually believed his lies!

 Sure enough, men don’t have any good things!

 “Doctor Ji?”

Just when she was angrily thinking about how to fix Li Tingzhi, a surprised voice suddenly came from behind her.

She paused for a moment and turned around slowly. Lu Qingran stood not far away and stared at her blankly, his eyes full of doubts and surprise.

"Why are you here?" Lu Qingran frowned. This is a famous black market in Imperial Capital. What is she doing here?

 Ji Yunshu: “…”

Her gaze slowly lengthened, looking past Lu Qingran and landing on the apartment behind him. By chance, she wandered around a few streets and ended up at the crime scene.

She was also convinced by this luck.

Ji Yunshu laughed twice and gave a reason casually: "I came here... to find some medicinal materials."

Lu Qingran raised her eyebrows: "Oh?"

“Ahem, as you know, some medicines are not currently available on the market, so you can only find them here.”

Ji Yunshu Zhuangzuo shrugged indifferently, "Try your luck."

 Coming to the black market to try her luck, I really don’t know whether she is ambitious or bold.

Lu Qingran coughed a few times and said sarcastically: "You are really frank."

Most people come to the black market to look for things, which is mostly not a glorious thing, but she said it without any scruples.

 Originally, he was full of doubts about her motives for appearing here, but now he is really unsure.

Ji Yunshu smiled: "I am looking for medicinal materials to cure diseases and save people. Is there anything I can't say?"

Since getting together with Li Tingzhi, the process of their acquaintance has been spread, so people in their circle know that Ji Yunshu is more than just a psychiatrist, so Lu Qingran was not surprised by her words.

“Dr. Ji is really a kind-hearted doctor, I admire you.”

Hearing this, Ji Yunshu raised his eyebrows and asked: "Come to think of it, Mr. Lu has been studying medicine for many years and returned from studying abroad. Why did he give up and take over the Lu Group instead?"

Lu Qingran was stunned, not expecting that she would suddenly ask such a question.

He is not very close to Ji Yunshu, and he only met her because of Li Tingzhi. They grew up in the same circle. Although they have lost contact over the years, the friendship from the past is still there.

The fact that Li Tingzhi was in love with her was not too public. He also found out about it by chance. He also met Ji Yunshu a few times and they were considered acquaintances.

 So, she suddenly asked him this kind of question without any warning, which really made him stunned for a long time.

After a while, Lu Qingran smiled, relaxed, and said casually: "What else could it be because of? My parents are old and in poor health, and my second brother can't help him up the wall, so he can only rely on me to climb up. "

 The corners of his lips curled up slightly, "Why is Dr. Ji curious about this?"

Ji Yunshu said: "It's nothing. I just heard that Mr. Lu is very skilled in medicine and wanted to discuss it with you. I haven't found a chance yet. It's a pity."

Lu Qingran laughed and said, "What's the matter? I'll find a time some other time and I'll make sure you enjoy it."

Although he gave up becoming a doctor, he did not give up on medicine. Anyone who wanted to learn from him was a dream come true.

Ji Yunshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the topic was finally moved to other places. Fortunately, he did not become suspicious, otherwise the investigation task He Yao gave her would be really difficult to handle.

"Then...if nothing happens, I'll leave first." Ji Yunshu said.

 “Okay, see you later.”

Lu Qingran smiled at her and watched her leave. When Ji Yunshu's back disappeared from sight, the smile in his eyes suddenly dissipated.

Even if you really want to buy medicinal materials, it may not be too coincidental.

 Do you really think he is easy to deceive?

He narrowed his eyes and took out his mobile phone to report to Qi Jingci: "Third brother, no clues were found at the crime scene, but a suspicious person was found."

Ji Yunshu: Look at my acting, it’s super natural

Lu Qingran: My acting was flawless



 (End of this chapter)

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