She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 518: The fight between Weng and his son-in-law brings disaster to Chiyu

Chapter 518 The fight between Weng and his son-in-law brings disaster to Chiyu

Mr. Li was silent, with a complicated look in his eyes. After a long time, he finally seemed to compromise, sighed, and said, "Give me some more time, Xiaojiu."

 After he settles everything, he will give her and Ah Chen an explanation.

Li Jiu's eyes flashed with an indescribable emotion, and he let out a low hum.

Mr. Li suddenly chuckled, dispelling the slightly dull atmosphere, and asked: "Where is your dad?"

 “Chat with A Ci below.”

ˆ “.”

He choked, remembering that Li had been obsessed with Qi Jingci these past few days, complaining and picking on him everywhere, and the bad feeling in his heart suddenly became particularly strong.

The two of them shouldn't be fighting, right?

Mr. Li stood up from the ground.

 “Let’s go! Let’s get down quickly!”

When Mr. Li hurried downstairs, the expected tense situation did not happen.

Li Chen and Qi Jingci sat at both ends of the sofa peacefully, their expressions as usual, nothing strange at all.

 …If you ignore the stiff Li Muye opposite them.

Li Muye put his hands on his knees in a regular manner, not daring to move.

 He wanted to cry but had no tears.

 It's always him who gets hurt because of Mao?

 He will freeze to death from the air-conditioning released by these two people!

 When he saw Mr. Li and Li Jiu, he almost cried with joy.

 “Grandpa, Xiaojiu!”

 At the same time, the two people sitting on the sofa turned their heads at the same time following his voice.

Qi Jingci's eyes flashed, and the low pressure around him suddenly dissipated. The corners of his lips curled up slightly, "Jiujiu, where did you go?"

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked back and forth between him and Li Chen. He was quite surprised and said, "I chatted with grandpa for a while. What are you doing?"

Why is the atmosphere so subtle?

Qi Jingci was about to speak, but Li Chen beat him to it: "It's tea, Xiaojiu, do you want some?"

 Speaking, he raised the tea cup in his hand to her and smiled gently.


Li Jiu smiled and waved his hand.

 “No, I don’t drink tea.”

Mr. Li on the side looked at him and Qi Jingci enjoying tea slowly and took a deep breath.

 The tea he has collected for many years!

 It was so corrupted!

  "Ah Chen." Mr. Li stared at the tea in their hands with a heartbroken look, and struggled to say: "Why did you take out all the tea leaves I treasured?"

The smile on Li Chen's lips froze for a moment, then immediately returned to normal, and he said with a smile: "Dad, I am here to entertain distinguished guests."

 He deliberately accentuated the pronunciation of the word "Ke".

Mr. Li: “…”

He was silent for a moment and looked at Qi Jingci faintly.

Qi Jingci paused. Obviously, the tone of his words was not right.

 He was also wondering why Li Chen was so polite all of a sudden. It turned out that he was waiting here.

He smiled and replied: "Uncle Li is joking. We are all part of the same family sooner or later. How can we say we are guests?"

 “Wherever, everything is not certain.”

 The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Li Muye looked at this scene and suddenly couldn't hold the tea in his hand steadily. He desperately winked at Li Jiu for help.

 Li Jiu: “…”

What on earth is going on with these two people!

 In the end, Mr. Li couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted their stalemate: "Stop talking, let's eat first."

 At the dining table, everyone was seated.

Li Muye thought he could finally breathe a sigh of relief. He looked up and saw Qi Jingci opposite him, and Li Chen... beside him.


 Why is it so difficult for him! Why is he always the one caught between these two people?

 It just so happened that one was his biological father and the other was his soon-to-be brother-in-law, and he couldn't afford to offend either of them.

 Let’s not let people live!

Li Chen looked at Li Jiu who was sitting next to Qi Jingci, and his heart suddenly burst into tears, and he said, "Xiao Jiu, come sit here with me."

Before Li Jiu could respond, Qi Jingci spoke first: "No, Uncle Li, Jiujiu is sitting here, I will help her next to her."

Li Chen's face was not very pretty, "Xiaojiu's hand is not broken, so I don't need you to do everything by yourself, right?"

Qi Jingci smiled, "I'm very happy to be able to help Jiujiu."


Seeing that he looked apathetic, Li Chen narrowed his eyes and stopped paying attention to him. Instead, he said to Li Jiu with a gentle face: "Xiao Jiu, what do you want to eat, can I pick it up for you?"


Qi Jingci also said: "Jiujiu, can I peel a shrimp for you?"


Li Jiu took a deep breath and forced a smile, "No need, I'll do it myself."

 “How about that?”

 “How about that?”

  The two people spoke in unison, and the next moment their eyes met. In an instant, there was lightning and the smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

Li Chen narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Ci, it's hard for Xiaojiu and I to recognize each other. You'd better let me show off and cultivate our relationship."

Not to be outdone, Qi Jingci said: "Uncle Li, feelings cannot be cultivated in a day. Jiujiu is used to being served by me, so she may not be used to others."

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Muye: “…”

Mr. Li: “…”

Can you still eat this meal?

Li Jiu held her head against her head. When did she get used to being served?

 These two are pecking each other like primary school chickens!

Mr. Li couldn't bear it anymore and slapped the table: "Okay, don't argue anymore."

He glanced at Qi Jingci and said, "Xiao Ci, I know you dote on this girl, but you don't have to go too far, and she's not a useless person. Just let her do it on her own."

Knowing that Mr. Li was on his side for the time being, Qi Jingci was extremely obedient and agreed: "Okay grandpa."

Mr. Li nodded happily, looked at Li Chen again, and coughed lightly: "Ah Chen, it is a good thing to cultivate a relationship with Xiaojiu, but you are... too deliberate, and Xiaojiu will feel uncomfortable."

Li Jiu immediately nodded in agreement.

 That's right, she really felt uncomfortable now.

Li Chen frowned, his eyes fell on Li Jiu, his eyes were thoughtful, and after a long while, he said: "Okay then."

After just that, he also discovered that not only his daughter was on Qi Jingci's side, but his own father had already surrendered to the enemy.

 …No, it seems that the old man was the enemy from the beginning.

Thinking about it, he suddenly felt helpless.

 This is not good.

He had to think of a solution to drive the pig out of his vegetable garden.

Li Chen immediately lowered his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Seeing that the two of them finally calmed down, the other three people couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, especially Li Muye, who finally no longer had to suffer from the oppressive low pressure.

Just when he was about to start, Zhou's mother suddenly ran in in a panic and shouted: "The old man is not good! The second lady is here. We stopped her, but she kept making noises outside the door to come in!"

Ever since Li Jiu's identity was announced, the entire Li family regards her as the eldest lady, and the only one who is called the second lady is Li Yun.

Mr. Li frowned: "What is she here for?"

Upon hearing this, Li Chen put down his chopsticks with a cold face, "She still has the nerve to come?"

Zhou’s mother didn’t know how to reply to his words, so she could only ask Mr. Li for help, “Old man, what should I do?”

Mr. Li sighed and waved his hand, "That's all, let her in."

 (End of this chapter)

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