She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 519: He pretends that he never had this granddaughter

Chapter 519 He pretends that he never had such a granddaughter

They had never seen Li Yun since she was taken away at the last cocktail party. Compared with before, her eyes had lost their sparkle, her face was haggard and pale, and except for her bulging belly due to pregnancy, He was reduced to skin and bones.

Mr. Li had already had a premonition, but he couldn't help but be surprised for a moment.


As soon as Li Yun saw him, he couldn't care about anything else. His tears rolled down like beads and he fell to his knees with a plop.

“Grandpa! I beg you! For the sake of blood and family ties, please spare my father!”

During this period of time, her life was worse than death. She was charged with murder and it would be difficult to exonerate her. Not to mention that her reputation had been completely ruined and she had no place in the imperial capital. The only hope was to rescue Li Hong, only in this way can she find a way out.

Mr. Li was not moved by her miserable look, but frowned and asked, "How did you get out?"

" mother bailed me out." Li Yun kept crying.

Mr. Li snorted coldly: "She does love you."

 It’s a pity that it’s doting.

If Li Hong and his wife hadn't repeatedly indulged Li Yun, how could she have developed such an arrogant and arrogant character, and how could she have committed such a heinous crime!

“Grandpa, Grandpa, I was wrong, please forgive me.”

Li Yun begged, "I really realized my mistake! What happened back then was not my fault, I was also forced to do it!"

"You've heard how nasty those people are, right? If I don't call Shan Mingya here as they say, I will be the one who gets killed!"

She burst into tears, trying to wipe away all her sins.

Unexpectedly, when Mr. Li heard this, he became furious. He grabbed the glass at hand and threw it next to her with a crisp sound.


He pointed at her, his voice trembling with anger: "You know they are dirty and shameless, but you still hang out with them. Whatever happens to you is your own fault, why do you want to involve innocent people?" Li Yun's head buzzed, and his whole body Sitting on the ground, his face was ashen, and he murmured in disbelief: "Why, why? I am also your granddaughter, why do you never think about me?!"

She looked at Mr. Li bitterly and slowly stood up from the ground, "You have never seen me since you were a child! Now that you have her -"

Li Yun pointed at Li Jiu, then at himself, and shouted heartbreakingly: "I have become dispensable trash, haven't I?"

 She is just a **** that can be abandoned at any time, right?

Mr. Li's eyes were full of disappointment, "It's not that I haven't thought about it for you, but you have never taken my words seriously."

 He reminded her more than once, but she was still stubborn.

 “You’re talking nonsense!”

Li Yun shouted: "You never find fault with me!"

 It was like this when I was a child, and it will be like this when I grow up.

 In his eyes, there was nothing satisfactory about him.




Mr. Li sighed secretly in his heart, closed his eyes, and stopped arguing with her, "Since you think so, there is nothing I can do. You go, I don't want to see you again."

  If her crimes revealed at the reception had broken his heart, now, he was completely heartbroken about her.

 He just assumed that there had never been such a granddaughter.

Li Yun suddenly panicked, and his attitude immediately softened: "No, no, Grandpa, I'm sorry! I shouldn't yell at you... Please, save dad."

 (End of this chapter)

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