She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 522: It turns out that Young Master Bai is from the same team.

Chapter 522 It turns out that Young Master Bai is a member of the same team

No one knows exactly what Lin Yan said to Li Yun, but from that day on, she seemed to have disappeared from the world, and no news about her was ever heard in the Imperial Capital.

But despite this, Li Jiu did not care about her whereabouts leisurely.

He Yao has been tracking down a suspect suspected of being a member of the Chameng for some time, but there has been no progress. Instead, because she privately summoned the members of the second team, the entire second team received a violation notice from the Special Administration Bureau.

 When she saw the sky-high fine, she almost wanted to crush the whole piece of paper and throw it in the faces of the people in the group.

 They are so embarrassed to ask for a price! Why not grab it?

Ji Yunshu stood aside, observing her face carefully, keeping silent and not daring to speak.

 I knew this would be the result.

 She lamented in her heart.

If she hadn't lost the bet with He Yao, she wouldn't have come to deliver this notice to Li Jiu.

This is an invitation to hell.

 Who in the association doesn't know that the Nine Gods of the Second Team are an iron rooster, or the kind made of stainless steel. They never pluck out a single hair. Once the things in her hands are in her hands, they will never be able to take them back again.

The first team issued a huge fine ticket this time, almost break dancing in Li Jiu's minefield.

   I don’t know whether to live or die.

 “It’s really good!”

Li Jiu gritted his teeth. He was so angry that he could not speak. His fingers holding the edge of the paper tightened and his joints turned white.

Ji Yunshu swallowed his saliva and spoke after careful consideration: "...Boss, I think the first team is retaliating against you for stealing their goods last time."

 A few months ago, a team took on an **** mission. Unexpectedly, they bumped into them on the way, and then... nothing happened.

Since the origin of that batch of goods was not particularly bright, and the purpose was not to harm others but to themselves, they took advantage of the dark moon and high winds to steal the goods as they pleased.

 The first team lost their goods and their reputation plummeted, which led to a lot of criticism for a period of time. From then on, they, who were already at odds with the second team, regarded each other as mortal enemies.

I never expected it. I never expected it.

  It was a moment of fun to grab the goods, but now the fines are imposed on the crematorium.

Ji Yunshu shook his head secretly. If he had known this, he should have concealed his identity when he was grabbing the goods.

 As for whether you regret grabbing a group of goods later.

That is absolutely impossible to regret.

Li Jiu took a deep breath, handed the fine to Ji Yunshu, and said: "Whoever caused the problem will be the one to deal with it. Tell the third child to handle it by herself."


I hope He Yao will not be reduced to prostitution because of this fine.

 Otherwise, even if she was a ghost, she might still kill the people from the Special Administration Bureau.

 “A sneeze!”

Special Administration Bureau, in the director's office, Bai Yuxiu sneezed suddenly and rubbed the tip of his nose. He looked at the air conditioner on the wall in confusion.

 The temperature is not cold.

“Team Leader Bai, are you okay?”

Director Sun immediately asked with concern.

Bai Yuxiu waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, you continue talking."

 In the office, Director Sun and Zou Ming sat opposite him, and two secretaries from the archives stood aside.

 I came to them to discuss recent events inside and outside the Special Administration Bureau. Director Sun said with a smile on his old face: "Okay, then I'll continue."

“As I said just now, before the arrival of Special Assistant Mia, all internal affairs of the Special Administration Bureau were normal, and no doubts or abnormalities were found, so...”

 He and Zou Ming looked at each other and expressed his guess: "We have two suspicions -"

 However, the next second, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Bai Yuxiu.

"Wait." He raised his head, focused his gaze on the two standing people, and asked, "Director Sun, I want to know, are these two secretaries trustworthy?"

 These are extraordinary times, and every member of the Special Administration Bureau is suspected. Even Director Sun and Zou Ming discussed the matter with them only after he eliminated the suspicion.

There is still a risk if these two people are not 100% trustworthy.

Director Sun was stunned for a moment, then introduced him with a smile: "I almost forgot, Team Leader Bai, you rarely come here and don't know the situation in the bureau. Let me introduce it to you. This is Sister Liu, who works in the bureau." For decades, she is the least suspect. This is Xiao Xue. Their entire family basically works for the Special Administration Bureau, and their background is absolutely innocent. "

His expression was so determined that he almost stood up and patted his chest with Bai Yuxiu to make sure.

However, Bai Yuxiu was still worried and frowned: "Sun Bureau, it's not that I don't believe you, but the situation is complicated now and we have to be on guard."

 After all, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, be afraid of anything.

 After he finished speaking, before Director Sun could react, Sister Liu standing by suddenly said, "Team Leader Bai is right."

 As soon as she spoke, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

With more than decades of work experience, she has long been accustomed to this kind of gaze. She cleared her throat and continued: "Although I know that there will be no problems with Xiaoxue and I, there is no guarantee of accidents. What you are discussing is top secret." Yes, it’s not good for us to stay here.”

She smiled and said: "Since Team Leader Bai has already asked us what he wants to ask and understands everything he wants to know, let's go out first."

As she spoke, she winked at Xue Cong, who seemed to have just recovered from a daze and nodded hurriedly.

A look of satisfaction flashed across Bai Yuxiu's eyes. Unexpectedly, this secretary was actually a smart person. He hummed and said, "You guys go out first. If anything happens, I will call you."

Sister Liu nodded, pulled Xue Cong away, and closed the door.

 When her sight was cut off and she could no longer hear the sounds inside, Sister Liu suddenly relaxed her shoulders, freeing her whole body from the tense state.

She breathed a long sigh of relief and moved her neck, "Oh my god, I must have been so nervous inside that I didn't dare to move, but I'm finally out."

She has lived for decades, and this is the first time she has seen such a big leader. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous.

 She pulled Xue Cong and asked: "Xue Cong, how are you?"

 Even a veteran like her is nervous, so Xiao Xue definitely doesn’t need to say more, right?

  Maybe my legs are weak from fear.

 Smile flashed in Sister Liu's eyes, and she turned to look at her, but she was stunned for a moment.

Xue was never as nervous and out of sorts as she imagined. Instead, he was just like he was in the office just now, with his hair down and in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Sister Liu stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers in front of her, smiling and saying, "Why are you so dazed? You've been absent-minded since just now. What's wrong?"

Xue Cong raised his head blankly and said, "Sister Liu, it turns out that Young Master Bai from Imperial Capital is part of the same team."

Sister Liu laughed when she heard this, "I asked you why you are so calmer than me. It turns out that you have been thinking about this all the time and have no time to be nervous."

She pondered for a moment, "I don't know what's going on... Oh, no matter, it's not our turn to guess for people of their level, right? Let's go."

 After saying that, she took Xue Cong's arm and walked out.

Where she didn't see it, Xue Cong glanced vaguely in the direction of the office.

 (End of this chapter)

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