She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 523: Being bitten by a pig

Chapter 523: Being bitten by a pig

After Sister Liu pulled Xue Cong away, Bai Yuxiu calmly looked away and started talking about business: "How is the tracking of the second team?"

Ever since the second team became active in the Black Market Street area, he has been kept under constant surveillance to avoid any unexpected situations.

Director Sun: "There is no problem. During this period, the second team is only tracking the suspect and has not done much."

Hearing this, Zou Ming looked a little angry, "Team Leader Bai, with all due respect, isn't it a good idea to let the people from the second team run so unscrupulously on our territory?"

The Special Administrative Bureau belongs to the first team and represents the face of the first team. The entire association knows that the first team and the second team are not at odds, but they tolerate the members of the second team to act in such a high-profile manner within the jurisdiction. If word spreads, they will definitely be punished. Other regional authorities scoffed.

 Where will they put their face when the time comes?

Compared to his indignation, Director Sun's reaction was much calmer, and he said slowly: "Xiao Zou, don't be so radical in your thinking. From the current point of view, the purpose of the second team and ours is the same. On this point, I believe Team Bai will The chief also knows.”

Bai Yuxiu nodded.

"What's more, they were personally entrusted by Special Assistant Mia. What's wrong? If our bureau hadn't failed to live up to expectations, we wouldn't have even handed over a murder case to others."

 At this point, Director Sun sighed heavily.

“The most urgent task is to find the insider in the game. Don’t think so much about other things.”

Zou Ming curled his lips and hummed reluctantly.

At this time, Bai Yuxiu suddenly said: "However, despite this, all the recent actions of the second team are serious violations, and the punishment will not be less. I have handed over the processing notice to them."

It is true that you cannot break up with the Second Team on the surface, but you can still make trouble in private.

Who gave the other party an advantage this time?

 Director Sun: “…”

Zou Ming gave a thumbs up. He is worthy of being under Q God's hand, and he is excellent at what he does.

With this move, he could even imagine the faces of the second team.

“What?!” Bai Muyou almost spat out a mouthful of water outside the crew venue. The corners of her mouth twitched. She held the phone to her ear while picking up the blanket that had fallen off and covering her body again.

"A fine? That's not enough, right? Take the bamboo shoots!"

On the other side of the phone, He Yao felt so sick that she complained all her bitterness: "Isn't that right? Did that wicked guy give us a fine? Are you crazy about money?"

He Yao immediately rolled her eyes and became angrier as she spoke.

It’s already frustrating that we haven’t been able to catch any suspects recently, and we’re always being led around by them. Who would have thought that these pig teammates from the Special Administration Bureau would actually be holding us back!

“I’m convinced, I’m really convinced, mdzz! Before they impose a fine, can they think about the purpose of our violation?”

Isn’t it to help their group of useless snacks who eat for free to investigate the case?

Now is a good time. I fed the pig with good intentions, but the pig bit me back. Do you really think she is a cabbage and easy to bully?

Bai Muyou tried his best to hold back his laughter, trying not to let her hear his gloating, and asked: "Then what? Didn't the boss say anything?"

 Speaking of this, He Yao's bitter face suddenly grew longer, "The boss said, let me solve the trouble I caused by myself."

Bai Muyou suppressed his smile in great pain, and managed to squeeze out a few words from between his teeth: "...It's pretty good."

"What's so good? How can I have money? Even if I sell it, I can't even pay the fine!"

He Yao held the fine, so strong that she almost crushed the paper, and squinted at the handler's signature on it.

“This idiot’s surname is Bai? Sixth sister, my surname is the same as yours.”

Bai Muyou immediately said: "Can you please don't insult the surname Bai? Our Bai family does not have such stupidity."

 (End of this chapter)

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