She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 524: Come to apologize

Chapter 524: Come to plead guilty


He Yao cursed a few more words to vent her anger.

 “Who am I working so hard for? In the end, they cheated me, I’m really **** off!”

She stood there, her whole body condensed to the extreme, shrouded in gloom, and the men next to her did not dare to get too close to her.

Bai Muyou changed his posture, just to watch the excitement, "So, what are your plans now?"

 “Oh, let the labor and management pay the fine. They are so beautiful. Do you really think that the second team is vegetarian?”

 She will never pay this fine no matter what!

 Bai Muyou gave her a thumbs up, "I'm optimistic about you."

Not far away, a staff member called her from the air, "Sister Bai, everything is ready, you can start."

Bai Muyou responded and whispered to He Yao on the phone: "No more chatting, it's my part."

She paused and finally reminded: "The Chameng has always been very cunning. You are the only one to investigate this time. Be careful and notify us immediately if you find anything wrong. Do you understand?"

 “I got it, go ahead, big star.”

He Yao rolled her eyes helplessly when she heard her nagging as usual.

Because she is the youngest, everyone in the team treats her like a child. It was okay in the past, but now she has taken over countless tasks, why is she still nagging like an old mother?

 “You really treat me like a child.”

He Yao muttered in a low voice and hung up the phone. Unexpectedly, this sentence happened to fall in Bai Muyou's ears. Hearing this, she shook her head in amusement, looked at the call that had been hung up, and smiled softly: "No Just a kid."

 After saying that, she couldn't help but feel that time waits for no one. In the blink of an eye, the child who had to be taken care of by the whole team in turn was almost an adult.

It’s really fast.

Before she could think too much, the director and assistant director saw that she hadn't gone over yet, so they sent someone over to rush her.

“Sister Bai, the director calls you over.”

Bai Muyou lifted the blanket and stood up, smiling at him: "I'll go over now, thank you."

The staff member was just a field worker. He usually carried things and poured water for people on the set. His presence was very low. He didn't expect Bai Muyou to say thank you to him. He lowered his head shyly and stuttered back. : "No, you're welcome."

Bai Muyou smiled at him, then turned to find the director.

“Uncle Fu, are you looking for me?”

The director of this drama has some relationship with her. To be precise, he has a relationship with the Bai family. Since the Bai family left, although he has not had much contact with their siblings, he has called them from time to time to care about them. , after she entered the entertainment industry, he took care of her in every possible way and helped her everywhere.

Therefore, although Bai Muyou has always been famous for being indulgent and willful in the circle, she has always behaved very well-behaved here in Fu Hua.

 Fu Hua and the assistant director were looking at her last shot. When they saw her coming over, they commented: "Mu You, your performance has been good recently, and your acting skills are becoming more and more contagious."

 As an actor, the characters he performs must not only be real, but also contagious and able to capture the hearts of the audience at critical moments.

 Bai Muyou is talented, his acting skills are very flexible, and his control of the characters is very good, but he always seems to have shortcomings.

 Until recently, her acting skills could finally be praised by him as perfect.

Fu Hua looked at Bai Muyou with a smile and asked, "Have you secretly hired a teacher recently? Otherwise, how could you have made such rapid progress?"

 For an actor, appeal in acting is essential. In the past, he always felt that although Bai Muyou's performance was perfect, it always had shortcomings.

Now, he finally had the urge to praise his perfection.

Bai Muyou smiled slightly: "Everywhere, Uncle Fu's guidance is good."

Her humble attitude made Fu Hua laugh loudly, feeling that he had not made a mistake. “Hahahaha, you little girl has a pretty sweet mouth.”

 The entertainment industry is now a mixed bag, and the gold content in the industry is not as good as it used to be. Actors with strength, talent and hard work like her are almost rare.

According to Bai Muyou's current strength and background, as long as she keeps her head on straight and keeps going like this, and with Bai Yuxiu's support behind her, her future will be limitless.

Suddenly, he remembered something, thought about it for a moment, and asked, "Mu You, I have an old friend who is recording a variety show recently, and there happens to be a lack of guest. How about you try it?"

 Bai Muyou currently has very few roles left. If she can appear on a variety show to increase her popularity after finishing filming, it will not only increase her own fans, but it will also be beneficial to the promotion of this drama.

“Don’t worry, my friend’s status is not low and he won’t take advantage of you or take advantage of your popularity.”

This is the most taboo point in the industry, and Fu Hua naturally knows this.

Bai Muyou raised her lips: "What did you say? Even if your friend just drags me to show off my fans, I won't be angry."

 “You kid, why are you so sweet-mouthed?”

At this time, outside the set, a well-enclosed nanny car parked quietly on the roadside.

In the car, Ning Feng's manager looked broken down and was about to cry. He watched the man in front of him take off his clothes quickly, put on an inconspicuous black clothes and pants, and finally put a peaked cap on his head. Ning Feng, who had covered his pretty face tightly, asked with trembling lips: "Brother, brother! What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

In broad daylight, the popular actress Bai Muyou came to the filming crew to guard her. She put on clothes that didn't look like she was going to do something good. Is it because she thought his blood pressure was not low enough? !

If this is photographed by the paparazzi, they will have no chance of living!

Ning Feng ignored his expression and breathed a long sigh of relief calmly, as if he had made some preparations, and said, "You stay here, I will be back soon."


 His heart suddenly trembled even more.

He begged, "Brother Ning, I beg you, can you take your identity into consideration? If this is photographed, it must be a real scandal."

 Both of them are popular top traffic figures. If this was exposed, it would definitely kill half their lives.

 “Be careful and you won’t be photographed.”

Ning Feng smiled and was not worried at all, "Besides, even if it is photographed, no one would dare to expose it."

With the degree of sister-control that the eldest son of the Bai family has, he will never let any scandal that is unfavorable to his sister leak out.

Thinking of this, Ning Feng's expression felt a little bad.

After all, she is obviously his sister, but she is taking advantage of others in vain.

It’s really annoying.

 “Anyway, just wait for me here.”

After saying the last sentence, Ning Feng quickly got out of the car, pressed the brim of his hat, and walked to the underground parking lot of the production crew.

It's not long before Bai Muyou returns to the hotel after filming. He is waiting in the parking lot and will definitely wait for her.

 He went to such great lengths to wait for Bai Muyou here at the risk of being photographed. In fact, he was asking for forgiveness.

Ning Feng leaned against the wall, his whole body hidden in the dark, and couldn't help but sigh quietly.

I hope that after such a long time, my sister's anger can subside a little.

 (End of this chapter)

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