She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 529: It's better to dismantle it

Chapter 529 Let’s tear it down

Qi Jingci looked at her gently with a smile on his face, expecting her to show a happy expression.

Unexpectedly, Li Jiu was unusual. She twitched her lips and said, "I don't like it."


  She had never liked jewellery, they were useless but cumbersome.

Qi Jingci’s smile froze.

 Well, he is naive, Li Jiu cannot be like ordinary girls.

 He said helplessly: "Jiujiu, take it."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Reason."


  Giving a gift to a boyfriend and girlfriend, do you still need a reason?

Qi Jingci held his forehead with a headache, "Just think of it as...I compensate you for your engagement gift."

"Need not."

Li Jiu refused simply.

 She doesn’t want something like this that only little girls like.

“…Jiujiu, do you not love me anymore?”

Qi Jingci felt aggrieved and used the moves he had learned from countless confrontations with Li Chen these days.

 The macho man acts coquettishly.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 She now wanted to slap his face against the car glass.

"Jiujiu...I customized this specially for you. It is the only one in the world."

As he spoke, he pushed the necklace in front of her again, as if she wouldn't give up until she took it away.

Li Jiu was really convinced by him.

 “Okay, okay, I’ll close it.”

She glared at him fiercely, and then took the box from his hand reluctantly.

Upon hearing this, Qi Jingci immediately raised the corners of his lips and said, "Let me put it on for you."

He reached out and took out the necklace, gently pushed Li Jiu's hair to one side, and put the necklace on her from behind.

 Due to his movements, Li Jiu was wrapped in his arms, and a familiar and reassuring breath lingered on the tip of his nose.

Li Jiu moved for a moment, and a look of helplessness flashed across his eyes.

 Forget it, whatever.

  Anyway, after meeting him, my bottom line was almost gone. After putting on the necklace, Qi Jingci stepped away slightly, looked her up and down, and then sighed: "It's so beautiful."

Her skin is eye-catchingly white, and the necklace is placed on her delicate collarbone, which is very beautiful and makes people even more stunning.

Li Jiu twitched the corners of his lips and looked at him with a smile on his face, "You are the only one who believes in you."

 The traces of the performance were so heavy that even she couldn't stand it.

“What I said is true, Jiujiu, you look really good with it.”

Li Jiu didn’t really want to talk.

“You are not allowed to take it off secretly behind my back.”

 Based on what he knew about her, it was very likely that she would do this.

Li Jiu’s expression was imperceptibly stiff for a moment.

 She really wanted to take it off as soon as she got back.

Qi Jingci: "Jiujiu, you are not allowed to pick this. If you pick it, you don't care about me. I will be angry."

 He had a straight face and made a bluffing expression.

Li Jiu rolled his eyes and said lightly: "I understand."

 Then she opened the door, got out of the car, and returned to Li's house.

Behind her, Qi Jingci was sitting in the car, looking at her back with a smile on her face, her eyes full of affection.

 There was something he didn't tell her.

In that necklace, he asked someone to install a micro-positioning device newly developed by the association.

  Even if it is disturbed by mental power, it can still be accurately positioned.

 In the recent imperial capital, there are more and more miscellaneous fish in the Cha League, and they are all ready to make trouble, and the Li and Qi families are involved in it and cannot escape.

Although he knew that Li Jiu was very capable, people with superpowers were very dangerous to ordinary people, especially Chameng.

 For her safety, this was the best way he could think of.

 In addition, the necklace also has a self-defense device that can protect her in time when she encounters danger.

If Li Jiu encounters something unexpected in the future, this self-defense device can give him some peace of mind.

However, what he didn't expect was that Li Jiu didn't listen to him at all. The first thing he did was to take off the necklace and play with it carefully in his hand.

She squinted at the necklace in her hand, clicked her tongue twice, and looked disgusted.

 It doesn’t look very beautiful. I really don’t understand his aesthetic point of view.

 Otherwise, it’s better to demolish it.

 (End of this chapter)

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