Chapter 530

While she was struggling with what to do with the necklace, she suddenly noticed something was wrong. She looked up and saw that the light in the living room was on. Mr. Li was sitting on the sofa, sipping tea slowly.

She was stunned for a moment. He was clearly not there when she left.

 Why are you sitting alone in the living room drinking tea at this time?

“Grandpa, why aren’t you sleeping yet?”

Mr. Li sighed and said leisurely: "Someone abducted my granddaughter in the middle of the night. I have to keep an eye here to prevent her from being sold."

 Li Jiu: “…Grandpa.”

 Why are you still teasing her?

Mr. Li hummed a few times, put down the tea cup in his hand, glanced at her sideways, and said, "I'm old. Even the slightest movement makes me unable to sleep. Come down and sit down for a while."

He pushed up the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, his eyes slowly fell on the necklace in her hand, and he smiled meaningfully: "A gift from A Ci?"

Li Jiu coughed lightly and silently put the hand holding the necklace behind his back.


  She didn’t know why, but she felt embarrassed for the first time when the old man saw her on the spot.

Mr. Li’s smile deepened.

 Young people just know how to play.

 I ran out in the middle of the night just to give him a necklace.

 Tsk tsk tsk.

 He smiled and said: "Thankfully your dad went to bed early, otherwise he would have been in trouble again."

 Calling Li Jiu out in the middle of the night, his good son must have thought that Qi Jingci had bad intentions.


Li Jiu’s mouth twitched, not knowing how to reply to this.

Mr. Li couldn't help but frown when he saw that she was only wearing thin pajamas: "Why did you run out with so little on?"

"It's okay, just for a while." "Not even for a while. You young people just don't know how to take care of your body. Go back to sleep."

Mr. Li waved his hand and asked her to go upstairs quickly.

Li Jiu curled her lips and said oh. However, the moment she turned around, she suddenly saw an invitation in front of Mr. Li from the corner of her eye.

Her eyes flashed and she couldn't help but ask: "Grandpa, are you going out soon?"

Seeing her staring at the invitation, Mr. Li smiled and said, "Well, what about a birthday party for an old acquaintance? Do you want to go together?"

Li Jiu immediately shook her head. She was not interested in such boring occasions.

 She was only worried about one thing.

“It’s not peaceful in the capital recently. Grandpa, please be careful when you go out.”

Mr. Li smiled nonchalantly and said, "Don't worry, even if someone wants to do something evil, they can't do it in broad daylight in front of so many people."

“Furthermore, because of the recent minor turmoil, you are too timid to go out. What do you mean?”

Li Jiu was speechless by his words and sighed: "Okay, be careful yourself, or ask dad and brothers to accompany you."

Mr. Li chuckled lightly: "I know, why do you, a girl, worry more than an old man like me?"

Li Jiu looked at him helplessly: "Grandpa..."

 Why is she so worried? Doesn’t he know the reason?

As if he understood the meaning of her words, Mr. Li immediately gave her a dose of reassurance: "Lao Qi will also go there, so you should rest assured."

The protagonists of this birthday banquet are his old acquaintances with Mr. Qi, and they have known each other for decades.

Most of them are as slim as dirt, and they rarely see each other. This time, the other party specially sent the invitation to the door in advance. For this reason, he had to go.

Li Jiu thought for a moment and nodded.

If Grandpa Qi goes, Qi Sijin will definitely go too for his safety. Plus He Yao, she feels more at ease.

However, what Li Jiu didn't expect was that her decision this time would make her regret it very soon.

 (End of this chapter)

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