She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 535: Gave a little surprise

 Chapter 535 gave me a little surprise

Things about the five major families have long been lost in time. Even if it is mentioned again today, it is just a secret to people who are not related to it.

 The reason is only known to them.

Mr. Yun suddenly laughed with a sad expression: "If you hadn't changed your mind midway, how could the five major families fall apart? How could my Yun family end up like this?"

“In recent years, you Li and Qi families have been in the spotlight, how could you ever care about us?!”

Having lost the status symbol of the five major families, the Yun family is no longer as prosperous as before. It has fallen hard from its previous high position. Who can understand the gap?

In recent years, even some newly emerging wealthy families have dared to clamor against the Yun family. This is simply a humiliation to them!

How could he not hate it!

Mr. Li sighed: "But even if we really followed the Cha League's plan back then, the result would still be the same."

 They made that decision to save more people.

"no the same!"

Mr. Yun shouted with dizzy eyes: "At least this will not be the result for the Yun family!"

If the two of them had not joined forces to betray the Shameng, he would not have been implicated, and the Yun family would not have been given up by the Shameng to suppress them. They could only retreat to the Imperial Capital to take a breather, and because of this, the strength of the Yun family was not as good as before, and would never be able to do so again. Can't compete with other families.

Mr. Li couldn't bear it. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he was stopped by Mr. Qi. He looked at Mr. Yun deeply and said, "We don't regret the decision we made back then."

He slowly moved his gaze to Lin Yan, a cold look flashed in his eyes, and said with meaning: "If the Shameng does too much injustice, they will die."

  He bites the last few words very hard.

However, Lin Yan was not angry, and looked indifferent, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Mr. Qi’s eyes flashed slightly, and there was a hint of suspicion on his face.

"In this case, don't blame me for being cruel. Lao Qi, Lao Li, those who understand the current affairs are heroes. The Cha League must be fully prepared for its comeback. Do you really believe that today's association can still compete with the Cha League? Fight?"

As soon as he said these words, Qi Sijin frowned even more tightly on his side, and there was even a trickle of sweat on his forehead. Although Lin Yan's attention was not on his side, he still did not dare to let down his guard and held on tightly. Qi Mowei's hand was afraid of losing her.

The development of things has completely exceeded his expectation.

 He ​​analyzed from their conversation just now that the two old men may have been deeply involved with the Cha League, and may even have joined the Cha League.

 Damn it!

Qi Sijin secretly spat in his heart.

Why is there no record of such an important matter in either the Special Administration Bureau or the association's intelligence library? Is it because the old man concealed it too well, or...

Qi Sijin narrowed his eyes and his eyes became sharp.

 Has someone erased this history for them?

  "Pa-pa--"    Suddenly, Lin Yan clapped his hands twice, which immediately attracted his attention. He looked at Mr. Yun with a smile: "What Mr. Yun said is what I want to say."

His eyes moved to the two old men again: "Two of you, you are considered to be the elders of the Alliance. You can't be so short-sighted, and you are optimistic about the association, right?"

 “Oh, I almost forgot.”

Lin Yan raised his forehead and smiled helplessly, "Speaking of which, the association was born out of the Cha League. It is the so-called 'only' existence that you think can compete with us, so naturally you are optimistic about it."


 The association was born out of the alliance?

 The amount of information in this sentence is really incredible.

Qi Sijin was stunned, and the hand holding Qi Mowei's wrist loosened a little.

“Ajin?” Qi Mowei cast worried eyes at him and asked, “Are you okay?”

  She could feel that something was not right about his current state.

Qi Sijin touched the roof of her mouth with the tip of her tongue, desperately resisting the urge in her heart to rush forward at all costs, "'s okay."

Lin Yan had no time to pay attention to his side, and naturally he would not notice anything unusual about him, and was still minding his own business: "But today's association...heh, to be honest, if it weren't for the two supervisory teams and the Silver Moon Guards of the Council, The Chameng won’t take it seriously at all.”

The Supervisory Team, from the Council to ordinary superpowers, are all within their jurisdiction. Even the Special Administration Bureaus set up around the world are actually under the command of the two Supervisory Teams.

The Silver Moon Guards are a specialized protective force of the Council. They are responsible for the safety and security of all directors on the surface, but in fact they are a sharp knife used by the Council to check and balance the Supervision Team.

 In today's association, the first supervisory team, the second team and the **** team form a tripartite situation, maintaining a strange dynamic balance.

However, despite the good calculations of the people in the council, due to the special relationship between Q God and Jiu God and the president, the power of the Supervision Team has been infinitely magnified. To be honest, if the first team and the second team had not always been at odds, the council would have If they keep getting in the way, the Silver Moon Guards may have been defeated long ago.

But even if the three parties are in a stalemate, it does not prevent them from having a common goal, which is to maintain the security of the association.

 Hence, with these three parties present, the Chameng must think carefully if it wants to activate the association.

 This was also the most disturbing point for him.

Lin Yan clicked his tongue in displeasure.

 The feeling of wanting to kill the association but having so many worries is not a good feeling.

Mr. Li snorted coldly, "Since you understand the current situation, you must not be fearless about the association. Aren't you afraid of being discovered by the Special Administration Bureau?"

Hearing this, Lin Yan laughed softly: "I don't need you to worry about it anymore."

He said: "Before coming, I specially sent a little surprise for everyone in the Special Administrative Bureau. I hope... they will like it."

 (End of this chapter)

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