She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 536: Emergencies

Chapter 536 Emergency

Three hours ago, after Bai Muyou finished recording the program, she was waiting for the bus outside the TV station building. Sister He and her assistant followed her to hold things for her. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a black van suddenly appear not far away. Speeding towards them.

 Bai Muyou thought it was just a passing car and did not become suspicious. He stood aside and lowered his head to look at his phone.

 From morning to now, Bai Yuxiu has not sent her a single message.

Just when she was thinking about whether to make a call, something unexpected happened—

The van approached them and suddenly slowed down. The side door was pushed open, and several men jumped out. They all covered their faces with masks, their eyes were fierce, and they rushed towards them with agility.

Bai Muyou's heart tightened, and he reflexively stretched out his hand in front of the two of them, trying to pull her behind him. Unexpectedly, the person moved faster. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed the assistant's backpack and vigorously pushed her to the car. Pull up.

 “What are you doing! Help!”

The assistant was frightened by this sudden accident and tried his best to argue with the group of people. However, the disparity in power was so great that it was useless.

Sister He had never seen such a scene before. She screamed and froze in place, not daring to move.

Seeing that the assistant was about to be dragged away, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side. Bai Muyou grabbed the person's wrist with a cold gaze, and broke it hard. The sound of broken bones was heard, and the person cried out in pain. With a sound, he let go of his hand.

 The assistant had a moment of respite and had no time to think about anything else. He immediately shouted: "Here comes someone! Kidnapped!"

The security guard of the building heard the sound and rushed out immediately.

There were only three or four people coming. If the security guards arrived, they would have no power to resist.

Those people obviously knew this, and immediately released their grip on the assistant, and without anyone expecting it, they rushed towards Bai Muyou at the same time.

 “Sister Bai!”


Sister He and her assistant panicked and rushed to stop them, but it was too late. Bai Muyou didn't expect that these people were targeting her, and their movements were slow for a moment. At this moment, they had already dragged her into the car.

Sister He and her assistant didn't know where they got the courage at this moment. Before the security arrived, one of them blocked the car door desperately, and the other rushed to **** Bai Muyou back.

The men saw that the security guards were already running toward them, and they didn't have time to think too much. They simply dragged the two of them into the car, closed the car door, and quickly left the scene.

In broad daylight, the kidnapping of a popular star on the street took place in front of a TV station. Within a few moments, this vicious and unexpected kidnapping case swept the hot searches and attracted the attention of the whole country.

The office of the Director of the Special Administrative Bureau was pushed open suddenly, and Lu Qingran rushed in quickly, with a solemn expression and a cold breath.

 “Lao Bai, no, something happened!”

 “Mu You was kidnapped!”

Bai Yuxiu's pupils shrank sharply, his expression suddenly changed, he stood up quickly, and the swivel chair behind him was overturned to the ground.

Director Sun and Zou Ming were still sitting in the office. They were discussing the recent security issues in the Imperial Capital, but they suddenly heard this shocking news.

They didn't even have time to respond to why the eldest son of the Lu family suddenly barged in and what his identity was. They saw Bai Yuxiu's aura change, and the entire office was suffocated by his terrifying aura. .

Bai Yuxiu looked horrified, as if he wanted to eat someone, "Speak clearly!"

When Lu Qingran learned the news, they were in a meeting and couldn't reach each other on the phone. He was out of breath all the way here, but the matter was urgent, so he could only endure the discomfort and said: "Mu You finished recording the show. I was held hostage by a group of people at the entrance of the TV station building. I have called the police and notified my third brother. "

"Oh shit!"

Bai Yuxiu kicked over a chair next to him, his eyes were violent and gloomy, and he said to everyone: "The meeting is suspended. Everyone, check it out immediately!"

 He wanted to see who was seeking death and dared to touch even his sister!


Bureau Sun and Zou Ming stood up quickly, with the same gloomy expressions. The occurrence of such a vicious case in their jurisdiction was simply a provocation to the Special Administration Bureau!

  Give the order and everyone will take action immediately.

Bai Yuxiu picked up his coat and rushed out. Lu Qingran hurriedly followed behind, "Old Bai, where are you going?"

 “Calm down!”

 “Lao Bai? Lao Bai!”

 In the van, several people were knocked unconscious, **** and thrown into the small back seat.

In the darkness, Bai Muyou slowly opened her eyes and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Ordinary intoxicating drugs are only half as effective for people with superpowers and will disappear soon. Therefore, even though she accidentally fell into the trap, now It's no longer a serious problem.

 She observed her surroundings vigilantly, and could feel that she was moving at the moment, and she should still be in the car.

Although I don’t know why this group of people targeted her, one thing is obvious. Since this group of people dared to attack in public, they must have a strong background behind it.

Bai Muyou listened carefully to the movement. The people in front were still chatting and had no time to pay attention to her side. Only then did she carefully check the conditions of Sister He and her assistant. Both of them were just knocked out. The scratches on their arms and body were not serious and their lives were not in danger.

She was a little relieved and listened to the conversation of those people with bated breath.

“Hurry up and drive quickly. How long will it take to get there?”

 “What’s the rush? It’s almost over.”

"How can we not be in a hurry? If those cops catch up, all the plans will be ruined."


Bai Muyou frowned, his eyes flashed slightly, and he continued to listen.

 “Don’t worry, there is. No one can catch up.”

As he was speaking, Bai Muyou felt the car suddenly shake, causing her to not hear clearly what the man said.

By the time I wanted to listen again, the car had stopped.

They opened the door and got out of the car and walked towards the back seat. She immediately closed her eyes and pretended to be dizzy.

Several people opened the back seat door, picked up the three of them, turned around and walked into the abandoned factory in front, found a dilapidated small warehouse, threw the people on the ground, and then locked the door.

When their footsteps went away, Bai Muyou suddenly opened his eyes, broke the rope in his hand, stood up and looked around.

 Everywhere is empty, and there is a musty smell floating in the air.

This place has been abandoned for a long time.

 She moved her tied wrists, helped Sister He and her assistant aside, and untied the ropes for them.

 At present, it seems that they will not wake up for a while.

 In this case

Bai Muyou narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around and came to the locked door. A flash of frost-blue light flashed under his eyes, and then there was a click, and the lock hanging on it was cut easily.

She opened the door and used her mental energy to sense the surroundings. Those people had not gone far, presumably to monitor them more easily.

Logically speaking, if it is an ordinary kidnapping, hostages are usually used for blackmail.

 And it is too unusual for them to tie people up and leave them alone like this.

 Bai Muyou pondered for a moment, raised her wrist, and swiped her fingertips on her left wrist. There was a flash of light, and the next second, a black bracelet appeared on her wrist.

This is the suppression bracelet that Ning Feng put on her before, which can prevent her mental power from losing control due to emotional excitement.

However, it does much more than that.

There is a type of people with superpowers who have space powers. They can use the power of space to open up or distort space. The bracelet on her hand has been empowered and transformed by space superpowers and can accommodate physical objects. storage ring.

 It actually sounds like the storage ring in fantasy novels, and it is actually true.

 With this storage ring, people with special abilities don’t have to worry about being controlled by local departments when carrying “special” items when going on missions.

 Because missions come to your door from time to time, some necessary equipment is always stored inside.

“Although I may be nervous, it’s more pragmatic to test it.”

 Bai Muyou was talking to himself as he took out the mental power detector from the storage ring and scanned a three-kilometer radius around her.


 The instrument issues a warning.

She narrowed her eyes dangerously and looked at the data displayed on the instrument.

“Sure enough, those few are really superpowers.”

 “Tsk, trouble.”

If it is a person with superpowers, then the nature of this matter will be redefined.

 (End of this chapter)

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