She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 537: Quick win

Chapter 537 A quick victory

Bai Muyou sneered coldly and looked up at the sky.

 It’s gray and it looks like it’s going to rain.

It’s been such an eventful year, one thing after another, making people upset.

 She touched her pocket. She had lost her cell phone when she was arguing with those people just now, so she could not contact other people.

"Oh shit!"

She cursed angrily, but did not dare to speak too loudly for fear of disturbing those people.

Although she has detected that the strength of those people is nothing to be afraid of, what she is afraid of is the people behind them.

It is a serious crime for a person with superpowers to kidnap ordinary people. What’s more, she is also a public figure, and the impact is even worse.

If arrested, their fate will definitely not be easy.

 What could make them risk everything to kidnap her could only be more attractive benefits.

Bai Muyou sighed. To be honest, she really didn't want to be involved in these bad things. She just wanted to live a peaceful life with Bai Yuxiu.

 But now it seems that it is impossible.

Bai Yuxiu must have learned the news of her kidnapping at this time, and I don't know how he will react now.

 She will definitely go crazy.

 Bai Yuxiu was indeed going crazy at this time.

He stood in the monitoring room of the TV station and had people play the surveillance footage of the incident over and over again. His eyes were scarlet and his face was extremely scary. No one dared to get close to him.

Lu Qingran and the people from the Special Administration Bureau were also helping. Seeing him like this, they couldn't help but said, "Old Bai, please don't."

He wanted to tell you not to be like this, but on the other hand, if this happened to him, he might go even crazier.

Tangled for a while, he scratched his hair irritably. Was it Male Gobi who **** Mu You with that bastard?

 Be sure not to let them find out, otherwise they will reap the consequences!

Just when the atmosphere in the monitoring room was extremely depressing, Qi Jingci pushed the door open with Jing Yi and Jing Er. They were enveloped in the chill outside, and the indoor temperature suddenly dropped several degrees.

As soon as Lu Qingran saw him, his eyes lit up with joy, "Third brother!"

Qi Jingci hummed, looked at Bai Yuxiu, and asked, "How is the situation?"

 Lu Qingran: “The license plate has been found, and now the police are tracing the identity of the kidnapper.”

He looked at Bai Yuxiu again and said, "Old Bai, he has been like this ever since I heard about him, and I won't listen to my advice."

 Concern leads to confusion. He has seen many more difficult cases than this one, but he has never been so panicked.

If this kind of thing doesn't happen to you, I'm afraid it would be difficult to understand it.

Bai Yuxiu watched the surveillance camera three times and found nothing unusual. He looked at the scene in the video of Bai Muyou being dragged into the car. He was so angry that he punched the monitor. In an instant, the surveillance room fell into darkness. The monitoring screen and all equipment are powered off.

"what happened?"

 “Is there a power outage?”

“Hurry! Use the backup power supply quickly. How can the power be cut off at such a critical moment?”

Qi Jingci's eyes darkened slightly, he stepped forward and put his arm around Bai Yuxiu's shoulders, saying in a deep voice: "Yuxiu, calm down."

 The emotions of a person with superpowers are extremely out of control, which can lead to the leakage of mental power.

 He is now at a loss and out of control.

Lu Qingran also said: "That's right, Lao Bai, think about it, has Mu You ever offended anyone?" Bai Yuxiu tried his best to suppress his anger and said: "How can she offend anyone with her temperament? It’s from the circle, how can those people dare to do such a thing in public?”

Although there are a few powerful people in the entertainment industry, they would not dare to kidnap people in broad daylight if they were given a few courages. This is a complete provocation to the police, and they would only do it if they were desperate for their lives.

 Who is it? !

 As he spoke, the backup power supply had been replaced and the equipment in the monitoring room resumed operation.

Bai Yuxiu closed his eyes and planned to watch the surveillance again.

Suddenly, Lu Qingran called out: "Lao Bai, the police are here with news."

Bai Yuxiu suddenly raised his head, "How's it going? Do you have any clues?"

Lu Qingran browsed quickly and frowned, "The police said that they dispatched the police as soon as possible after receiving the alarm. They had already discovered the traces of the kidnappers, but in the end they lost them for some reason."

"Lost?" Bai Yuxiu looked excited, "How could it be lost?"

"It's better to say it's disappeared than lost." Lu Qingran raised her head and looked at Qi Jingci with a solemn expression, "Third brother, it said that it was successfully located, but the signal suddenly disappeared, and it can't be traced no matter what. "

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes and asked, "Where did the signal disappear?"

Lu Qingran took a look and said, "Near the suburbs."

“Focus on where to look. Also, notify the police and send the kidnapper’s information as soon as possible.”

Lu Qingran's expression suddenly became very strange.

Bai Yuxiu: "What's wrong?"

“Third brother, Lao Bai.” He said with an ugly face, “This matter may not be that simple.”

“Police information shows that those people were already dead.”


Bai Yuxiu's heart tightened, "What crazy talk are you talking about!"

“Really, those people were already dead. They all died accidentally. Their bodies had been cremated a long time ago. The police don’t know why they did it.”


 The three people's eyes flashed at the same time.

 Could he be a person with superpowers?

If the kidnapper is a person with supernatural powers in disguise, then everything makes sense. The positioning signal suddenly disappears, maybe it is because of the interference of supernatural powers.

Bai Yuxiu realized this and immediately took out his mobile phone to call Zou Ming, "Immediately detect the traces of mental power usage within the Imperial Capital today!"

There is special equipment in the Special Administration Bureau that can detect the residual mental power after the use of supernatural powers within the jurisdiction. Although the residual mental power has a time limit, less than three hours have passed since Bai Muyou was kidnapped. If the kidnapper is really People with superpowers will definitely leave clues.

However, even though he may have mastered the information about the kidnapper, Bai Yuxiu's expression became even more tense. His whole body was filled with the calm before the storm, and the fists hanging at his sides were clenched tightly.

If it was really a person with supernatural powers who committed the crime, wouldn't Mu You be even more dangerous?

Bai Muyou took back the mental detector and took out two guns and stuck them on her lower back. She was wearing a loose white shirt with the hem tucked into her waist, which made her figure look more graceful and slender. She bent down and put on her black overalls. Tuck your trousers into your boots for easy movement later.

 Fortunately, she had to do a task on the recorded program today and could not wear a skirt, otherwise she would have difficulty moving now.

After doing all this, she thought for a while, took out a simple silver ancient ring from the storage ring, put it on her index finger, and then quietly and quickly approached the kidnappers.

As a public figure being kidnapped in public, even if she can't contact the outside world now, she can still guess what kind of chaos will happen outside.

 In order to prevent the situation from further escalating and Bai Yuxiu worrying, she must resolve it quickly!

 (End of this chapter)

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