She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 538: second in charge

Chapter 538 The second boss

The kidnapper didn't notice at all at this moment. Bai Muyou slowed down and leaned down to hide behind the door. The intermittent voices inside the door could be heard clearly.

“.Second Master, don’t worry, everything is done.”

“Promise to keep an eye on those girls and not let them ruin your business, hehe.”

Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows. Could it be that the second in charge they mentioned was the person behind the scenes?

 She narrowed her eyes and continued to listen.

"Ok, I see."

I don’t know what was said on the other side of the phone. The kidnapper responded in a low voice and hung up the call.

 One person asked: "What did the second master say?"

The man glanced at them and said reluctantly: "Let us watch those three people and don't let them run away."

Others couldn’t believe it: “That’s it?”

The man spat on the ground, "Yes! That's it!"

"Isn't it possible? Just let us look at those women? The second master should at least arrange some other tasks for us." Someone complained dissatisfied.

They thought they could play an important role in the second master's plan this time, but in the end they just did something easy like kidnapping hostages.

Bai Muyou's eyes darkened, and he sneered. He stopped listening, straightened up, and kicked the door open.

In the eyes of everyone who was shocked and disbelieving, he said with a smile: "Everyone, can you tell me, who is the second in charge in your mouth?"

The kidnappers were complaining and didn't pay attention to what was going on around them. At this moment, she suddenly appeared, frightening them all. After recognizing her, they looked more like they had seen a ghost, and they couldn't speak clearly: "You, you, you, you are not being"

 Have you been fainted?

How would it appear here?

They were suddenly startled, and quickly came to their senses. They realized that something bad would happen if she escaped, and their expressions changed greatly. Then they exchanged looks in private, took out their daggers at the same time, and looked at Bai Muyou again with fierce eyes.

"You bitch! I don't care how you escaped, you brought this on yourself!" As they said that, they raised their daggers and rushed towards her, wanting to give her a good blow.

Bai Muyou didn't take them seriously. With a slight grunt, he easily caught the wrist of one of the men who was attacking him and removed the dagger from his hand.

The other party was struggling in pain, trying to break free from her grasp. At this moment, the tattoo on the inner side of his forearm was suddenly exposed to Bai Muyou's sight.

It is a black thorn flower with strange patterns.

Bai Muyou's eyes flashed, and he instantly understood their origins.

 The people of Chameng.

 That is the mark of the Shameng.

 In other words, the second master they just mentioned is the current second master of the Shamen League, Hal Aylin?

There was a look of solemnity in her eyes.

That woman is a ruthless character who is difficult to deal with. If she was the one responsible this time, it might not be so easy to end it.

She has dealt with Aylin before, and that person's strength is not inferior to hers. Moreover, her ability is to transform into another person. It is easy to disguise herself as someone else without revealing any flaws, and it is extremely difficult to be discovered.

Thinking of this, Bai Muyou's eyes were filled with a trace of depression, and the strength of his hands became more and more fierce.

 Damn it!

 Things are really serious now.

She grabbed the dagger and threw the person away with her backhand. The other person groaned and rolled several meters away on the hard ground, eventually falling unconscious.

Bai Muyou held the dagger in his right hand and looked at them with murderous intent. The voice was cold and motionless: "I originally wanted to spare your lives, but now it seems..."

Her tone suddenly became harsh: "It's impossible."

 (End of this chapter)

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