She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 539: How to explain this?

Chapter 539 How to explain this?

The remaining kidnappers were frightened by her sudden change in momentum. They subconsciously clenched the weapons in their hands, looked at each other, gritted their teeth, smashed their jars, and swarmed forward.

Bai Muyou curled up the corner of his lips, and in a flash, he shuttled between them at a ghostly speed. The dagger in his hand glowed with a cold and sharp light, and he solved two people with just one glance.

The two fell to the ground instantly, losing their breath. Their eyes widened and they stared upward. They did not close their eyes until they died.


When one person saw Bai Muyou's skills, his calves were trembling with fear. He looked at her with horrifying eyes. The dagger in his hand was not steady and fell straight to the ground with a crisp sound.

Bai Muyou slowly wiped off the blood on the dagger, and his tone was as calm as ever: "Let me ask one last time, who were you talking to just now?"

Her cold eyes swept across the remaining people, who suddenly felt a biting chill running down their spines.

 “I said! I said!”

The voice of the person who was scared off the dagger trembled, and he couldn't even speak: "That, that person. She, she is our second in charge - ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly let out a shrill scream.

His pupils suddenly dilated, his body froze in place, he slowly turned back and looked at his accomplice behind him in disbelief.

The other party took advantage of him not paying attention and stabbed his heart from behind with a dagger, showing no mercy.

His mouth was open but no sound came out. The unwilling eyes before his death seemed to be asking him why.

 “No one can betray the second master.”

After the man said this expressionlessly, he suddenly pulled out the dagger. His body instantly lost its support and fell to the ground with a plop, without breathing.

In the Cha League, the price of betrayal is more serious than death. Even if none of them can go out today, the organization will treat their families well, but if the organization knows that they have betrayed before their death, they will die. It's not just them.

 For the sake of the safety of his family, he can only be sacrificed.

Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows, his expression not surprising at all, as if he was used to it.

 Chameng are still so cruel to their own people. "Tsk, what should we do?" She looked a little embarrassed and looked at the only two people left with a smile: "You two are the only ones left. Really, don't you want to do something?"

 “If we don’t recruit, you will all die.”

The two people seemed to be ready to die. They exchanged glances in private and sneered: "Even if we die, we will drag you with us!"

The next second, they threw the weapons in their hands, condensing supernatural powers in their palms, and two streams of spiritual power, one condensed with strong wind, and the other mixed with flying sand, swept toward her at the same time.

The two of them had proud smiles on their faces, as if they had seen her being killed.

Who would have thought that Bai Muyou could see through their methods and strength in an instant, and she stretched out her hand without haste, her palm also condensing spiritual power. However, unlike them, the moment she used her powers, the temperature of the entire warehouse All dropped to freezing point.

For a moment, the two of them felt as if they were in the twelfth lunar month of winter. Their bodies were trembling with cold due to the sudden change, and even their breathing became rapid.

Huge chill enveloped the place, and the water vapor in the air was condensed into solid form. Their abilities were instantly resolved and disappeared without a trace.

The two people's pupils were dilated, and they were suddenly frightened. They had to rub their arms to maintain body temperature. Their teeth and gums kept shaking and colliding, and their hair made a strange gurgling sound.

"you you you!"

 Are you also a person with superpowers? !

Before they could say this, Bai Muyou snapped his fingers, and the air around them instantly condensed. Frost covered them and quickly spread all over their bodies, eventually freezing the two of them into two lumps of ice.

She snapped her fingers again, and the ice cubes shattered with a sound. Ice cubes with flesh and blood on them scattered all over the floor. The scene was immediately **** and disgusting.

However, the culprit who caused all this did not feel any discomfort at all, and his expression remained as usual. He had seen this stomach-churning scene countless times and was naturally used to it.

Bai Muyou sighed, looked at this scene with his hands folded on his chest, and fell into brief contemplation.

I just used this move smoothly and completely forgot to think about how to end it.

 How to explain this?

Someone in the comment area advised me to be friendly, emmmmm, what do you say? It is true that I have to use the knife to start the torture, but it is just to recall the killing and torture. The real plot is okay, don’t worry about it being too spicy, I am a biological mother (●●)



 (End of this chapter)

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