She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 540: Catch someone alive

Chapter 540 Catch someone alive

 The matter has come to this, and we can only take one step at a time.

Bai Muyou turned around and wanted to leave. At this moment, a bullet pierced the air and was shot at her. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she quickly dodged and quickly found the nearest cover.

The bullet penetrated the wall behind her, leaving a large area of ​​charred black. She raised her eyes and looked at the mark coldly. It was the unique bullet mark of the particle gun. It was extremely lethal. If it was hit, even a person with superpowers would not die. Gotta peel off the skin.

There are snipers lurking outside the factory.

 Fortunately, she hid quickly, otherwise, she might have fallen here today.

Bai Muyou closed his eyes and did not rush to search for the other party's location. Instead, he held his breath and hid patiently in place, quietly listening to the movements around him.

 One second…

 Two seconds…

 Three seconds…

Finally, after she made no move, several footsteps slowly came from outside the factory, approaching from far away and gradually approaching here.

 Bai Muyou made a careful distinction and found that there were only two people coming from the same direction. It was known that the other party had a particle gun in his hand, so he couldn't be careless.

While paying attention to the movement outside, she threw away the dagger, took out a gun from the back of her waist, loaded it skillfully, and took aim.

Although it is just an ordinary gun, it is enough to deal with these people because the enemy is in the open and she is in the dark.


The long-disrepaired iron door of this abandoned factory was pushed open a crack. Bai Muyou tightened his grip on the gun in his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his expression became serious.

Finally, the door was pushed open completely, and two heavily armed men stepped cautiously into the factory with guns in hand. The infrared rays on the particle guns kept scanning the surrounding area.

The first thing they saw was the unsightly corpse on the ground. The man in front clenched his fist and raised it to signal the people behind him to stop.

The two of them looked at each other, their index fingers on the trigger, in a state of extreme alert, and then they simultaneously raised their feet to approach the corpse, wanting to check the situation. Bai Muyou curled his lips, and instead of rushing to shoot, he let them get closer and closer to him.

When the two of them were almost close to the body, she narrowed her eyes, raised the muzzle of the gun, and took advantage of their unpreparedness to pull the trigger and fire two shots.

  Bang bang—

Although the two people had been vigilant, they did not expect Bai Muyou to be so close to them. They were shocked and wanted to dodge, but it was already too late.

 Two bullets pierced their shoulder blades accurately, causing severe pain. Blood soaked through their clothes and dripped on the ground.

 What an accurate shot!

The two of them clenched their teeth in pain, their expressions twisted, but the same thought flashed through their hearts.

 The other party did not want their lives.

At such a close distance, even someone who has never touched a gun can hit it, let alone Bai Muyou, who has experienced hundreds of battles?

 She had no intention of killing them.

The kidnappers just now were too weak, and they all died without her taking any action. She didn't ask many questions. Now that she finally caught two accomplices and caught them alive, she wanted to keep them for trial slowly.

Bai Muyou put down his gun and slowly appeared, walking into their line of sight with a light smile on his face, taking the time to admire their painful expressions.

The two men covered their shoulders, blood gushing out from between their fingers and falling drop by drop. Seeing her appear, he glared at her with a gloomy look, wanting to cut her into pieces on the spot.

However, even though they have a strong murderous intention in their hearts, they also know that they are no match for Bai Muyou now. If they continue to waste time here, these broken corpses on the ground will be their fate.

The two gritted their teeth and exchanged glances in private. Then, at lightning speed, they took out the smoke bomb and threw it in front of Bai Muyou. While her vision was blurred, they quickly fled the scene.

 (End of this chapter)

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