She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 542: Miss Bai, why did you come here?

Chapter 542: Miss Bai, why are you here?

"People from the Chameng appeared in the Imperial Capital. Why didn't the Special Administration Bureau have any news in advance?"

Bai Yuxiu looked very excited and questioned Zou Ming sternly. He no longer dared to imagine Bai Muyou's current situation.

 He was afraid that he could not bear it.

 “What do you do for food?!”

His shoulders were shaking with anger, and he wanted to grab the documents on the table and throw them into the other person's face.

Lu Qingran stopped him from the side and advised: "Old Bai, calm down! It is useless to pursue these matters now. Finding Mu You is the most important thing!"

Bai Yuxiu clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and endured the anger in his heart, a flash of scarlet flashed deep in his eyes.

 Yes, he needs to be calm. The more this happens, the more calm he needs to be.

Xiaoyou is still waiting for him.

 There must be something he has overlooked.

what is it then…

At this moment, Qi Jingci, who had been staring at the information without saying a word, suddenly narrowed his eyes and said: "Monitor."

Bai Yuxiu suddenly had an idea flash in his mind, clapped his hands and said, "That's right, monitoring!"

Even if the location of the kidnappers cannot be traced, the route they took to escape after kidnapping Bai Muyou must pass through the city. Most of the commercial stores on both sides of the road have cameras installed in front of them, so the kidnappers' car will definitely be captured.

As long as he can roughly guess the direction of their escape based on the captured scenes, and conduct a blanket search within the approximate range, he doesn't believe that he can't find them!

 Although this is the most troublesome and time-consuming method, it is also the only way at present.

Bai Yuxiu gritted his teeth and made a decision: "I'll go check it out myself!"

 The smoke dissipated, and Bai Muyou was the only figure standing there in the abandoned factory.

She squinted her eyes, and when the scene in front of her became clearer, she clicked her tongue unhappily.

 Smoke bombs...

Can you talk about some martial ethics?

If you can't fight, just run away. When did the Chameng become so cowardly?

  After complaining a few words in her heart, she did not waste any time and chased after him.

However, the moment he stepped out of the factory gate, Bai Muyou suddenly stopped, raised his head slightly, and looked at the sky in the distance.

It was still gray, as if it had just been washed away by a storm, the air was damp, cold and dull, and the surrounding environment exuded a strange and ominous atmosphere, as if it was a sign of what was about to happen.

Bai Muyou frowned, closed her eyes, secretly focused her mental power on her eyes, and opened her eyes again. This time, the scene she saw in her eyes was completely different from what she had just seen.

A layer of almost transparent black-gray mist clearly separates this place from the outside world. The sky is shrouded in a heavy, turbid haze that makes people feel suffocated and depressed for no reason.

 Psychic barrier.

As the name suggests, it is to use mental power to create a space that is completely isolated from the outside world. If the people outside are not A-level or above superpowers, they can only rely on instruments to detect them.

 And such a large-scale barrier requires mental power that is beyond the normal concept. Some kind of equipment must have been used to create it. The other party really spent a lot of money.

Bai Muyou sighed in his heart.

 What on earth do those Shameng gangsters want to do?

Having developed such a thing as a mental barrier, are you living too long?

She observed carefully, and then tried to touch and test it with her superpower. The barrier looked thin, but in fact it was extremely strong. Unless an S-level or above superpower user struck with all his strength, it would be difficult to break it from the outside. But it might be easier to defeat it from the inside.

However, due to the constraints of the restraining bracelet she wears, she can only use one-third of her strength now. If all of it is used to lift the barrier, she may not be able to distract the two people who escaped.

 She now faced two choices, either break the barrier and escape with Sister He and her assistant, or leave them alone for the time being and chase the two people.

Bai Muyou frowned, stood there and pondered for a moment, finally looked in the direction of the warehouse, turned around and plunged into the deep and quiet woods, and soon disappeared.

Before she left, Sister He and her assistant had used their special powers to protect them. Ordinary attacks could not harm them, so there should be no danger for the time being.

 So, it is still important to chase those two people.

Due to the barrier, the ambient light here was cast a layer of gloom, and the entire forest was plunged into darkness and silence. There seemed to be countless black shadows in the invisible corners ready to move, making terrifying rustling sounds. Creepy.

But Bai Muyou remained unmoved at all, walking through the dense trees calmly and calmly, like an agile hunter accurately chasing his prey in the dark.

Suddenly, she jumped up, climbed over the grass, and landed in a relatively wide open space. All she could see was an ancient tree that had been cut in half. The cross section was smooth and flat, which was left not long ago.

 The remaining mental power only goes up to this point and then disappears.

 So, the person must be nearby.

Bai Muyou put his hand on the handle of the gun on his waist, ready to fight at any time.

A gust of wind blew gently, and the surrounding branches swayed. The subtle rustling sounds made by the collision of branches and leaves mixed with the sound of the wind, making the atmosphere even more eerie and eerie.

Bai Muyou pursed her lips, her expression was very serious, and she was paying attention to the situation around her.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps behind her.

Her eyes flashed, and before she could draw her gun, she heard a shout: "Miss Bai!"

Bai Muyou made a movement, squinted his eyes, removed his hand from his lower back, and looked at the source of the sound expressionlessly.

The grass was pushed away, and a slender figure walked slowly from the darkness and appeared in her field of vision. It was a girl in her twenties, dressed in workplace attire, and wearing high heels of five to six centimeters. , ran all the way, there was mud around the soles of the shoes, and they were in a mess.

She bent down out of breath, then straightened up and looked at Bai Muyou, "Bai, Miss Bai... you ran too fast, I almost didn't catch up!"

Bai Muyou stood there without moving, folding his hands across his chest and observing her, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

The girl lowered her head and straightened her clothes, smiled at her, and introduced herself: "My name is Xue Cong, and I am a member of the Special Administration Bureau."

Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows: "Special Administration Bureau?"

"Yes, the full name is the Special Incident Management Bureau, which handles some special cases. I was on a day off today, but I accidentally saw a group of kidnappers holding you hostage on the road. After I reported the report, I chased you over in a hurry. Fortunately, you are okay. , but it makes me exhausted.”

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to fan herself, and asked in confusion: "Why did you get here? It's too dangerous."

Bai Muyou thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid."

Xue Cong was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "It's okay, I'll take you to leave quickly. You'll be safe once you get out."


 (End of this chapter)

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