She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 543: The energy value reacts greatly

Chapter 543 The energy value reacted greatly

Xue Cong turned his back to her, keeping his eyes on his surroundings, and said in a calm voice: "The people in the bureau should have taken action by now. As long as we leave here, we will be safe."

Bai Muyou was behind her, with a hint of deep meaning in his eyes, and there was nothing unusual in his tone: "Yeah."

She stood there with no intention of moving, but her hands slowly reached towards her waist.

She squinted her eyes and curled her fingers slightly. Just when she was about to pull out the gun from her waist, her eyes suddenly stopped and her eyes moved away from Xue Cong's body.

 Something is wrong.

The forest was silent, the atmosphere was eerie, and the silence made people feel panicked. In the dead air, rustling sounds suddenly came from all around, approaching them at a high speed, and they were close at hand in an instant.

Bai Muyou's expression was slightly condensed, and she could tell carefully that they were the sounds of people's footsteps. There were quite a few of them, and they were surrounding her.


Xue Cong also noticed something was wrong and quickly leaned back to Bai Muyou to warn him.

She glanced around vigilantly, stretched out a hand in front of Bai Muyou, tilted her head and said to her in a serious tone: "Miss Bai, please don't stay away from me."


A gust of wind blew from nowhere, carrying a cold and wet atmosphere, and the situation completely changed at this moment.

The two men who had long since escaped without a trace limped slowly and appeared in front of her, with ferocious expressions and cruel malice in their eyes: "Finally I found you!"

 With the two of them as the leaders, a large group of people followed behind them, at least dozens of them, with guns and ammunition loaded, and fully armed aimed at her.

Bai Muyou clicked his tongue twice nonchalantly: "If you can't defeat us, bring in reinforcements. I'm ashamed of you."

"Shut up!"

Her words accidentally stepped on the minefield of the two people, and she angrily cursed: "Damn stinky bitch! I really underestimated you!"

Bai Muyou chuckled and nodded in agreement: "That's right, if you weren't kidnappers and didn't have the slightest sense of kidnapping, I'm afraid I wouldn't have a chance to succeed."


Bai Muyou's eyes darkened, and his tone became cold: "Since you kidnapped me, it was only for the purpose of revenge and blackmail, but you did nothing, just left us alone, isn't it... too... Why don't you take the usual path?" The two people were slightly startled, with a somewhat unnatural expression on their faces. Bai Muyou happened to catch it, and his guess was confirmed.

She chuckled twice and said, "If you don't take action, then you can't let me, the hostage, cooperate with you, right?"

 She is not a fool.

“So, you are entirely to blame, it is none of my business.”

The kidnapper was speechless by her words and raised the gun in his hand angrily, "Shut up!"

Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows and raised his hands in cooperation, but there was no trace of fear on his face.

However, Xue Cong seemed to be frightened by this posture. He swallowed his saliva and asked with a trembling voice: "Bai, Miss Bai, this, what is..."

 Bai Muyou's expression was calm and indifferent, as if she was not the one being pointed at by dozens of people, and his tone and voice were calm: "They are probably here to seek revenge."

 “Xun, seeking revenge?”

Xue Cong laughed awkwardly: " did you provoke such a person?"

"I do not know."

Bai Muyou stared at her back, slowly raised the corners of his lips, and said with a half-smile: "Who knows...where did I get into trouble?"

At the same time, a large number of special vehicles from the Special Administration Bureau have gathered near the abandoned factory, with their warning lights spread out in a row, creating an awe-inspiring atmosphere.

 Bai Yuxiu got out of the car and walked towards the detectors who had already started working not far away, and asked with a serious expression: "Are you sure this is here?"

“Yes, sir.” The detector saluted and replied.

They are just ordinary employees of the Special Administration Bureau, and their ranks are not as high as Zou Ming and Sun Bureau. They are not qualified to know Bai Yuxiu's identity and can only call him chief.

Bai Yuxiu took the instruments in their hands, looked at the data displayed on it, then looked up at the empty space in front of him, his brows furrowed.

There is obviously nothing here, so why is there such a huge energy response?

 (End of this chapter)

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