She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 544: What is the origin of this barrier?

Chapter 544 What is the origin of this barrier?

 “Isn’t it a problem with the instrument?”

The detection personnel were stunned for a moment and smiled helplessly: "Sir, we will all check the equipment before taking action."

Bai Yuxiu: "Okay."

He raised his head and looked forward, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Get out of the way."


The detector's eyes were blank, with confusion written on his face, and he did not react. In the end, his colleague next to him pulled him aside.

 At the same time, other nearby personnel also retreated into the distance, forming a vacuum around him.

Bai Yuxiu closed his eyes and opened them again. The aura around him was no longer as gentle and steady as before. It was as sharp as an unsheathed blade. Strong and awe-inspiring oppression swept over him, forcing everyone to take a step back again.

 “He is…”

The exploration team member was so shocked that he could not speak and could only watch this scene blankly.

The next second, the air seemed to be cut off by someone, and a huge pressure and suffocation surrounded them. Qi and blood surged in their brains, and a fishy sweetness surged in their throats. They suddenly felt that the sky was dark in front of them, and their legs were weak and they couldn't help it. Kneeling down, fortunately, the last trace of clarity still existed, allowing them to still hold on and not fall down.

 This is...S level or above mental power!

Everyone bit their pale lips, with cold sweat on their foreheads. They raised their eyes with difficulty to look at Bai Yuxiu in front of them. Their minds were extremely confused and they no longer knew what to say.

 What was left for them at this moment was only shock.

 S level or above superpowers.

For these Special Administration Bureau logistics personnel, they may never have the opportunity to see an S-class superpower in their lifetime. I didn't expect that they would be so lucky during this mission!

Bai Yuxiu's aura was fully opened, and he released his mental power without restriction until it covered all nearby areas. Then, he suddenly closed his hands, and his mental power was quickly closed like a net.

However, his mental power did not close and shrink as he imagined, but seemed to be blocked in place by some obstacle and stagnated in mid-air.

Bai Yuxiu's mental power exudes a light cyan color, almost transparent, like a thin layer of mist attached to the barrier, exposing the originally imperceptible mental power barrier to everyone's view. “Look! What is that?”

"Oh my god!"

 There were constant exclamations and gasps from all around.

In their eyes, even though the barrier had been completely covered by Bai Yuxiu's mental power, it still exuded a strange and cold aura, making them shudder when they looked at it.

Bai Yuxiu did not stop, but continued to release his mental power while frowning.

Psychological barrier?

 But it doesn’t look like it either.

I have never heard of a normal mental barrier like this. It was dark and cold, as if the surrounding air was dyed with a damp, cold and sticky atmosphere. And if he hadn't released the mental stimulation, he wouldn't have been able to detect it at all. exist.

Even though he is trying to wrap it up with his mental power on the surface, he can still feel that this barrier is eroding his mental power bit by bit!

What is the origin of this barrier?

At this moment, Lu Qingran also arrived at the scene. After getting out of the car, he looked around, then walked towards Bai Yuxiu.

Just now in the car, he saw the situation here through the car window. This barrier was thick and oppressive, and there was something weird everywhere. It was different from what they had seen before. There must be a scam in it, so they couldn't take risks easily.

Lu Qingran had a solemn face. When he passed by the members of the Special Administration Bureau who were overwhelmed by Bai Yuxiu's mental power, he kindly raised his arm and released his mental power. The two mental powers met and offset each other. Only then did everyone He was panting desperately like a fish that had been short of water for a long time, and all his faces were horribly pale.

"Okay, you guys stay away first. If you are accidentally injured later, it will not be included in the scope of work-related injuries." Although Lu Qingran's words were teasing, his tone was unprecedentedly serious, which made people a little uncomfortable. .

Everyone had not yet recovered, so they could only nod vigorously, and then hid in the back with their hands on the left and the right.

With a raised hand, Bai Yuxiu's mental pressure was easily removed. This Young Master Lu is probably not as powerful as him!

These two big guys look so serious. The problem must be serious. They, the little shrimps, should hide as long as they can to avoid disaster.

 (End of this chapter)

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