She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 545: collapse

Chapter 545 Collapse

At this moment, if Bai Muyou were present, he would definitely find that the current barrier was very different from before. The black-gray mist was so thick that it almost solidified, covering the surrounding area like a viscous liquid.

 “How is it?” Lu Qingran asked.

 He came to Bai Yuxiu's side and frowned at the barrier.

 “It can be solved, but it takes time.”

Bai Yuxiu's eyes were deep and he answered him calmly. He released more and more mental power, covering the entire barrier.

 He must use supernatural powers to shatter the barrier before it swallows up all his mental power.

Lu Qingran's lips raised, and the stone in her heart suddenly fell to the ground, "That's good, I thought it would be very troublesome."

 Since he said he could solve it, it's not a big problem.


His eyes were fixed on the strange spiritual barrier, and he pondered deeply: This thing... he has never even seen. I'm afraid the purpose of this group of kidnappers will have to be redefined.

At this moment, Bai Yuxiu had completely controlled the barrier. He tightened his fingers tightly, and his supernatural power poured in like a flood that burst through a dam. There was only a huge crisp sound, and the barrier was instantly shaken to pieces.

As the black and gray fog disappeared, the abandoned factory that was originally separated appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Bai Yuxiu withdrew his superpower and rushed in anxiously, regardless of whether there was an ambush or danger inside.

 “Hey! Lao Bai!”

Lu Qingran wanted to reach out to stop him, but before she could, she cursed in annoyance and shouted to the team members behind her: "People from the combat department come in with me with weapons!"

Since the situation was unclear, there were not many combat team members who arrived at the scene this time, only four. Counting him and Bai Yuxiu, there were only six people. It was really inappropriate to rush in rashly when the enemy's situation was unknown.

But now there is no time to wait for reinforcements.

Bai Muyou and the others have been **** for more than four hours. The longer the time, the lower the possibility of safety. If they delay here for a second, the hostages inside may be in more danger.

At this point, although Bai Yuxiu was a little impatient, he did nothing wrong.


The people in the combat department quickly took out their weapons and followed Lu Qingming into the abandoned factory in an orderly manner. Everyone raised their vigilance to the extreme and carefully observed their surroundings. Bai Yuxiu came in ahead of them and was squatting on the ground, looking for something.

Lu Qingran was keenly aware of the faint scent of blood in the air, her eyes flashed, and she walked forward quickly, and then her eyes widened in surprise.


With trembling hands, Bai Yuxiu picked up a piece of broken ice on the ground, observed it carefully, and finally came to the conclusion: "It's a superpower, an ice superpower."

His tone was so calm that it made people panic, as if he was at the critical point of an emotional explosion. He glanced at the broken limbs and corpses on the ground, and added: "Anyone who can cause instant corpse dismemberment must be at least S-class." ”

Lu Qingran immediately took a breath of air.

An S-class superpower once appeared here, and looking at the scene, the corpses should be those of kidnappers.

 What does it mean?

  It shows that the kidnappers fled here after kidnapping people, but were killed and silenced by a master.

What about the hostages?

Mu You, is she still alive?

Lu Qingran didn’t dare to think any further.

He lowered his head and glanced at Bai Yuxiu, and found that the other man's shoulders were shaking slightly. He had barely forced himself to calm down for so long, but after seeing the broken corpses here, he finally couldn't help it, and the emotions that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time completely collapsed.

He raised his index finger and put it into his mouth, biting his knuckles hard, the tips of his teeth sinking deeply into the flesh, but it seemed as if he felt no pain at all.

If he hadn't lowered his head at this moment, Lu Qingran would definitely have noticed that the ends of Bai Yuxiu's eyes were slightly red, and there was indescribable grief hidden deep in his eyes.


Lu Qingran sighed, patted his shoulder gently, and comforted: "Lao Bai, don't scare yourself. Don't think about it until you see it with your own eyes. Xiaoyou is so smart, he may have successfully escaped."

 Although, he also knew that the probability of this situation was less than 0.1%.

However, this comfort is better than nothing after all.

 (End of this chapter)

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