She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 547: Prelude to falling horse

Chapter 547: Prelude to falling off the horse

Bai Yuxiu's expression changed and he rushed out immediately.

"Hey!" Lu Qingran shouted urgently, but he ignored it.


Lu Qingran rolled her eyes in anger and wished she could just go up and give him a slap to calm him down.

People outside quickly arrived after receiving his order and carried the two unconscious people onto stretchers.

Lu Qingran glanced at them, turned around, and wanted to chase Bai Yuxiu first.

However, he was suddenly stopped by someone.

 “Team Leader Lu!”

 The door of the warehouse was pushed open violently.

He paused and looked up, only to see Zou Ming and his people coming in a hurry, looking a little anxious. Seeing that they were still there, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, we caught up..."

Lu Qingran frowned, not understanding what he meant, and asked: "What caught up?"

Zou Ming gasped: "Just now, the monitor values ​​in the bureau soared and almost exploded. The mental response point warning in this area was particularly strong. There are people with superpowers nearby here, and there are many of them!"

Lu Qingran's eyes were fixed, and she turned around and rushed out regardless of what he was going to say next.

Zou Ming was the only one left stunned for a moment, shouting on the spot: "Team Leader Lu!"

 Lu Qingran ignored him.

 “What’s going on?”

Zou Ming scratched his head anxiously. The situation was so urgent now. What was he going to do?

The people around who were surveying the scene said: "Captain, we just found traces of mental power in front of the factory, and Team Leader Bai has already gone after it."

Zou Ming’s expression also changed in an instant.

 “You didn’t tell me earlier!”

 He turned around and looked at the people he had brought with him, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone! Get your weapons and follow me!"


 On the other side, in the woods.

 The moment the mental barrier disappeared, both sides in the stalemate noticed it immediately. Bai Muyou watched the sky gradually return to its original state, her eyes flashing lightly. It seemed that the people from the Special Administration Bureau had arrived. She couldn't delay it any longer and had to solve it as soon as possible.


She raised her eyebrows slightly, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

This mental barrier would have taken at least more than an hour if she wanted to use instruments to lift it, but she had just clearly noticed that the barrier had disappeared almost instantly, and it was obvious that it had been forcibly broken from the outside.

  Are there any strong people above S level in the Special Administration Bureau?

While she squinted her eyes and pondered, the kidnapper gradually became more and more impetuous and no longer as fearless as before.

 The reason why they dared to be so reckless in the Imperial Capital was mostly because of the cover of this mental barrier. Now that the barrier is gone, it means they are placed directly under the nose of the Special Administration Bureau, without any sense of security at all.

 “Damn it! It was that **** who did it!”

 Even, it has become so popular that some people have begun to curse women in their native language.

At this time, one of them, who looked like the leader, frowned and shouted in a deep voice: "Don't make any noise! ​​Contact the superiors to inquire about the situation."

 A few seconds later, someone replied: "It said, kill the woman and evacuate immediately."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes suddenly burst out with cold murderous intent, and they cast their eyes on Bai Muyou excitedly and strangely.

This order coincides with their thoughts.

Everyone raised their guns and loaded their guns, aiming at Bai Muyou and Xue Cong who was blocking her.

“Miss Bai, I’m so sorry. I originally wanted to keep you alive, but now it seems that I can only send you back to the west as soon as possible!”

Bai Muyou: “…”

Why do these words sound so familiar?

 It seemed like she had just said it not long ago.

While she was dazed, Xue Cong suddenly took out a smoke bomb and threw it forward quickly and accurately, catching everyone off guard.

 The thick smoke filled the air quickly. She grabbed Bai Muyou's wrist, pulled her around and ran deeper into the woods.

I promise I will lose my horse tomorrow????(┯_┯)



 (End of this chapter)

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