She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 548: fall off horse

Chapter 548 Falling off the horse

In the quiet deep forest, there was a dark atmosphere everywhere, which was creepy. Xue Cong grabbed Bai Muyou's wrist and ran as fast as he could without looking back, as if a group of vicious ghosts were chasing him.

Bai Muyou slowly lowered his gaze to the hand she was holding on to him, the corners of his lips pursed into a straight line, and he didn't say anything.

Finally, after running for an unknown amount of time, until he could no longer hear the strange sounds behind him, Xue Cong stopped, gasped for breath, and said as if he was recovering from a disaster: "It's okay. I carry fog bombs with me."

She raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead and said to Bai Muyou, "Don't worry, Miss Bai. Depending on the situation, our people will be here soon and you will be rescued soon!"

Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows, looked behind him, whose eyes were so deep that he couldn't see anything, and gave a faint hum.

But he snorted coldly in his heart.

Knowing that people from the Special Administration Bureau were coming, you still dragged her deep into the woods?


Xue Cong, who had no idea that he had completely exposed himself in front of Bai Muyou, was still trying to stabilize his character. He took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll try to contact the captain first."

Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly changed. A cold wind blew violently. The thinner branches could not withstand the force of the hurricane and were almost bent. They were constantly fluttering in the wind, mixed with messy and complicated footsteps. The sound kept approaching them.

 Caught up.

 The two people looked alert at the same time.

Those people had learned a lesson from what they had just experienced. They surrounded us from all directions and blocked all roads.

The leader spat viciously and looked at them viciously, "How dare you fool me!"

He turned his gaze to Xue Cong and wanted to say something, but he was suddenly stunned for a moment, swallowed his words, focused his eyes on Bai Muyou again, and said with murderous intent: "Suffer death!"

 Speaking, everyone raised their guns and took aim at the same time.

Bai Muyou moved his wrists quietly, preparing for a quick victory.

However, at the moment when everyone pulled the trigger, a subtle sound like something cutting through the air passed by, bringing up a stream of air. Bai Muyou was stunned, and then, the cold light of flowing water was like dense raindrops. Passing past her, it pierced the enemy's chest with precision like a sharp blade.

 Most of the dozens of people fell down instantly.

The thick **** smell gradually spread, and no one could react in time.

Xue Cong shouted in surprise: "The people from the bureau are here!"

Bai Muyou secretly stopped preparing to attack and frowned, not expecting that they would come so quickly.

The next second, when she turned back, her eyes unexpectedly fell on an extremely familiar figure. It was a figure that she had known day and night for more than twenty years and was deeply engraved in her heart and would never be mistaken.

Bai Yuxiu still maintained the same posture as before, the mental energy around his body had not dissipated, and his hands could not stop shaking.

He stared at Bai Muyou, and at that moment, he even felt the feeling of his heart stopping before death.

 Even if it was a life-or-death situation before, he had never felt this way.

But when he saw Bai Muyou being pointed at a row of dark gun muzzles, he almost suffocated to death. He took action reflexively and killed the opponent cleanly without any hesitation.

But he was still afraid, and even doubted his own skill. He was afraid that he could not catch up just now, and he was afraid that he had missed the shot just now.

  Fortunately, fortunately.

Bai Yuxiu breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ran towards her.

At this moment, after seeing him, Bai Muyou's mind went blank, and he was stunned on the spot. At that moment, everyone and things around him seemed to be deliberately slowed down, and all the senses in his body were at a loss. Being enclosed, you can't hear the sound of bullets cutting through the air, and you can't feel the surrounding airflow caused by the bullets as they pass through. Even the other members of the Special Administration Bureau came to her side and protected her behind them.

 Everything is still for a moment.

 Bai Muyou's eyes followed only one person, he was stunned and sluggish, a string in his mind snapped, and all his calmness and reason had been swallowed up by the huge shock and confusion.

How could it happen?

She subconsciously took two steps back and took two deep breaths. She felt as if she had been poured a bucket of icy water on her head and then struck by lightning. The world was spinning and her vision was black.

 Why is he here?

The people from the Special Administration Bureau were already fighting with each other. Bullets were flying all around, and they kept falling at her feet, leaving charred bullet holes on the ground. However, she did not react at all. She stood there with an unclear expression, her hands hanging by her side. The fists kept clenching.

Until a pair of big hands grasped her wrist and pulled hard, her whole body suddenly spun, her back leaned against a thick tree trunk, her front bumped into a warm and hard chest, and a familiar and reassuring breath lingered on the tip of her nose.

Bai Muyou turned around blankly. There was a deep bullet hole where he originally stood.

At that moment, Bai Yuxiu pulled her and hid behind the tree.

Aware of this, she finally looked up at him blankly, her eyes so unfamiliar that she seemed to have never known this person before.

Bai Yuxiu's attention was all on the surrounding environment at the moment, and he didn't even notice the way Bai Muyou looked at him. After making sure that the place was safe for the time being, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked down at Bai Muyou, and pressed her shoulders with his hands. , asked nervously: "Xiaoyou, how are you? Are you not injured?"

 He carefully looked her up and down with his heart in his heart. When he saw that there was no skin injury, the big stone he had been carrying in his heart fell to the ground.

 Fortunately, she was not injured.

 But soon, he realized something was wrong. Bai Muyou kept his head lowered, barely reacting to his words.

 Bai Yuxiu's eyelids suddenly twitched.

 “Xiao, Xiaoyou?”

 Bai Muyou seemed to be suddenly pulled back from his thoughts, his pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes fell on the hand he was holding on to her, and his whole body trembled suddenly, as if he had been stimulated by something, and he jerked away from him as a reflex.

Bai Yuxiu was startled and looked at a loss, "Xiao You."

What's going on here?

Bai Muyou's mind is in a mess right now. The memories of getting along with Bai Yuxiu since she was a child are pouring into her mind like spring water, playing back like a movie. She strokes her forehead, frowns tightly, and purses the corners of her lips into a straight line, her expression Indifferent and distant.

Her brother is from the Special Administration Bureau and a person with super powers? !

 But, why?

How could he be a superpower?

Having been together day and night for so many years, she didn't even notice it at all.

 When did it happen? !

Seeing her abnormal reaction, Bai Yuxiu thought she was frightened and had a mental problem. His heart suddenly felt as if he had been pricked by needles. He immediately put her in his arms and held her tightly, patting her back gently to express his feelings. Soothe.

  "Okay, okay, don't be afraid anymore. My brother is here, and I am here."

I'm sorry, I haven't seen you for so long. I thought about several ways to lose my horse, and finally decided on this one.



 (End of this chapter)

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