She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 549: Scary to think about

Chapter 549 It’s scary to think about it carefully

The sudden appearance of the people from the Special Administration Bureau caught everyone off guard. Although they had the advantage in numbers, their power levels were not high. In addition, the Special Administration Bureau consisted of Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu, as well as Zou Ming, who was fairly strong. It was obvious that Unable to resist.

 “Damn it!”

The leader cursed and dodged the opponent's superpower, but unexpectedly got hit by a move and cut his arm. The burning pain was clearly felt, and his expression became ferocious.

 “Boss, what should I do?”

One person risked being attacked and squeezed to his side, asking tremblingly.

Seeing him shrinking back and looking timid and fearful, the leader suddenly lost his temper and shouted at the top of his lungs: "What else can we do! Take out all the weapons given to us from above!"

He turned to look at the people in the Special Administration Bureau fiercely, and smiled coldly: "Today, let's just send them to the west together!"

When the man heard this, his face suddenly turned pale, and he said with a trembling voice: "But...but, those are people from the Special Administration Bureau. If we kill them, then we won't..."

Isn’t it tantamount to provoking a war with the Special Administration Bureau head-on?

 This is no different from directly opposing the association!

 At that time, their end may be death.

 “What are you afraid of!”

The leader slapped him so hard that his eyes turned black and he could hardly stand still.

“Our end will not be much better anyway.” He snorted coldly, “It’s better to grab a few people to support you before you die.”

 “Hurry up and go!”

 “Oh oh oh, okay!”

The man covered his face and rolled away temporarily.

  The leader turned around and looked indifferently at the two sides fighting in front, with a sinister smile flashing across his eyes. The silent and dark deep forest was no longer as quiet as before. When everyone released their spiritual power, it was as if they were condensed and intertwined in the air, forming a dense and huge network, giving people a feeling of suffocation and depression.

His ears kept hearing the air flow caused by the supernatural power cutting through the air, as well as the friction sound of the bullets sinking into the trunk of the tree. Bai Muyou's mind was buzzing.

She leaned against the tree trunk, clenching her fists hanging by her sides tightly, taking a deep breath without leaving any trace, forcing herself to calm down, pulling the corners of her lips, and squeezed out a few vague words from between her teeth: "Brother..."

If you look carefully, you can even hear a thick vibrato and a hint of bitterness in her tone.

However, Bai Yuxiu heard nothing but the loud noise around him.

He let her go, lowered his eyes and looked at her, his voice soft but with a reassuring force, "Are you not scared?"

Bai Muyou glanced at him, then quickly lowered his head, shook his head, bit his lower lip tightly, and said, "No."

"That's good."

Just when Bai Yuxiu breathed a sigh of relief, Lu Qingran, who was fighting with the combat team members of the Special Administration Bureau not far ahead, took the opportunity to turn around and shouted: "Old Bai! Stop talking nonsense! Send her away quickly, and then come to help ! There are too many people on the other side, which is not good for us!”

Hearing his voice, Bai Muyou's heart trembled, and his thoughts suddenly became complicated. He closed his eyes, not knowing how to react at this time.

Even Lu Qingran, he is...

 She doesn’t dare to think about anything else now.

For example, what would happen if Ah Shi knew Lu Qingran’s identity.

For example, is there something fishy about the identity of the third brother?

She didn't dare to think deeply about these things because she was too scared to think about them.

 Around her, in the entire imperial capital, there were so many undercurrents and waves that she couldn’t see or didn’t know about!

 (End of this chapter)

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