She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 550: How strong are they?

Chapter 550 How strong are they?

Bai Muyou forced himself to temporarily clear away the distracting thoughts in his mind and concentrate on the current situation.

 She opened her eyes, looked in the direction of Lu Qingran and the others, and quickly analyzed the situation.

There were only less than ten people from the Special Administration Bureau this time, while the other party had at least dozens to a hundred. Looking at it now, Lu Qingran and her brother were not low in strength, but it could be seen that they were in a hurry. Come here, there are not enough weapons to continue consuming them.

She squinted her eyes, pondered for a moment, and cast her eyes vaguely at Xue Cong, who had been trying to reduce his presence since just now.

 The only thing left to do is to attack her.


Just as she was thinking about countermeasures, Bai Yuxiu suddenly called her, and she subconsciously said, "Huh?"

Bai Yuxiu put his hand on her shoulder, looked at her very seriously and said, "I'll have someone take you away first. It's too dangerous here."


Bai Muyou's eyes paused, and he was about to say something. The next second, he was interrupted by a loud bang.

The ground beneath my feet seemed to be shaking violently, and the trees were destroyed. In the blink of an eye, only a mess was left. The eardrums were sore from the air waves generated by the explosion. Some people with weak mental strength could no longer hold on and fainted on the ground. .

 The surroundings were filled with explosions and screams, and thick smoke filled the air, blurring the field of vision and making it difficult to see the situation clearly.

In the chaos, Bai Muyou covered her ears and frowned. After realizing what happened, she immediately reached out to Bai Yuxiu to stop him, but she was a step too late. The other party had already rushed into the smoke, only to I had time to see his back.

A coldness flashed across Bai Muyou's eyes, **** it!

Based on the power of the explosion, it is speculated that the opponent probably used heavy weapons and wanted to bury their bones directly here. It was too dangerous for him to rush over like this!

You must know that no matter how powerful a person with superpowers is, they are still unable to withstand these things. "Hahaha! Yes! That's it, kill them!"

The leader couldn't help laughing when he saw how everyone in the Special Administration Bureau was caught off guard, with a very proud look on his face.

 What the Special Administration Bureau is, they are just a bunch of scum!

He looked at the miniature supernatural cannon in his hand with a smile. It is said that this model was recently developed and is still in the trial stage. For some unknown reason, the superiors actually approved them to be the first batch of users to test and record. Usage data.

I thought I wouldn’t use it when I came to the Imperial Capital this time, but I didn’t expect that it actually came in handy in the end.

 He narrowed his eyes and sneered. He could only say that these people were very unlucky.

 “Second batch! Get ready!”

 He raised his hand high, ready to give an order to fire a second time.

 However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

The smoke in front gradually dissipated, and the field of vision became clearer. When they looked intently again, they had to be surprised.

The people who were at a loss just now have regained their composure. The formation has gathered together without spreading any strength. Everyone is ready. In front of them, Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran used their mental power to create a barrier. , like dividing space, forming two insurmountable boundaries between Chu and Han.

And all the shells they fired after that were blocked outside the barrier. What's even more incredible is that in the face of the violent bombardment of dozens of superpower cannons, the mental barrier did not move at all. There has never been a crack.

 “How is that possible!” the leader yelled unwillingly, widening his eyes and unwilling to believe what he saw.

Just two people can withstand their PMF40 special cannon. How strong are they?

   If nothing happens, Bai Muyou should be able to fall off his horse tomorrow



 (End of this chapter)

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