She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 552: that lord

 Chapter 552: That Sir

Bai Muyou's face was extremely calm, without any unnecessary expression, and he forced her to retreat step by step.

Suddenly, Xue Cong's foot stepped on a stone, and she stumbled and fell to the ground. The pain made her gasp.

However, Bai Muyou was still approaching. She kept shrinking and moving back. She kept groping around with her hands, and finally touched someone's trousers.

Xue Cong clung to it like a life-saving straw and shouted nervously: "Captain, captain, help me! Miss Bai...she is going to kill me!"

She struggled to get up from the ground and wanted to hide behind Zou Ming, but unexpectedly she pulled the wound on her arm. She grinned in pain and froze in place, unable to move.

Everyone was stunned by this scene and did not react at all. Even Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran looked shocked and were out of the situation.

Zou Mingqian stood there with eyes wide open, looked down at Xue Cong, and then looked up at Bai Muyou. Although he couldn't figure out the situation now, Xue Cong was dragging him tightly, and his long nails dug into his flesh through the fabric of his pants. In an instant, The stinging pain brought back some of his sense. He took a step forward and stood in front of Xue Cong. He frowned and asked Bai Muyou: "Miss Bai, what are you doing?"

Although Bai Muyou is Bai Yuxiu's biological sister, he has never met her, let alone interacted with her. In contrast, Xue Cong has been in the Special Administration Bureau for a long time, and he obviously knows her better.

In this case, everyone will subconsciously help the party they are more familiar with, so without any hesitation, Zou Ming naturally sided with Xue Cong.

Bai Muyou ignored him, didn't even give him a look, looked at Xue Cong indifferently, and said in a cold and emotionless tone: "Let them stop."

"What, what?" Xue Cong was stunned and asked in a confused voice with a trembling voice.

 Her appearance is very innocent, and there is no flaw in her disguise.

But Bai Muyou didn't have the patience to waste time with her. He narrowed his eyes dangerously, raised the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at her. His tone was aggravated, with a chill and murderous intent, and he said word by word: "I said, let your people, give I stop."

Seeing that she was about to pull the trigger, Zou Ming immediately shrank his pupils and shouted: "No!"

 “Xiaoyou! Stop it!”

Bai Yuxiu finally regained his sense from the shock and immediately rushed to stop her.

He grabbed her hand and tried to take the gun from her hand, but unexpectedly, Bai Muyou reacted faster and escaped from his restraints.

Bai Yuxiu looked down at his lost hand, his eyes flashed, and he frowned imperceptibly. When did Xiaoyou's skills become so good?

 But now is not the time for him to think about this. "Xiao You, calm down and be good. If you have anything to do, tell me and I will help you solve it. Put the gun down quickly and don't hurt yourself!"

He looked at Bai Muyou anxiously, his eyes full of worry, and kept staring at the gun in her hand, fearing that she would accidentally discharge it and hurt him.

He knew that she must have been too frightened, which caused her to have a stress reaction to the people and things around her, so she hurt unrelated people.

 Regardless of how she got the gun, the first priority is to stabilize her emotions before making further plans.

With this thought in mind, Bai Yuxiu pondered a bit and cautiously approached Bai Muyou, trying to make her less excited.

However, Bai Muyou just glanced at him and knew what he was planning to do, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The next second, the gun pointed into the sky and fired several shots, startling the birds in the forest.

Bai Yuxiu's pupils trembled and he froze on the spot, not daring to move any further.

At this time, the other party obviously noticed the movement here.

The leader squinted his eyes and took a look. After seeing the specific situation clearly, his face suddenly changed and he shouted to the men around him: "Stop it! No more fighting! Stop!"

Everyone was fighting passionately and was about to have a big fight, when they suddenly heard this order, they all froze on the spot and looked at each other blankly.

“Boss, what are you doing? They can’t hold it anymore, as long as they continue...”

Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked hard by the leader.

“Keep going, sir, are you **** blind? Look who’s on the other side! Are you still beating me? You’ve injured that man. Even if you cut off his head and use it as a ball, it’s not enough!”

 (End of this chapter)

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