She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 553: Hal Erin

 Chapter 553 Hal Erin

The man was kicked so hard that he couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north for a while. His mind turned several times before he realized that the only people who can be called "adults" are people in the organization.

His pupils suddenly dilated, and he looked to the opposite side in astonishment. He swallowed subconsciously, and a hint of shock appeared on his face.

Difficult, could it be said that apart from them, what other big figures did the organization send?

Bai Muyou's two shots scared everyone so much that they didn't dare to move at all.

At this time, the tense situation seemed to have eased because of the two shots she fired. Seeing those people stopped attacking, Lu Qingran relaxed his eyebrows and his face softened a little, but he still did not dare to take it lightly and was wary of the other party's sudden attack. , and focused some attention here, worried that Bai Yuxiu wouldn't be able to handle it alone.

 Bai Muyou still stood in the same position as she was shooting. The people next to her were basically more than three feet away from her, for fear of being affected.

 There was an eerie silence in the air.

When the atmosphere was completely silent, Bai Muyou put down the gun, raised his head and squinted in the direction of the kidnapper, slightly raised the corners of his lips and chuckled, "It's not necessary now, your good men are quite self-aware."

  Even from such a long distance, I can still recognize it.

What she didn't know was that the superpower of the person opposite him was extraordinary vision. In layman's terms, it was equivalent to clairvoyance. He could observe small things from thousands of miles away. Now, this distance is naturally nothing.

Bai Muyou's words made the people who were already confused even more confused. They couldn't figure out the meaning of her words, and they all looked at each other at a loss.

Xue Cong's eyes flashed slightly, and then he looked up at her, with the same expression on his face as everyone else, and asked blankly: "Miss Bai, what are you talking about? I, I don't understand."

"Can't understand?"

Bai Muyou stared at her coldly, with a dangerous cold light in his eyes, and said in a sarcastic tone: "Do you have to point me out?"

 “The second leader of the Chameng.”

 “Miss Hal Irene?”


The air seemed to freeze for a moment.

As soon as the word "Chameng" came out, Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran's expressions changed drastically at the same time. They cast their gazes on her almost at the same time. Their gazes were intense and obvious, as if they were staring a hole into her. The expressions on their faces were as if they had seen a ghost.

There was a buzz in Bai Yuxiu's head. As if he had been stimulated by something, he rushed forward and grabbed her wrist. Because he was too excited, he couldn't control his strength and pinched her fair wrist, leaving a red mark.

He stared at her with extremely hot eyes. The suppressed emotions in his eyes were so strong that they almost condensed into substance. His voice was cold and hoarse: "How do you know?"

Bai Muyou was caught by him, and the distance between them was extremely close. She was forced to raise her head to meet his stern gaze. His hot breath sprayed on her face, making her shudder. She raised her feet and stepped back half way. step.

However, Bai Yuxiu didn't give her this chance at all. He changed from the gentle and gentlemanly side he used to be in front of her, and his overwhelming aura suddenly became full, making people breathless.

Bai Muyou took a breath, and the clear reflection clearly reflected his face, as well as the undisguised anger on his face.

 There is no way she knows about Chameng.

Bai Yuxiu couldn’t believe it.

Why does the sister she has loved and protected since she was a child know about the organization of Shameng?

 Hal Erin, the second master of the Shamen League.

How did she know this? Did someone tell her something, or did she accidentally hear it somewhere?

  No, there is no way that the name Hal Eileen would be heard accidentally.

So what exactly is she...

 Bai Yuxiu had a lot of thoughts at the moment, and the feelings in his heart were complicated and obscure. He did not think deeply about why Bai Muyou said that Xue Cong was Hal Irene. What he cared about was just why she knew this.

 These are things that an ordinary person should not know.

Bai Muyou closed his eyes, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and the next moment he suddenly used strength to break free from his grasp, and opened a distance of two or three meters from him, looking at him calmly without saying a word.

 When Bai Yuxiu met her eyes, his heart suddenly hurt.

Those eyes were still the ones he was most familiar with, but at the moment their eyes were as indifferent as a stranger's, as if he had never really known her.

 After she showed that look, he suddenly had a bad premonition. What happened next might subvert his years of knowledge. Just as he expected, Bai Muyou lowered his eyes, long black eyelashes covering up the expression under his eyes, pursed the corners of his lips into an indifferent arc, and turned to look at Xue Cong.

When she finished speaking, no one noticed that Xue Cong's expression also changed slightly, but it only passed briefly.

 She laughed dryly: "Miss Bai, you must have recognized the wrong person."

"That's right."

Just when the atmosphere was deadlocked, Zou Ming suddenly said: "Miss Bai, are you mistaken? Xue Cong is from my Special Administration Bureau, not... what you said is Irene."

 Everyone in the Special Administration Bureau agreed.

However, Lu Qingran, who was also shocked by Bai Muyou's words just now, forced himself to calm down, frowned and pondered for a moment, then turned his attention to Xue Cong, looking at her thoughtfully.

Bai Muyou glanced at Zou Ming coolly, snorted softly, and said in an incomprehensible tone, "Your people?"

The next second, before anyone could react, she quickly reached for her waist, took out another gun that had been hidden, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


This unexpected shot made everyone feel heartbroken.

 Such a fast speed, such a short distance, and such a short time.

 They could almost imagine how miserable Xue Cong's death would be.

Those who couldn't bear to read any more had already closed their eyes, constantly wondering in their hearts whether Bai Muyou was crazy.

He actually killed someone in front of so many people!

 One second…

 Two seconds…

 After three seconds passed, the screams that everyone imagined did not sound.

They opened their eyes in surprise, only to see Bai Muyou leisurely fiddling with the gun in his hand.

what happened?

 Didn’t he shoot?

 Is it possible that he missed?

Everyone was puzzled.

 It’s impossible. A blind person can hit it at such a close range.

 They slowly moved their eyes, looking around, looking for Xue Cong's figure.

Finally, she was found a few meters away. Xue Cong was holding her injured arm. Perhaps the strenuous exercise caused the wound to tear again. Her face was extremely pale, and anyone could see that she was enduring great pain. .

She was hunched over, her whole body on alert, blood dripping down her fingers on the ground, but she didn't react at all, her eyes fixed on Bai Muyou.

Only then did everyone realize that it was not that Bai Muyou missed the hit, but that Xue Cong had escaped the attack after disappearing in an instant and reappearing a few meters away.


Bai Muyou laughed twice, clapped her hands, and the corners of her lips curved up with a hint of joy. She looked at Xue Cong, who looked slightly embarrassed, and said, "Tsk, tsk, I read that right. Miss Xue can actually escape this." PAPU, also known as a miniature artillery shell?”

She raised the gun in her hand and gently rubbed her index finger around the trigger. The expression on her face was very intriguing.

  When everyone saw clearly what was in her hand, they were stunned and stunned.

 “That! That’s it!”

Lu Qingran walked up to Bai Yuxiu, narrowed her eyes and looked at the gun, and said in a deep voice: "PAPU..."

 It is also known as a miniature supernatural cannon.

 It’s so powerful, it’s easy to kill an S-level superpower!

 (End of this chapter)

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