She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 554: Where is Xiao Xue?

Chapter 554 Where is Xiao Xue?

Bai Muyou raised the corners of her mouth slightly, with a cold smile in her eyes. She looked at Xue Cong's pale face and said, "Miss Xue has such strength, isn't it a bit unfair to stay in the Special Administration Bureau?"

 She specially emphasized the word "Miss Xue" in a sarcastic tone.

Zou Ming, who had been arguing just now, was shocked. He stared blankly at Xue Cong, who was standing a few meters away, and then looked at the PAPU in Bai Muyou's hand, his mind went blank. .

 “Xiao Xue?”

 He shouted uncertainly, looking at the familiar face of the other party, he slowly frowned.

 “That’s not right.”

Zou Ming's face changed and he looked at Xue Cong solemnly.

He has some friendship with the Xue family, and he has heard Xue Cong's parents talk about her to him. Although Xue Cong is relatively strong among the young people of the Xue family, it is absolutely impossible to hide her. Exceed PAPU capabilities.

 “You are not Xiaoxue! Who are you?”

As soon as the words fell, everyone was suddenly surprised and looked at Xue Cong in horror.

 She is not Xue Cong?

 But she clearly has the face of Xue Cong.

 What's going on?

Just when everyone suspected that they had seen a ghost, Lu Qingran narrowed her eyes thoughtfully and said, "Transformer."

Zou Ming immediately turned around and asked in disbelief: "Transformer? Team Leader Lu, are you sure?"

Lu Qingran glanced at her quietly but said nothing.

On the contrary, Bai Yuxiu added: "If I remember correctly, the second leader of the Chameng... is a shapeshifter."

 He had only heard about it, but he didn’t expect to see it with his own eyes today.

They are both the supervision team of the association, but compared to the second team, they do not have much contact with the Cha League. It can even be said that all tasks or cases involving the Cha League are handed over by the president or the council. The second team handles it. I heard that four years ago, the Nine Gods led the second team to destroy the lair of the Cha League in one fell swoop and killed the leader of the Cha League in public.

Since the death of the leader, the surviving members of the alliance have been leaderless, with constant internal fighting, and eventually collapsed and disbanded.

What I didn’t expect was that a few years later, an unknown person would reorganize the Cha League again, and gradually regain the power of the Cha League in an attempt to compete with the association again.

To this day, they still don’t know who the new leader of the Saba League is. The only one who has been making public appearances is Hal Eileen, the second in command of the Chasm League.

· Among the information collected by the association about Hal Eileen, there was a record that she was a shapeshifter, and he had only seen it accidentally.


Zou Ming's face instantly turned pale, and he asked "Xue Cong" with a trembling voice: "You are a shapeshifter... What about Xiao Xue? What did you do to her?"

Xue Cong's parents once told him to take good care of her, but now, under his nose, Xue Cong was impersonated by a shapeshifter. So where is the real Xue Cong now?

Xue Cong, oh no, it should be Hal Eileen, seeing that his identity has been completely exposed, he simply stopped pretending, looked at them with sinister eyes, and sneered a few times: "Her? Oh, you are talking about that little Secretary."

"I'm so sorry. In order to prevent her from ruining my big event, I can only ask her to go to **** first."

There was a buzz in Zou Ming's head, his eyes were black, and he could hardly stand still. He gritted his teeth, his voice was full of hatred, and said one word at a time: "You, killed, her?"

  "What if? Keeping her will get in the way?" Hal Erin snorted, "I'm not that stupid."

Since you have to disguise yourself, you must eliminate all threats.

"I kill you!"

   (╥﹏╥) I was so anxious that I updated yesterday’s code, but it didn’t happen. Could it be that... I coded it in a dream?



 (End of this chapter)

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