She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 557: Very strong in physical skills

Chapter 557 Physical skills are so strong

  After Bai Muyou said those four words, Hal Eileen was silent for a moment, then clicked his tongue, sneered and whispered: "I was discovered... this is not fun."

 “Delaying time?”

Everyone in the Special Administration Bureau was also confused by her four words. Bai Yuxiu frowned and asked, "Xiaoyou, what do you mean?"

Bai Muyou paused and said, "Originally, I didn't understand why these people wanted to kidnap me in public, but after seeing you, I understood."

“Brother, their goal is not me, but you.”

Bai Yuxiu was surprised: "Me?"

Bai Muyou nodded: "Yes, kidnapping celebrities in front of the TV station in front of everyone seems audacious to you, but this is also their purpose."

She turned around, her eyes calmly swept across the people in the Special Administration Bureau, and finally fell on Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran. She said calmly: "Although they kidnapped me, they did not extort money from my family like ordinary kidnappers." Any other demands are just to tie us up and leave us alone.”

“This was what puzzled me the most at first. Later, after killing two of them, I discovered that they had another purpose.”

Lu Qingran suddenly interrupted her: "Wait a minute, Xiaoyou, you mean, the pile of corpses in the factory..."

 Bai Muyou: "I did it."

 Bai Yuxiu: “…”

 Lu Qingran: “…”

 Others in the Special Administration Bureau: “…”

 Hands of neck felt inexplicably cold.

Bai Muyou shrugged helplessly and said, "There is no other way. If I ask them, I can only use some special methods."

  “Well… I just don’t have a good grasp of the strength.”

 Everyone: “…”

 It's not just that you don't have good control over your strength.

He simply didn’t intend to keep him alive, no, he wanted to keep his body intact.

Bai Muyou ignored everyone's confusion and continued: "Later, they brought me here, but they didn't kill me. They still trapped me here."

As she said this, she suddenly sneered: "They were afraid that I would become suspicious as time went on, so the second master came out in person and performed a double act with these people to hide the truth."

Zou Ming asked: "When did you realize that something was wrong with "Xue Cong"?"

"I discovered it from the beginning." Bai Muyou glanced at Hal Eileen and said coldly: "A secretary of the Special Administration Bureau can easily pass through the spirit barrier that only S-class and above strong men can pass through. Force barrier, unless I’m blind I can’t tell there’s something wrong with her.”

Her words were obviously heard by Hal Eileen, who slowly raised his lips and chuckled, "I see..."

  She was still wondering what was wrong with her, but it turned out to be here.

She thought Bai Muyou was an ordinary person who couldn't see the mental barrier and didn't know these "common senses" that only people with super powers knew.

However, she didn't expect that the bad thing was that she didn't investigate Bai Muyou's identity well in advance, and that was why she missed a move.

Hal Eileen clapped her hands twice and praised: "Yes, Miss Bai, I take back what I said before. It's not that I underestimated you, but that I misjudged you. A person with such a strong ability can actually pretend to be harmonious." Ordinary people are no different. I admire them. Why don’t you teach me a lesson?”

Bai Muyou smiled: "Okay, come to the prison of the Special Administration Bureau and I will teach you personally."

 Hal Erin: "Forget it, I still prefer freedom to this."

"Oh, is it so?"

A chill flashed across Bai Muyou's eyes, and her tone seemed to be frozen: "It's not up to you!"

 The next second, her figure disappeared instantly and appeared less than one meter away from Hal Eileen.

With such a fast speed, everyone in the Cha League had no time to react, and they were blocked by her ice and unable to move. Even the muzzles of the super-powered cannons were blocked by broken ice and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

They could only watch as Bai Muyou's right hand turned into a claw and mercilessly moved towards their second master's neck.

Hal Eileen leaned back slightly, cleverly dodging the blow. Bai Muyou's hand missed and only dangled in front of her throat, but she reacted immediately, turned around and performed a side spin kick, The leg wind is strong, implying strength.

Hal Irene also raised her legs to fight back almost instantly. Her calves collided with each other, making a heavy muffled sound. A numbing pain swept through her whole body. She involuntarily took half a step back, secretly surprised.

how come?

 Why is her physical skills stronger than those of defensive superpowers?

 “Is it weird?”

Just when she was stunned, Bai Muyou's ghost-like voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

 “I’m so sorry, our boss told me.”

“A person with superpowers who only knows superpowers and does not practice physical skills is equivalent to a waste!”

 (End of this chapter)

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