She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 558: I don’t mind making things happen for you

Chapter 558 I don’t mind helping you

Most superpowers only focus on the cultivation of mental power and superpowers, and neglect their own physical skills. Except for defensive superpowers, others don't pay much attention to this aspect at all.

Bai Muyou's blow just now was beyond the scope of ordinary superpowers. She could clearly feel that her calf bones were cracked by the kick. The severe pain gradually spread throughout her body, making her take a breath. .

At this moment, Bai Muyou seized the opportunity and walked around behind her. His slender, boneless hands grabbed her life gate and pinched her throat bone. With just a little force, she could die.

"do not move."

 Bai Muyou stood behind Hal Eileen, leaned close to her ear and said, "If you move again, you will die."

Hal Eileen struggled a few times, but Bai Muyou was too tight-lipped to fight back.

She snorted coldly, clenched her left hand hanging by her side, and a sizzling electric current immediately surrounded her fingertips. She raised her hand and struck back. Unexpectedly, Bai Muyou's eyes sharpened and he caught her in an instant. attack.

The ice collides with the electricity, causing a violent reaction. The electricity melts the condensed ice and turns it into a ball of water mist, which eventually turns into water droplets and falls on the ground.

The layer of frost covering Bai Muyou's hands receded, and he held her wrist tightly, snorting coldly: "Thunder element?"

In addition to transforming, she actually has lightning powers.

 “Unexpectedly, he is also a dual-type psychic.”

 The next moment, she exerted force and broke her wrist mercilessly. A clear sound of bone cracking was heard, accompanied by Hal Erin's scream.

 “It’s a pity, you don’t deserve it.”

As soon as Bai Muyou let go of her hand, her hand fell down as if she had lost consciousness.

  It was broken off by force!

Hal Eileen gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain, "You!"

 “Be honest! Otherwise, I don’t mind breaking both of your hands.”

 When she fought with Hal Eileen, everyone in the Special Administration Bureau immediately reacted and rushed forward to restrain the other members of the Braun Union who were frozen in ice.

 “Quick! Inform the bureau to send more manpower!” Zou Ming shouted.


Seeing that all his people had been captured, Hal Eileen suddenly laughed, a look of madness flashed in his eyes, "So that's it, so..."

Her expression seemed to be that she had discovered something interesting, and she was particularly proud.

Bai Yuxiu came to her and saw that she was acting crazy. He frowned and asked sternly: "Why are you laughing?"

Bai Muyou narrowed his eyes and exerted force on his hand. Hal Eileen coughed twice, but still looked at her with a sinister smile, "So it's you..." "Hahahaha..."

 She laughed softly a few times.

“I didn’t expect that I didn’t recognize you after not seeing you for so many years.”

At the end of the sentence, her voice gradually decreased, like a mosquito. Only Bai Muyou, who was closest to her, could hear those words clearly. A dark color flashed across his eyes, and his tone suddenly became sharp: "Shut up!"

Bai Yuxiu frowned so hard that he could pinch a fly to death. Do she and Xiaoyou know each other?

 He raised his eyes again and looked at Bai Muyou. It could be judged from her expression that Hal Eileen seemed to have hit on something that was on her mind.

Feeling the increasing strength in his throat, Hal Eileen's expression began to distort, and he breathed hard, but still had no intention of begging for mercy. His eyes gradually moved downward: "The suppression... bracelet is really... Interesting, haha, haha... cough!"

After barely judging the content of her words, Bai Yuxiu was stunned and immediately looked at Bai Muyou's wrist. When they fought, the bracelet appeared automatically due to the huge mental power, but it was blocked. The cuffs of the shirt are covered, so you can't even notice it unless you look carefully.

Bai Muyou frowned, put down his cuffs, and covered his bracelet.

“Xiaoyou, you—” Bai Yuxiu looked at her in surprise.

 What Lu Qingran said just now is true. She does have something that suppresses her mental power.

 But why is it a suppression bracelet?

 This is obviously...only those with super powers who make mistakes and break the law are forced to wear it, just like handcuffs.

Xiaoyou, she…

Thinking of this, Bai Yuxiu couldn't help but frowned.

 “Are you curious?”

Hal Eileen looked at Bai Yuxiu's thoughtful expression, glanced at Bai Muyou behind her, and said, "I have to ask your good sister."

 “Ask her, she has been doing things for so many years, only to be—ugh!”

 Before the next words were spoken, they suddenly disappeared in the middle.

Bai Muyou's eyes were extremely cold and he had lost his patience: "If you are really in such a hurry to die, I can help you!"

 (End of this chapter)

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