She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 562: Patients who disobey doctors’ orders

Chapter 562 The patient who disobeys the doctor’s advice

Ji Yunshu saw this and hurriedly shouted: "Ajiu!"

 Her current physical condition is not suitable for impulsiveness!

However, Li Jiu had already opened the door and left and could not hear her words.

Ji Yunshu frowned and looked back at everyone: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and follow!"

She is now a time bomb. It will explode somewhere. If she loses control of her mental power in any public place, it will be an unimaginable disaster!

Li Jiu had a cold expression on his face, and the pressure in his body was extremely low. He kept calling Qi Sijin and others, but naturally no one answered.

 “Damn it!”

She smashed the steering wheel angrily, cursed fiercely, and called Li Chen instead.

“Dad, has grandpa contacted you?”

Li Chen was busy at first, so when he saw the call from her, he thought it was something important. Who would have thought that she would ask such an inconsistent question, and her tone sounded quite urgent.

He was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said, "No, didn't he take Makino to the Yun family to celebrate his birthday?"

Li Jiu's eyes became darker: "Brother Makino is here too?"

“Well, he said he wanted to join in the fun.”

Li Chen raised his head and glanced at the time, raising his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little strange: "Logically speaking, they should be back at this time."

“Xiaojiu, what happened?” Li Chen asked with a frown.

For some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Li Jiu's tone calmed down, "It's okay, Dad, I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first."

 After saying that, before Li Chen could reply, he cut off the call.

Then he stepped on the accelerator suddenly, and the car suddenly flew out like an arrow, leaving only a trace of exhaust gas.

Li Jiu stared straight ahead without blinking, and drove the car to the extreme speed without changing her expression. If you observe carefully, you will find that there is a raging anger in her eyes, and she looks like a storm is about to come. .

 Suddenly, she glanced at the rearview mirror.

Several cars appeared one after another behind her car, neatly lined up, and followed closely behind her.

 That is Ji Yunshu and others.

Li Jiu looked back and suddenly turned the steering wheel to the end, making a sharp turn. Behind her, Ji Yunshu also immediately swung the steering wheel, and the car suddenly slid into a curve on the road. Ning Feng, who was in the passenger seat, was almost thrown out.

His hands were firmly grasping the seat belt, and his body was pressed against the seat due to inertia. He collapsed and said, "Seventh sister! Can't you drive more steadily?"

Ji Yunshu said impatiently: "Shut up, I don't even have a driver's license, how stable do you expect me to be?"

Ning Feng’s eyes were horrified, and his voice suddenly broke: “How dare you hit the road without a driver’s license!”

If you are caught, you will not be able to escape proper detention!

 What’s more, she is still racing!

Ning Feng suddenly felt that his life was in danger.

Ji Yunshu said irritably: "Don't disturb me, or get out of here."

Seeing that her expression was getting irritable, Ning Feng was very aware of current affairs and immediately became as quiet as a chicken.

Seeing that Li Jiu was falling further and further away, Ji Yunshu finally couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it! How old are you, why are you still so impulsive! Don't you know what's going on with your body?"

In situations like Li Jiu's, one must stay calm at all times, otherwise emotional agitation will more easily lead to mental riots.

She has said this a thousand times, but every time she is ignored by this person, and the next time she does it her own way.

 Ji Yunshu's eyes flashed with displeasure.

 The biggest headache is patients who don’t follow the doctor’s advice.

 She rarely loses her temper, but that doesn't mean she has no temper. Those in the team who were lucky enough to see her get angry once understood a very clear truth after that: Never mess with the ghost doctor.

 But now, Li Jiu was simply jumping back and forth on her minefield, making her teeth itchy with anger but helpless.

 After all, she can't beat him.

Ning Feng watched tremblingly as the familiar devilish smile gradually appeared on Ji Yunshu's face. His eyelids twitched and his whole body tensed to the extreme. He asked cautiously: "Seventh, seventh sister, has the boss made you angry again?"

 Otherwise, how could she have this expression?

Ji Yunshu turned around and gave him a flawless smile: "What do you think?"

  Ning Feng: “…”

He felt that she was not in a good mood, and the boss might be finished after getting off the car.

Driving without a license is not advisable. This article is purely fictitious. Do not imitate it. Driving is irregular. My relatives will cry. Keep it in your heart and read it twice every time.



 (End of this chapter)

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