She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 563: erase traces

Chapter 563: Erase the Traces

 Yun family.

The banquet hall was in a mess.

The guests who were chatting and laughing just now were stunned. There were broken glass everywhere and red wine and cakes spilled all over the floor.

 There were only three people standing there, Mr. Yun, Yun Rong and Yun Yin.

Just ten minutes ago, Lin Yan, who couldn't find anything out from the two old men, had completely lost his patience. He immediately stunned Mr. Li and others and took them away from the Yun family without knowing it.

Before leaving, he glanced at Mr. Yun coldly and said, "I'll leave it to you to deal with the aftermath. I don't want any **** to bother me."

Mr. Yun smiled apologetically: "Don't worry, I will never let anyone know about you."

After they left, Yun Rong straightened the folds of his dress, glanced at the people lying on the ground, frowned and asked, "Grandpa, are they not dead?"

Just before Lin Yan left, he ordered his men to inject everyone with something, and then they all fainted. If they all died here, it would bring a lot of trouble to the Yun family.

It’s hard for the police to explain.

Mr. Yun waved his hand, "It's okay, it will just make them lose their memory temporarily."

After all, as onlookers, they witnessed the whole process of the Yun family's participation in the kidnapping of Mr. Li and Mr. Qi. If the memory was not erased, he would be in more trouble.

Hearing this, Yun Yin frowned: "Then... what will the police say when they come?"

 It's enough for a person to be so frightened that he loses his mind and cannot remember what happened, but everyone is like this, so he will definitely suspect that there is something fishy going on.

Mr. Yun pondered: "Mr. Lin said that the drug injected into them will only cause them to temporarily lose their memory. After the drug gradually takes effect, it will penetrate deep into their brains and artificially tamper with some memories. At that time, we want them to Whatever they say, they have to say it.”

Yun Rong wondered: "There is such a magical thing in this world."

 She had never heard of this drug, let alone seen it.

Since I met Lin Yan, not only has my physical condition improved greatly, but I have also been exposed to a life that I had never experienced before.

This experience made her happy and proud, giving her a sense of superiority over others. What she saw was a world that they would never be exposed to in this life!

Mr. Yun smiled and said, "Nothing, girl, you will have the opportunity to come into contact with more things you have never seen before."

Now that the Yun family has officially joined the Cha League, assisting them in capturing Mr. Li, Mr. Qi and others this time can be regarded as the "certificate of submission" for the Yun family to enter the Cha League. From now on, the Yun family has already had a presence in the Cha League. Once you gain status, you no longer need to act based on other people's opinions. Mr. Yun snorted coldly in his heart and said, "It's getting late. Hurry up and arrange the scene as Mr. Lin said, lest the police come and see the flaw."



 The three people began to act separately and erase the traces left by Lin Yan according to the plan.

At this time, Li Jiu drove the car very fast and suddenly stepped on the brakes. The tires scraped against the ground and made a screeching sound. The steady car immediately stopped at the door of Yun's house.

She pushed the door open and got out of the car. Before she could turn around, she was blocked by Ji Yunshu, who had been following closely behind.

Ji Yunshu was slightly panting. In order to catch up with her, he first drove all the way, then quickly got out of the car and ran over to hug her. He had not been on a mission for a long time, and his physical fitness was indeed not used to it, but it was okay. He didn't look like someone when he got off the car. So I found a corner and vomited non-stop.

Her eyes glanced imperceptibly at Ning Feng not far away. He was holding on to the trunk of a tree and vomiting to the sky. The scene was too horrible to watch.

 He vowed never to ride in a car driven by Ji Yunshu again in his life.

Ji Yunshu twitched the corner of his mouth and looked back at Li Jiu, "Ajiu, calm down, be careful..."

Li Jiu raised her hand to interrupt her next words, "I know, it's okay."

"What's the matter? Are you a doctor or am I a doctor? Don't be brave!"

Li Jiu finally raised her eyes. The coldness in her eyes shocked even her. She said, "The most important thing now is my grandpa."

"Step aside."

 She pushed Ji Yunshu away and walked straight into Yun's house.

Ji Yunshu looked at her and was stunned for a moment. He was so worried about Li Jiu's situation that he didn't realize that it was the Yun family she was coming to.

Looking at the extremely familiar yet unfamiliar building in front of her, she suddenly narrowed her eyes, and a coldness flashed across her eyes.

What kind of trouble is this family planning to cause?

 (End of this chapter)

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