She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 564: Where is my grandpa?

Chapter 564 Where is my grandfather?

 The door was kicked open, hit the wall and bounced back.

Li Jiu's face was cold, with a violent aura lingering around him. His eyes swept across the mess on the ground sternly, and finally fell on Mr. Yun and others, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

Mr. Yun and the three of them did not expect that someone would suddenly break in, and they were all shocked.

Due to guilty conscience, the three of them all raised their eyebrows at the same time. Their eyes wandered for a moment, but they were accurately captured by Li Jiu.

Mr. Yun subconsciously asked: "Who are you?"

Li Jiu sneered, and in a flash, he came to him at a speed that ordinary people could not see clearly. He grabbed his throat, his eyes were stern and cold, and the strength of his hand suddenly tightened. Mr. Yun suddenly stared. His eyes were big, and all the veins on his neck were popping out.


Facing the sudden feeling of suffocation, he was not prepared at all. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to pull at the arm she was holding on to him, but the strength was too weak and resistance was useless.



Yun Rong and Yun Yin screamed at the same time, rushing forward desperately to save Mr. Yun, but for some reason, they seemed to be ejected by an invisible barrier before they reached Li Jiu.

 The bodies of mother and daughter flew out in the same posture and fell heavily to the ground, making two muffled sounds.

Huge pain swept through him, as if his body was broken into two pieces from the middle, and he was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Even though Yun Rong has been treated by Chameng and is now mostly healed, the chronic illness left over the years cannot be eliminated in a day or two, and her physique is much weaker than that of a normal person.

With such a fall, she was knocked unconscious on the spot.

Not far away from her, Yun Yin struggled to get up despite the severe pain, but fell back again. She said anxiously: "Rong'er!"

 However, there was no reply.

 The other party was extremely dizzy.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Li Jiu angrily, her voice sharp and full of venom: "You bitch!"

At this moment, Li Jiu kicked open the half-open door, and people pushed it open again. Ji Yunshu and Ning Feng walked in one after another.

Ning Feng's face looked slightly pale. He had almost vomited out everything he had eaten today and yesterday. The artist is very strict about his physical appearance. He rarely eats at ordinary times. After vomiting like this, there is nothing left in his stomach. He looks listless. He just follows Ji Yunshu languidly and has no time to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yunshu in front stopped suddenly, and he almost ran into him without stopping.

 He raised his head helplessly, "You—"

 The next second, the words were not finished in the throat.

He saw Ji Yunshu suddenly lowered his head. He followed her line of sight and happened to see Yun Yin lying on the ground.

 “This is…” He was a little surprised and didn’t know what was happening here.

Ji Yunshu didn’t have any trouble in his eyes, and without changing his expression, he directly raised his foot and stepped over.

At this time, Yun Yin happened to see Ji Yunshu. She seemed to have found the reason instantly. She raised her hand tremblingly and pointed at her angrily, and blasted out vicious and unpleasant words like a barrage: "It turns out to be you! Ji Yunshu! You actually Leading someone to do such an outrageous thing to your grandfather!"

The unbearable curses came into his ears clearly and word by word, but Ji Yunshu didn't react at all. As if he didn't hear it, he walked straight to Li Jiu and glanced at Mr. Yun who was holding his throat by her. He said calmly: "They called the police. The police will be here soon. If you want to ask anything, hurry up."

Li Jiu hummed, loosened the strength in his hand, and said in a cold and emotionless tone: "Tell me, where is my grandpa?"

Mr. Yun said with difficulty: "I don't know who your grandfather is..."

"I don't know?" Li Jiu snorted coldly, "I am Li Jiu, who do you think my grandfather is?"

 It turned out to be her!

How could Mr. Yun not know about the eldest lady of the Li family who has caused a huge commotion in the Imperial Capital during this period.

His pupils suddenly dilated, a hint of timidity and guilt flashing through his eyes.

 Why was Lin Yan chasing after Mr. Li as soon as he left?

 What does she know?

 No, she cannot be informed of what is happening here.

 Fortunately, they have cleared almost all traces. Even if the Special Administration Bureau arrived, they would not be able to find any useful clues.

 “I, I don’t know.”

 (End of this chapter)

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