Chapter 566

Li Jiu and others arrived quietly, and no one knew when they left. Before everyone else arrived, they took the Yun family away without anyone noticing.

By the way, we recalled all the team members in Imperial Capital and withdrew to the headquarters together.

Hence, whether it was Qi Jingci, the Special Administrative Bureau, or the police, they all came to nothing.

 When they arrived, the Yun family had no other clues except the guests who were stunned.

While the police were busy sending the unconscious person to the hospital, they urgently began to inspect the scene. While working, the team member in charge raised his head and glanced to the side from time to time, flashing doubts.

Even though it was Mr. Qi who was kidnapped this time, and Mr. Qi could be considered a family member of the victim, there was nothing wrong with his presence here. But what was the situation of the group of people who followed him? Why was the captain so respectful when he met them?

Doubts are doubts, and this kind of thing is not something that a team member like him can know, so he was just confused for a moment, and then turned around and was busy with the work at hand.

 However, he is not the only one who has such thoughts, everyone here has doubts lingering in their minds, but they just don't dare to ask.

“Third Master, don’t worry, there will definitely be clues left.” Director Sun wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a dry smile.

He stood beside Qi Jingci tremblingly, his whole body seemed to be enveloped in a suffocating and depressing atmosphere, and he was almost oppressed to the point of being unable to breathe.


This is the first time I have appeared together with the legendary God Q.

Sure enough, the aura of God is not something mortals like them can bear.

Due to Bai Muyou's incident, almost all the main personnel of the Special Administration Bureau were transferred by Zou Ming. When the news of the accident of the two old men came, it was like a thunderbolt struck his head, and he stayed in place for a long time without closing his jaw.

Fortunately, his many years of experience in handling cases prompted him to calm down as quickly as possible, and quickly issued an order to dispatch all the remaining personnel of the Special Administration Bureau. Those who were on leave immediately returned to their posts, united all parties, and worked hard at all costs. Investigate this incident.

When he finished all this and was about to sit down and take a breath, the door of the office was kicked open, and then this man appeared in front of him unexpectedly.

His face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, making people shiver from the cold, his eyebrows were cold, and there was a frightening chill in his eyes. The corners of his tightly pursed lips were slightly depressed, and there was an extremely dangerous aura about him.

 The air pressure in the office plummeted to an extreme.

Sun Ju was holding the enamel tea cup and was about to take a sip: "..." He silently put the cup down, feeling uneasy and pushing it further away.

Not daring to look directly at this angry man, he stood up immediately, with a shy smile on his face, and said respectfully: "Third, Third Master, we have taken emergency action. Do you have any other orders?"

As he spoke, he broke into a cold sweat silently in his heart.

 “What do you think?”

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes and said in a cold tone: "Sun Ping, I handed over the Special Administration Bureau to you, and this is what you do?"

Sun Ping was so frightened that he immediately shook his shoulders, rolled his eyes, and considered apologizing: "I'm sorry, Third Master! It was my dereliction of duty this time. I failed to detect the abnormal movements in the Imperial Capital in advance, which led to today's situation... "

“I don’t need you to review it with me now!” Qi Jingci said sternly, “Do you still need me to remind you what you should do?”

“Yes, yes, I will investigate it myself!”

Sun Ping was so frightened that his face turned pale, he staggered and left the office quickly.

Qi Jingci stood there, pressing his forehead as if he had a headache. His eyes were dim and deep, and the aura around him became colder, as if he was brewing his emotions that were about to explode.

 The old man was kidnapped.

 Old man Li was kidnapped together with him.

 He doesn't know how to explain it to Li Jiu now, and he can't even imagine her reaction after knowing this.

According to her temperament, she would definitely turn the Imperial Capital upside down regardless of the consequences, and then use extreme methods to force the group of people out.


Qi Jingci's eyes turned cold, and he must not let Li Jiu get involved in danger.

That group of people must be found immediately!

 (End of this chapter)

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