She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 567: Is there a problem with the Yun family?

Chapter 567 Is there a problem with the Yun family?

 “Third brother!”

By the time Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran arrived at Yun's house, the investigation work had come to an end.

 In the end, naturally nothing was found except for the group of fainted guests.

Qi Jingci pinched his eyebrows, an undercurrent surged in his eyes, and his face was cold and cold, which was unreasonably frightening.

“…” Lu Qingran swallowed the question immediately.

 He glanced at the situation at the scene and asked Director Sun: "Have you found anything?"

Director Sun shook his head and sighed, with a sad face: "No, the other party did it very cleanly."

Bai Yuxiu then asked: "What about monitoring?"

 “Checking, but no results yet.”

The two of them were silent at the same time and looked at Qi Jingci. Although his expression was normal, people familiar with him knew that this was a sign of his anger.

"Third brother, don't worry too much." Lu Qingran sighed, stepped forward and patted Qi Jingci on the shoulder, comforting him: "The old man should be safe for the time being."

The other party went to such great lengths to kidnap the two old men, which shows that these two men are valuable to them and they will not do anything to them for the time being.

Qi Jingci naturally knows this, otherwise, he would not be staying here now.

 He glanced at the scene, turned around and left, saying: "Follow me."

 Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu looked at each other, not sure why, but they still followed him.

The three of them went upstairs to the Yun family's study. Qi Jingci walked around in a circle, and then stopped in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands in his pockets. Looking down from here, he could clearly see all the corners of the Yun family. It was a secret observation. Great place for people.

He narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Do you think... there is a problem with the Yun family?"

Hearing his question, Lu Qingran immediately frowned and asked, "Aren't they victims?"

 No trace of the Yun family was found at the scene. It was most likely that the other party took away the two old men and also abducted the Yun family.

 “That’s not right.”

Bai Yuxiu suddenly spoke up and denied what he said. He raised his head to look at Qi Jingci and muttered: "There is another possibility that the Yun family is in the same group as that group of people."

Lu Qingran’s eyes suddenly widened, “What?”

 He thought calmly and decided something was wrong, "Isn't this impossible?"

Although Mr. Yun and the two old men did not have much contact with each other, they were once one of the five major families. Their relationship was not too bad, and there was no reason to conspire with others to kidnap them.

What's more, although the Yun family's status in the imperial capital is not as good as that of the Li family and the Qi family, it is still an upper-class wealthy family. Even his family has to respect him. How could he be so reluctant to involve the entire family?

Qi Jingci turned to look at him: "Yun Xingye is indeed not stupid enough to risk the entire Yun family with him, but what if the terms offered by the other party are more attractive than the entire Yun family?"

Lu Qingran was puzzled: "What could that be?"

The Yun family has plenty of money and power, so what could make him risk everything so much?

Bai Yuxiu thought deeply, squinted his eyes and said, "Could it be... Yun Rong?"

He raised his head suddenly and caught a glimpse of Qi Jingci nodding slightly.

He suddenly understood, and a series of guesses in his mind were well founded.

 “What Yunrong, what are you talking about?”

Lu Qingran looked at Bai Yuxiu and Qi Jingci, feeling a little crazy, thinking that they were deliberately teasing him.

This kind of feeling of being kept in the dark is really heart-breaking.

Bai Yuxiu explained to him: "You may not know much about it. Yun Xingye's granddaughter has suffered from severe congenital heart disease since birth. She has been seeking medical treatment for so many years but with little effect. Some wealthy families are talking privately about the Yun family. My granddaughter has only a few years left to live.”

Lu Qingran: "Then what does this have to do with what happened this time?"

Bai Yuxiu was so stupid that he was so stupid.

"You are stupid. If someone offers a condition and says that Yun Rong's disease can be cured, will Yun Xingye, who loves his granddaughter as much as his life, agree to it?"

 (End of this chapter)

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