She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 574: Miss Bai is on trial

Chapter 574 Miss Bai is on trial

In the monitoring room next door, Zou Ming crossed his arms and looked at Bai Muyou with a solemn expression as he leaned over to speak in Hal Eileen's ear, but he didn't know what she said.

 He ​​said in a deep voice to the person who was adjusting the equipment: "Can't you still hear it clearly?"

The man replied: "Captain, the signal seems to be interfered with."

Zou Ming turned around suddenly and asked, "Are you kidding? Where did the interference come from?"

  The signal frequencies used by the Special Administration Bureau’s systems are all in the same group, and there is no possibility of mutual interference.

 “I don’t know, but it’s just...”

Before he finished speaking, the door of the control room was suddenly pushed open.

 “Captain! The two team leaders are back!”

Zou Ming's expression changed slightly, and he immediately ignored the issue of the monitoring equipment, leaving a group of people and rushing out of the door, leaving the remaining people staring at each other.

At this time, Qi Jingci and others had arrived at the Special Administration Bureau, led by Director Sun, heading straight for the interrogation room.

Qi Jingci had a cold face, expressionless, and exuded a killing aura. Except for Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran, there was a vacuum within three meters, and no one dared to approach easily.

Even Sun Ju and others followed cautiously at the end, not daring to take a step forward for fear of being eaten alive by Qi Jingci.

"...Anyway, that's it, third brother, judging from the look on Hal Irene's face at that time, she definitely knew something." Lu Qingran explained the situation to Qi Jingci as he walked.

“Lao Bai and I both suspect that the Chameng kidnapping Xiao You and making such a big fuss are actually paving the way for them to successfully kidnap the two old men.”

"Hal Eileen was already lurking in the bureau during the recent murder case in the apartment. During that time, Lao Bai frequently came in and out of the bureau, so he must have met her many times. In addition, Xiaoyou is a star and is well-known. She is taller than ordinary people, so it is not difficult to find out her relationship with Lao Bai. "

Lu Qingran analyzed it rationally and stated all the suspicions he and Bai Yuxiu had, "So, they just took this point in mind and picked the people closest to Lao Bai to divert most of the Special Administration's attention. ”

Qi Jingci listened calmly, his eyebrows still cold and cold, "Where is she?" "She has been escorted back, she should be locked up."

Lu Qingran had just finished speaking when he suddenly caught a glimpse of Zou Ming running towards him from the corner of his eye. He relaxed his brows and introduced Qi Jingci: "Third brother, this is Zou Ming, the captain of the action team. He is the escort." Hal Erin, you can ask him."

Zou Ming had just arrived in front of them, and before his breathing had stabilized, he heard Lu Qingran's words, and his expression was suddenly filled with surprise. He looked up at Qi Jingci, and was frozen in place by his cold and terrifying aura.

Qi Jingci looked at him calmly and asked impatiently: "Where is Hal Eileen?"

Zou Ming suddenly came to his senses and said quickly: "In the interrogation room! Miss Bai is interrogating!"


 Bai Yuxiu, who had been silent all the way, immediately raised his eyes, his eyes slightly deepened, and he stepped forward to stare at him, frowning, and said in a cold tone: "Who do you think is interrogating?"

Zou Ming was immediately frightened by his eyes and stuttered: "Bai, Bai, Miss Bai."

“Nonsense!” Lu Qingran’s expression also changed, and she shouted: “Zou Ming! Who allowed you to privately agree to the interrogation of Hal Eileen?! And...”

He paused and turned his gaze to Bai Yuxiu. The man's face looked like a storm was about to come, and his aura was almost assimilated by Qi Jingci.

"But, but, but, Miss Bai...she has the president's order." Zou Ming felt innocent and aggrieved, "She has already given the president's order, I dare not disobey it."

Lu Qingran's pupils shrank, she frowned, and whispered in disbelief: "How is this possible..."

 Xiaoyou actually has the president’s order!

Just when he was surprised, Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly: "Let's go and have a look."

 (End of this chapter)

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