She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 575: steal prisoner

Chapter 575: Stealing the Prisoner

When Zou Ming left, Bai Muyou's eyes flashed a few times in the interrogation room. He glanced at Hal Eileen with a half-smile, turned around and left without saying anything.

The two people who were left on the spot by Zou Ming had not yet come to their senses. In the blink of an eye, they saw Bai Muyou coming out of the interrogation room. They hurriedly greeted her and asked with surprise on their faces: "Miss Bai, your interrogation is over now..." ?”

One person stretched his neck curiously, as if peeking through the crack of the half-opened door to see what was going on inside. Before he could see anything clearly, the door was closed by Bai Muyou with his backhand, and he had to look away in a dignified manner.

Bai Muyou's lips curled up slightly, and a glimmer of light flashed under his eyes, "Not yet."

 “Then what are you...?”

She didn’t answer, looked around, and asked, “Where is your captain?”

"The two team leaders are back. The team leader may have something to discuss with them and has already left." The two of them answered truthfully and unpreparedly. After all, they were people that even Zou Ming had to treat with courtesy. Naturally, they didn't want to. Probably doubted her.

 “That’s it.”

Bai Muyou nodded, with a happy curve at the corner of his mouth, raised his eyes to look at the two of them, and said with a slight smile: "I need you to do a little favor, can you?"

After all, he is a popular figure in the entertainment industry. Even on the audition stage, his good looks and charm are the type that can attract thousands of people. How could he not be able to win over two people who have been in the Special Administration Bureau all year round? What about the young man who can’t even see a female creature?

The two people's faces instantly turned red, and their expressions became shy and coy. They lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at Bai Muyou. They stammered: "You, you say it."

“As long as we can do it, we will definitely help.”

Bai Muyou had a successful smile on his face, "That's great, I want you to help me..."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and the two of them didn't hear her clearly, so they subconsciously moved closer.

"what did you say?"

The next moment, Bai Muyou's eyes darkened. He raised his hand without hesitation and struck the back of their necks with a knife. The two of them had no time to react and fainted.

She caught their fallen bodies quickly with eyes and hands to avoid making any noise, and slowly placed them on the ground. She lowered her eyes and looked at their closed eyes, and sighed: "I have no choice but to apologize."

 After saying that, she stood up, her eyes followed the screen in the monitoring room and fell on Hal Eileen, her face darkened slightly.

In any case, Hal Erin cannot continue to stay in the Special Administration Bureau for the time being.

Although she knew that doing so might hinder the search and rescue work of the two old men, but...

Bai Muyou's fist hanging by his side was slowly clenched, and he was constantly struggling in his heart.

Some things that Hal Eileen knows cannot be discovered by the people in the first team now, even if his brother is also in the same team.

Secretly making up her mind, she no longer hesitated and entered the interrogation room again. She was knocked unconscious by Hal Eileen's unexpected and surprised gaze. Then she raised her wrist and spoke to the communicator on her bracelet: " Reached?"

A clear male voice suddenly came from the communicator: "We are already here, come out quickly."

Bai Muyou lifted Hal Eileen with one hand, and the next second, a crack appeared out of thin air in front of her, as if a big hole was torn out in the space, swallowing the two of them in, and disappeared directly on the spot, and then the crack quickly opened Closes, leaving no trace.

The surrounding environment became dark and empty. Bai Muyou's footsteps echoed here countless times. The road under his feet stretched endlessly, with no end at all. There was no way to turn back, and he didn't know where he would lead.

However, Bai Muyou's expression was calm and indifferent from beginning to end, showing no signs of panic. She was very familiar with this place. After all, walking through this kind of folded space was already a common occurrence for her.

At first, the skill of folding space was exclusive to those with spatial abilities. Their special ability could shorten the distance in space, allowing people to teleport from one place to another. Later, with the spiritual With the continuous development of power, superpowers have also evolved. Space superpowers can bestow their superpowers on a specific material carrier, so that superpowers without spatial superpowers can easily teleport in advance.

As the darling of the president of the association, the Second Supervisory Team is equipped with top-notch equipment. There are even rarer and more high-tech things than this, not to mention a small teleportation function?

In less than a minute, Bai Muyou and Hal Eileen were already standing in the alley outside the Special Administration Bureau. The angle here was remote and tricky, just out of the surveillance range of the Special Administration Bureau, and they could better hide. Drop their tracks. She squinted her eyes and looked ahead. There was a blue sports car parked at the entrance of the alley, and a tall and slender figure was leaning there, smoking a cigarette out of boredom, as if waiting for someone.

Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows and walked over with Hal Eileen in hand.

The man noticed the footsteps, and his body suddenly stiffened. He immediately threw away the cigarette butt, rolled it twice with his toes, turned around, took off the sunglasses on his face, and put on a flattering smile: "Sister."

 It was Ning Feng.

He was originally going to follow Li Jiu and Ji Yunshu back to the headquarters. Unexpectedly, he received a message from Bai Muyou asking him to respond. He had no choice but to return the same way and wait outside the Special Administration Bureau according to her instructions. .

But due to his identity, in order to avoid being recognized, he could only wear sunglasses to cover his face, and hold a cigarette like a street gangster. It was completely different from his usual image in front of everyone. In this case, The chance of being recognized will be much smaller.

Who knows, in the end he was not recognized by passers-by, but his sister first discovered that he was smoking.

Ning Feng’s face looked uglier when he was smiling than when he was crying.

Bai Muyou stuffed the person in his hand directly into the trunk, closed the hood of the car, and then turned around to look at him calmly, looking at him gently, and said in a playful tone: "We haven't seen each other for a few days, have you learned to smoke? "


Before Ning Feng could defend himself, he heard his sister’s next words:

“Learned from Lu Qingran?”

  Ning Feng: “…”

Lu Qingran was really miserable. He may have never suffered such a great injustice in his life.

But because Bai Muyou's expression was not very friendly, he was very sensible and stopped trying to defend his boyfriend.

As a boyfriend, it’s okay to take the blame...right?


Over there, Lu Qingran was caught off guard and sneezed. He subconsciously rubbed his arms and felt a chill rising on his back. He always felt a bad premonition.

He sniffed, and when Qi Jingci wasn't paying attention, he used his elbow to nudge Bai Yuxiu, "Hey, Old Bai, I always have a bad feeling."

Bai Yuxiu was lowering his head and thinking deeply about Bai Muyou's order from the president. He suddenly came back to his senses when he was turned away like this. He immediately frowned and said angrily: "Shut up, every time you say that , it’s definitely not good!”

Before he finished speaking, he heard a frightened shout coming from not far ahead: "Here comes someone! Something happened!"

Bai Muyou: “…”

 Lu Qingran: “…”

 No, is it so mysterious?

 (End of this chapter)

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