She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 576: Can't hold it back to death

Chapter 576: Can’t Hold It to Death

After Zou Ming heard the word "accident", his heart suddenly thumped, and he left Qi Jingci and others and rushed straight to the interrogation room.

 Everyone looked at each other and immediately followed him.

When they arrived, the two people who had been knocked unconscious had just woken up, their faces were full of confusion, and their expressions were blank.

Zou Ming pushed open the door of the interrogation room without checking on their situation first. It was empty, with the shadow of Hal Eileen long gone. A living person just disappeared.

"Oh shit!"

Zou Ming hammered the door frame angrily, turned around and angrily asked the two people: "Where are the people?!"

The two people had just woken up. Their minds were in chaos and they couldn't think of anything at all. Only the pain in the back of their necks was the clearest part of their bodies. When he yelled like this, they immediately trembled and their expressions became a little panicked.

 The two of them looked at each other, and at the same time they saw confusion and doubt in each other's eyes.

Yeah, what happened? Why did the prisoner disappear when they fainted?

At this time, other people also arrived. Director Sun took a look at the situation at the scene and knew what was going on without thinking about it. He frowned in displeasure and said, "Xiao Zou, you'd better give me an explanation."

Zou Ming turned around, lowered his head and said respectfully: "I'm sorry, Director, it was my negligence this time. I will chase him back."

He secretly clenched the fist hanging by his side. He was only leaving for a short time. How on earth did Hal Eileen escape?

But now is not the time to think about these things, catching people back is the most important thing.

“Notice, immediately blockade the top and bottom of the Special Administration Bureau and a radius of ten kilometers, and arrest people even three feet away from the ground!”

As soon as his words came out, Lu Qingran, who had just checked the surrounding situation, suddenly clicked his tongue, narrowed his eyes and asked: "Captain Zou, didn't you just say that Xiao You was interrogating Hal Eileen, where is she?"

Zou Ming's expression changed and he turned his gaze to the two people who had just woken up. The latter shook their heads at the same time, indicating that they knew nothing.

Seeing this, Bai Yuxiu's expression became a little excited, and he rushed forward and asked, "Has Xiaoyou been kidnapped by Hal Eileen?"

The two men still shook their heads.

One of them covered his head with a painful expression, "I'm sorry, I don't remember." The other person nodded in agreement.

Before Bai Muyou left just now, in order to avoid trouble, he knocked them unconscious and also cleared their related memories. This is how he now knows everything.

Bai Yuxiu pursed his lips tightly and took two steps back involuntarily. His expression became solemn and cold. He subconsciously clenched his fists. Feeling irritated in his heart, he turned around and punched the wall.

The things that happened today happened one after another, making people breathless.

 That’s enough!

Seeing this, Lu Qingran silently patted his shoulder to express comfort, turned to Zou Ming and said: "Captain Zou, who can disappear without a trace in such a short period of time, most likely has a space system power. Please immediately detect the mental fluctuations in this area."

He narrowed his eyes and added the last half of the sentence, "Also, check the surveillance on the nearby roadside."

Although space-based abilities cannot be tracked directly, this type of ability has a weakness, that is, its range of use is very limited. When using teleportation and other abilities in the Special Administration Bureau, the maximum distance cannot exceed one hundred meters. , that is to say, the other party is still nearby.

As long as we step up the investigation, we will definitely find clues.

However, what he didn't expect was that Bai Muyou had successfully left the surveillance area of ​​the Special Administration Bureau at this moment.

She sat in the back seat, supporting her head with one hand and looking out the window at the rapidly retreating scene, and asked, "How is the situation now?"

Ning Feng, who was driving, knew that she was asking about the two old men, and immediately sighed, "There is no news. The boss has asked everyone outside to gather at the headquarters immediately."

Bai Muyou gave a gentle hum, his expression unchanged, and said, "Then let's go back immediately."


Ning Feng responded, paused again, carefully glanced at Bai Muyou in the rearview mirror, and asked, "Sister... will the guy in the trunk be suffocated to death?"

The journey took a long time. If she was suffocated to death by then, what was the point of them going through all the trouble to bring her out?

Hearing this, Bai Muyou sneered coldly: "Don't worry, he is a superpower after all, he can't hold it back to death."

 (End of this chapter)

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