She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 588: Losing horses collectively (2)

Chapter 588 Losing Horses Collectively (2)

Lu Qingran paused and was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, Qi Jingci and Bai Yuxiu had already pushed through the crowd blocking the way and walked to the front.

 The next second, he raised his eyes, and his eyes met Ning Feng unexpectedly. At that moment, his mind went blank.

 How, how is it possible...


Ning Feng's expression also became stagnant, and his eyes seemed to be stuck on Lu Qingran's body, unable to move. His whole person was very square, giving him the illusion that he was in a magical state.

 What the **** is going on?

He looked at Lu Qingran blankly, then moved his gaze to the other two people blankly, and finally settled on Qi Jingci's handsome face, his pupils shaking.

Lu Qingran can guarantee that since he met Ning Feng, he has never seen him show such a colorful, complicated and ferocious expression, which instantly lowered his entire appearance.

At that moment, everyone present was lucky enough to witness Ning Feng's expression go through blank, stunned, twisted, weird and finally as if he had seen a ghost within ten seconds.

 …It’s very complicated anyway.

Ning Feng’s mental journey was too complicated to describe, and his eyes were full of speechless words.

 How small the world is.

Why is it that the probability of Mr. Lian Qi being the captain of a team still happened? What’s even more annoying is that Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu are also in the same team!

  What kind of evil fate is this that makes the gods and ghosts cry?

Ning Feng twitched the corners of his lips and said awkwardly: "Master Qi... what a coincidence."

The moment Qi Jingci saw him, he glanced at Lu Qingran casually. The latter had turned to stone in shock and remained motionless. He frowned and his eyes deepened slightly.

Ning Feng will appear here, and his identity is self-evident. Judging from his posture, he should be one of the core members of the second team, so...

He narrowed his eyes dangerously, and his tone was not softened by the relationship between Ning Feng and Lu Qingran. After all, in his heart, no one was as important as Li Jiu's safety.

 “Unfortunately, I came to see you specially.”

Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, looking at the base that had been bombed horribly around him, and finally remembered the "good deeds" these three people had done ten minutes ago.

The corners of his lips that were barely raised were suddenly lowered, a mean coldness appeared on his face, and his tone was stiff: "Oh? So is this the sincerity of the team?"

Ning Feng pointed to the ruins and huge pit behind him: "When I come to visit, do you know how to write the word polite?"

 What he said was a bit too sinister. Lu Qingran finally made contact from his petrified state. When he heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his tone was warm and cautious: "A Feng..."

Ning Feng raised his eyelids: "Who are you?"


Lu Qingran immediately became as quiet as a chicken.

I personally brought people to my boyfriend's house and blew it up to pieces. He even wanted to break up with me, even if he wanted to die.

 He'd better shut up first.

Lu Qingran honestly stopped talking. Bai Yuxiu on the side gave him a look of disdain. He snorted coldly in his heart and looked at Ning Feng with some dissatisfaction in his eyes.

If he remembered correctly, this brat seemed to have had a scandal with Xiao You. If he hadn't suppressed the post in advance, Xiao You might have had another scandal.

With the outburst of the girl control attribute and the conflicting stance between them, Bai Yuxiu had no intention of being polite to him. He cleared his throat and said, "I'm sorry, politeness is relative. Since your team has no bottom line, neither do we." What etiquette is necessary?”

Ning Feng: "?"

 No bottom line?

This is true.

 The second team never pays attention to the bottom line when doing things.

 But the premise is to deal with outsiders and enemies.

They have never done anything outrageous to the people in the association. This is also the reason why a team and them have disliked each other for so long, but it was just a cold war and did not escalate to a military solution.

 Otherwise, the base of the first team would have been completely moved by them, leaving nothing behind.

 So, who does he mean?

Ning Feng was immediately furious and felt a big pot slamming on his and the second team's heads.

 (End of this chapter)

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