She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 589: Losing horses collectively (3)

Chapter 589 Losing Horses Collectively (3)

Ning Feng's expression turned cold, "Don't be so weird! We have never offended you!"

Bai Yuxiu mocked: "No? Don't you feel guilty when you say this?"


Qi Jingci was not in the mood to listen to them continue to argue, so he suddenly said one word at a time: "Stop talking nonsense and hand the person over."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Feng's eyes flickered for a moment, and his eyes averted slightly.

He thought the person Qi Jingci was talking about was Hal Eileen, who they had just brought back. He subconsciously felt guilty, but unexpectedly, the subtle change in his expression was keenly captured by the other party.

Qi Jingci immediately narrowed his eyes dangerously, and his tone became even colder: "I'll say it again, call them out!"

Ning Feng hummed: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qi, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Are you sure you want to continue pretending to be stupid?" Bai Yuxiu stepped forward, with a hint of anger on his face: "Are the people in the second team just daring to do this?"

This sentence accurately stepped on Ning Feng's minefield.

Originally, he was still a little guilty about Hal Eileen's matter, but now that he was so provoked by Bai Yuxiu, that little bit of emotion immediately disappeared, and he instantly felt confident and straightened his back.

It is because they are not capable enough to detect people. Hal Eileen cannot find anything valuable if she continues to stay in the Special Administration Bureau. It is better to hand her over to their second team to get more useful clues from her.

Although it is indeed wrong to steal people, it is not more outrageous than these people flying fighter planes to blow up their base to pieces!

 This is challenging their bottom line!

Ning Feng said in a sarcastic tone: "I'm sorry, we won't deny what we have done. As for the others -"

He paused, "We will never admit it."

As soon as the last word fell, the air solidified instantly, the surrounding temperature dropped to the extreme, and the tense atmosphere seemed to be about to start a fight in the next second.

 In fact, this is exactly the case.

Qi Jingci sneered. The aura emanating from his body made people subconsciously fearful and oppressive. He said: "If you don't drink a toast, you will be punished with a drink."

Ning Feng was not to be outdone and smiled evilly: "Do you think labor and management are afraid of you?"

  Don’t think that just because he is the boss’s boyfriend, he can run so unscrupulously to the gate of their second team’s base and make wild remarks here, it is tantamount to crushing all their faces on the ground.

Which one is tolerable or intolerable?

Qi Jingci raised his hand, and everyone in the group immediately raised their guns at the same time.

At almost the same moment, the members of the second team behind Ning Feng did not dare to show weakness and picked up their weapons to aim at each other.

 The battle is about to break out.

Lu Qingran said "fuck" and immediately stepped forward to try to stop their crazy behavior.

 “Wait a minute! Third brother! Calm down!”

He turned around and looked at Ning Feng with tears in his eyes, his expression was extremely miserable: "A Feng, we have something to say!"

Ning Feng said coldly: "Get out of here."

  The accounts between the two of them will be settled with him later!


Seeing that the two sides were about to get into a fight, at this moment, a joking and slightly embarrassed voice sounded from behind: "Don't do anything! We are all a family, and we can discuss matters!"

Bai Yuxiu's face froze suddenly, and the next second, he raised his eyes almost in disbelief and looked at the owner of the voice. His whole body could no longer maintain the shock just now, and his expression was shocked and funny.

Ning Feng paused, clicked his tongue, and turned around.

The people in the second team slowly made way for a way, and a slender figure slowly came into their sight. He pushed away the people in front of her and squeezed to the front. His face was full of smiles and he looked at Qi. Jing Ci smiled and greeted the other party's surprised look: "Hi, third brother, what a coincidence..."

The surprise on Qi Jingci's face was fleeting, and he instantly returned to indifference and calmness. He narrowed his eyes and said with no emotion in his tone: "Bai, Mu, You?"

Bai Muyou's expression froze, and the smile at the corner of his mouth faded.

 Oops, this was the first time since she met Qi Jingci that he called her by her full name.

 You don’t have to guess how angry he is now.

Bai Yuxiu almost bit his tongue, stared blankly at Bai Muyou, and stammered: "Xiao, Xiao, Xiao You? You..."

 He looked at her, then looked past her to the second group of people behind her, and he suddenly realized something.

 Looking at this situation, her identity is self-evident. "You...are you from the second team?"

Bai Muyou laughed dryly, "Yes."

Bai Yuxiu's expression became more complicated. He remembered her disappearance with Hal Irene in the Special Administration Bureau. He took a deep breath and asked: "Is that... the Hal Irene you took away?"



The atmosphere became extremely awkward for a moment.

Bai Yuxiu could no longer describe the complexity in his heart.

On the way here, he was still worried about whether she would be in danger. Who knew he would blow up his sister's base?

The mixed feelings were beyond words. Bai Yuxiu looked at her with a faint look, curled his lips, and finally suppressed a sentence: "...are you injured?"

Just now, they seemed to be making a lot of noise.



 It’s even more embarrassing.

 The topic gradually drifted to an unknown corner.

Bai Yuxiu coughed lightly, constantly reminding himself that the purpose of coming this time was for his sister-in-law.

 He ​​glanced at Qi Jingci in private. The other person's expression was not at the extreme level of difficulty, and it seemed that there was still hope for improvement.

Bai Yuxiu: "Xiao You... you'd better hand him over first, otherwise..."

 He continued to say the next words, but everyone knew what would happen.

As soon as his words came out, Ning Feng looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.


 That was not the tone when I talked to him just now!

 The guy who paid 2,500,000 to 80,000 yuan is now just looking at the dishes?

 Did you think he was dead?

Ning Feng: "Hey! I said you—"

Bai Muyou stretched out his hand to stop him, and said with a smile to Qi Jingci and the others: "Third brother, please don't do anything. Weapons and everything are very expensive, and if you fight, you may make outsiders laugh."

She pointed to a familiar building not far in front of the base and gestured: "The president's office is not far ahead. If we start a fight and alert his old man, we won't be able to eat and walk around."

Hearing this, Lu Qingran's eyes suddenly lit up and he agreed: "That's right, third brother, let's not alarm the president, right?"

Qi Jingci glanced at him indifferently, and he immediately shrank his neck, not daring to say anything anymore.

 “You can do it without taking action.”

Qi Jingci looked at Bai Muyou with no emotion in his eyes, "Hand him over."

Bai Muyou smiled bitterly: "...Third brother, Hal Irene can't find anything in the Special Administration Bureau anyway, so why don't you—"

 “Not Hal Irene.”

Bai Muyou choked, and his face was suddenly full of doubts.

"Who is that?"

Except for Hal Erin, they didn’t **** anyone else from the first team?

Qi Jingci's eyes darkened and he said coldly: "Where is Li Jiu?"

 “Hand over Li Jiu!”

Bai Muyou: “…”

  Ning Feng: “…”

 The second team of people: “…”

 Sorry, our ears may be blind, but—

 Who do you want us to hand over?

 (End of this chapter)

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