She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 599: secret prison

Chapter 599: Dark Prison

Li Jiu buried his whole face in his arms, breathing in the familiar smell of his body. Suddenly, he raised his hand and punched him twice, and cursed: "Are you sick? Why did you blow up our base when you have nothing to do? ?”

Qi Jingci chuckled helplessly: "I didn't... didn't know it was you."

Li Jiu instantly raised her head from his arms and narrowed her eyes: "You are still quibbling!"

Qi Jingci quickly lowered his lips and begged for mercy: "...I dare not."

 Afraid. Afraid.

"I was wrong."

Mr. Qi Sanye was very thorough in admitting his cowardice.

 However, it is not easy to admit your mistakes.

More than a dozen fighter jets majestically blew a big hole in the entrance of their base. An apology is not easy to use.

 She has to give an account to the people under her control.

Li Jiu stretched out his hand to push him away, distanced himself, looked more serious, cleared his throat, and said: "Even if you have a reason, but... the actual losses you have caused us are still there, so you have to show something, right?"

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows slightly: "What do you want to express?"

Li Jiu stretched out a hand toward him and repeated what Ji Yunshu said just now: "Compensate."

Qi Jingci smiled and held her hand, his eyebrows relaxed, and the corners of his lips curved in a happy arc: "Compensation is not enough to express my apology to you."

“How about I compensate you for my loss?”


Li Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth and lowered his eyes to the hand he was holding. Suddenly, the corner of his mouth curled up and his body leaned forward slightly. Qi Jingci's eyes flickered and he kept his posture motionless, watching her continue to move toward her. He approaches.

Just when the distance between the two was close enough that she could clearly feel each other's breathing, and her whole body was covering him, she slowly opened her lips and followed his words: "Okay, otherwise, Mr. Qi will Become a stronghold in my place."

 “I just need a bed warmer.”

He said this with a provocative look in his eyes.

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes, and there was a flash of danger in his eyes. Li Jiu secretly said something bad, and immediately wanted to pull away. However, Qi Jingci took a step ahead of her, stretched out his hand and suddenly hugged her waist, and she immediately lost it. The center of gravity was held in his arms, and they both fell towards the big bed at the back.


Qi Jingci was undoubtedly suppressed below.

 He raised his eyes to look at her and chuckled: "Are you...the overlord trying to force his bow?"

Li Jiu also followed him and immediately said: "..."

She was sitting astride his lower abdomen, and he was only wearing a bathrobe at the moment. As long as he moved a little,

 Li Jiu: “…”

 The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

Qi Jingci's Adam's apple rolled, he swallowed his saliva, his voice was slightly hoarse: "Jiujiu, if you don't go down..."

Before he could say the second half of his sentence, Li Jiu bounced away from him like an electric shock and quickly dodged to a safe area one meter away.

Qi Jingci slowly sat up from the bed. It took him a while to calm down. Seeing the unnatural blush on Li Jiu's face, he smiled and said, "Are you shy?"

Li Jiu subconsciously wanted to refute, you are shy, your whole family is shy!

 Does she seem to be a shy person?

But when I think about it, I can't seem to find any other adjective for my subconscious action except shyness.

Li Jiu: "..." I want to curse!

Just as her brain was racing, thinking about how to resolve this embarrassing situation, a rapid knock on the door sounded unexpectedly.

Li Jiu: "What's the matter?"

 “Boss! There is news about the third and fourth sons!”

                                  是Ji Yunshu.

 Her voice was urgent.

Li Jiu's eyes changed. He didn't care about anything else. He immediately ran to open the door and asked in a deep voice: "The location is correct."

Ji Yunshu nodded, "Yeah."

She glanced inside briefly, and sure enough, she saw Qi Jingci walking towards her in a bathrobe.

 So...what were these two people doing in the bedroom just now?

Before she could continue to sway, Li Jiu hurriedly pulled Qi Jingci to go out: "Let's go! Go and have a look!" Qi Jingci: "..."

 He looked at the bathrobe on his body and the slippers on his feet, and fell into deep thought.

  …“I’ll change my clothes first.”

If Li Jiu was allowed to drag him out like this, he would probably be humiliated.

Although he didn't mind declaring his sovereignty in front of the second team, but not in this way.

Li Jiu was so anxious about Qi Sijin and He Yao that he didn't think deeply about the meaning of his words. He just hummed and left with Ji Yunshu.

Looking at her hurried back, Qi Jingci sighed, turned around and closed the door, lowering his eyes and lost in thought.

  How about… taking another cold bath.

By the time Qi Jingci took a cold shower, changed clothes, and found Li Jiu, she had already entered a serious state, focusing entirely on the matter in front of her, without noticing his arrival at all.

On the contrary, it was Ji Yunshu who greeted him first: "Third Master."

Li Jiu didn’t even raise his head: “Are you here?”

Qi Jingci stepped forward, looked at the tablet in her hand, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Li Jiu transferred Qi Sijin and He Yao's positioning interface to him, pointed to the red dots on the tablet and said: "Their positions."

Qi Jingci’s gaze deepened, he glanced through it quickly and asked, “Has it been confirmed?”



 “Still checking.”

As he spoke, Li Jiu pressed the last button with his finger. He looked at the latest location displayed on the screen and took a deep breath, "M state."

Ji Yunshu suddenly exclaimed: "M state?"

Isn’t that the headquarters of the Cha League?

Li Jiu's eyes were cold and stern, and he hummed: "It is indeed them."

Qi Jingci also narrowed his eyes and said, "They were the ones we guessed before."

  “It’s confirmed now.”

Li Jiu pushed the keyboard in his hand, stood up and walked out. Qi Jingci immediately followed.

Ji Yunshu: "Where are you going?"

 “Secret prison, interrogate the Yun family.”

Li Jiu: "Now that the man behind the scenes has been identified, there is only one thing left."

Her eyes were cold and her voice was cold to the bone: "Their purpose."

Ji Yunshu was stunned for a moment and then followed him.

The secret cell is a place where the second team specializes in holding and interrogating prisoners and dealing with traitors and traitors. Only criminals and dangerous elements who are judged to be extremely or severely dangerous will be locked up here. For those in the Yun family who are used to being pampered, , this is undoubtedly hell.

 “Nine gods.”

 “Nine gods.”

 In the dark prison, everyone guarding the entrance bowed their heads and saluted Li Jiu.

Li Jiu hummed and crossed them.

The interior of the dark cell is dark, damp, and the atmosphere is depressing, just as its name suggests.

The three of them went directly to the place where the Yun family was imprisoned. Li Jiu glanced at the person behind him, and the person immediately understood and stepped forward to open the cell.

The design of the cells inside the secret cell is very strict. Very strong and soundproof rare materials are used all around, which completely separates the inside from the outside world into independent spaces. This can not only ensure safety, but also provide psychological and spiritual support to the criminals to a certain extent. pressure on.

Everyone in the Yun family seemed to be startled by the sound of opening the door. They reacted blankly for a moment, and then like hungry wolves seeing bones, they rushed towards her like crazy.

Li Jiu frowned and avoided him in disgust.

Yun Yin has completely lost her previous dignity and elegance. At this time, she is disheveled and looks like a mentally disturbed madman. Her eyes are dull. Her hands are like dead branches wrapped around Li Jiu's trousers. Her voice is hoarse and she keeps pleading:

 “Please! Please! Let us out!”

 (End of this chapter)

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