She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 600: I am your grandpa

Chapter 600 I am your grandfather

Li Jiu took a step back, looked past her, and landed on Mr. Yun, who was sitting in the corner, closing his eyes and concentrating, pretending to be calm, and curled his lips: "Mr. Yun, how do you feel about staying here?"

Having been locked up in a secret cell for a day and a night, Mr. Yun's expression showed an unconcealable embarrassment. After all, he was already old and had always been used to being pampered. To be treated like this suddenly was too much for his body and bones.

But despite this, he still closed his mouth tightly, glanced at Li Jiu coldly, and looked at Ji Yunshu behind her with a meaningful look. He immediately turned his head and snorted: "It turns out that the Li family This is how the eldest lady treats her elders!”

Li Jiu: "Of course we treat our elders with courtesy, but..."

She looked sharply and said, "Who do you think you are?"

Mr. Yun looked at her with sinister eyes, and suddenly sneered a few times, which was particularly creepy in this dark and cold dark prison, "Don't waste your efforts, I won't say a word."

Since he dared to do this, he had already made all preparations, including death.

He watched with cold eyes as his daughter and granddaughter gradually collapsed mentally in front of him, and eventually turned into madmen. His heart was indifferent, and there was not even a trace of sadness in his eyes.

 Indifferent to the point of being frightening.

 It seemed as if his love for them had never existed before, and he was as unfamiliar as an outsider.

Unexpectedly, Li Jiu smiled instead of getting angry, "What a coincidence, I didn't plan to ask you."

Qi Jingci, who was standing next to her, turned his head and glanced at her, raising his eyebrows slightly.

 A trace of surprise flashed across Mr. Yun's eyes, and he didn't understand what she meant by this.

Li Jiu turned around and shouted: "Lao Qi."

Ji Yunshu understood, slowly walked up to Mr. Yun and squatted down. Looking at his shocked eyes, he took out a very thin silver needle.

 The needle body trembled slightly, glowing with cold light.

Mr. Yun’s expression suddenly changed. He stepped back a little and pressed against the wall. His voice also changed in tone due to fear: “What are you going to do?!”

 “I’m your grandpa! Don’t mess around!”

Ji Yunshu smiled, and the curve of his mouth was cool and sarcastic: "Sorry, I don't have a grandpa."

After saying that, she raised her hand, and the silver needle twisting on her fingertips was about to fall towards him. Mr. Yun finally lost his temper and struggled desperately: "You bastard! You can deny it if you want to." Can you deny it? No matter what, I am your grandfather!"

Ji Yunshu narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes instantly became colder and colder, and his gloomy expression made him want to strangle him directly.

  “Pah!”     She slapped him directly.

Mr. Yun suddenly felt a burning sensation on the left side of his face, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he looked at her in shock.

How dare she hit him!

 This unfilial daughter!

Ji Yunshu's tone was gloomy and he only said two words: "Shut up."

Li Jiu watched all this with cold eyes and said nothing, but suddenly heard a shocked voice from behind.

 She turned sideways and her eyes fell on Bai Yuxiu and others who had just arrived.

That "fuck" was Lu Qingran's profound words after seeing Ji Yunshu's powerful slap.

Bai Muyou and Ning Feng walked to Li Jiu and greeted her respectively:



Li Jiu hummed and focused on Ji Yunshu again.

 But I can’t bear to have a chatty person around me.

Lu Qingran was speechless as she looked at the scene in front of her. The hand holding Ning Feng moved slightly, she lowered her head and leaned over curiously: "Doctor Ji... is he so fierce?"

Ning Feng lowered his eyes. He had dragged Lu Qingran out just now. He wanted to settle the score with him, but he was fooled by this guy's jokes and ended up...

He didn't know what he thought of, but he couldn't help but blush, glared at him angrily, and warned: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

They knew more or less about the bad things about Ji Yunshu and the Yun family, but they didn't dare to say anything. After all, no one in the entire second team or even the association dared to use these bad things to make the ghost doctor unhappy, otherwise a If you're not careful, your life may be over.

Lu Qingran was uninterested: "...Oh."

 Then he continued to watch all this with interest.

He had previously suspected that Ji Yunshu was the granddaughter of the Yun family whose existence had been erased, but now it seemed that it was certain.

The Yun family may never have imagined that the little girl they regarded as trivial would now be so powerful that she could easily control their power of life and death.

Tsk, this scene of coming back from a counter-attack and getting revenge and being slapped in the face is really exciting!

 (End of this chapter)

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