She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 601: This method is very feasible

Chapter 601 This method is very feasible

Lu Qingran thought so, and immediately shouted: "Come on, Doctor Ji, give this old man some good looks!"

He has long been dissatisfied with the arrogant and arrogant manner of this smelly old man, but now he is being pressed down and crushed by his own granddaughter. Just thinking about it makes him feel relieved!

Ji Yunshu made a move, glanced meaningfully at Lu Qingran, and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Ning Feng was immediately trembling, quickly blocked his mouth, and said with a sly smile: "Seventh sister, don't worry about him, you continue, continue..."

 Ji Yunshu withdrew his gaze.

Ning Feng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, pinched Lu Qingran's thigh hard, and said through gritted teeth, "Are you mentally retarded?"

Lu Qingran suffered from pain and not only lost expression management, but also lost his ability to think.

Ning Feng gritted his teeth and told him: "The most terrifying person in our team is not the boss, but the seventh sister, do you know?"

 Lu Qingran: " did I know?"

 He is not from the second team, where can he learn about these things?


 Suddenly, Mr. Yun screamed shrilly, and the painful wailing sound startled him, and his heart trembled three times.

Lu Qingran took a closer look, and the next moment, he hid behind Ning Feng and shivered.

Depend on! So cruel?

Ji Yunshu showed no mercy and directly inserted the silver needle into Mr. Yun's eyeball and penetrated deep into his brain. The bright red blood gurgled from the eye socket and snaked down, forming several hideous marks on his face.

She turned a blind eye to Mr. Yun's wails and didn't even twitch her eyebrows. She even thought he was struggling too much and knocked him unconscious with a knife.

Mr. Yun's body fell to one side and fell to the ground with a muffled sound. Lu Qingran's eyelids trembled.

Ji Yunshu stood up, looked at the two silver needles inserted in his eye sockets without saying a word, and slowly took out a handkerchief and wiped his fingers one by one, with a skillful and elegant posture, as if he was a perverted murderer who had just completed a crime scene.

Lu Qingran looked at her with fear in his eyes.

Ning Feng sighed: "Look, that's the reason." He looked at Ji Yunshu helplessly and speechlessly. He really didn't know how the seventh sister developed this hobby. She always made it **** and disgusting. Are you really not going to be unable to eat?

  Oh, that’s right, their doctors can still feed themselves on scraps of flesh and bones that cannot be assembled into a complete human form. These are simply small cases.

 Lu Qingran: “…”

  Although, even if he is not afraid, it is still very creepy!

Who would have thought that such a quiet and elegant beauty would do such a cruel and **** thing in the next moment!

Ji Yunshu calmly took back the handkerchief, slowly closed his eyes, and concentrated his mental power on the silver needle to use it to perform supernatural powers.

Everyone present felt the powerful mental fluctuations around them.

There was a faint look of shock in Bai Yuxiu's eyes. Her mental power was so strong, but he quickly calmed down and asked, "What is she doing?"

Bai Muyou kindly explained: "Read the memory."


Bai Yuxiu didn't quite understand it. He had never heard of people with superpowers who could read memories before, but Ji Yunshu's method... was a bit rough.

"This is a special method." Bai Muyou smiled at him and said, "Seventh sister can use the silver needle to connect with the target in the spiritual realm, but it is forced and rough. There will be some damage to the recipient's mental realm, but this method can ensure that the read memory is intact and will not be concealed or forged. "

 So, it is best to use this method to deal with those stubborn people who are unwilling to cooperate obediently.

Bai Muyou had a slight smile on his lips, but it sent a chill down his back.

 As expected of the second team.

Bai Yuxiu lowered his eyes and thought.

Only they can think of such a cruel and tricky method.

 Perhaps...they can also learn from it?

 He thinks this method is very feasible.

 (End of this chapter)

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