She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 602: Almost ran away

Chapter 602 Almost went berserk

Ji Yunshu slowly opened his eyes, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"How about it?"

She seemed to be in a trance for a moment, looked at Li Jiu, and muttered: "Lin Yan... is from the Shameng."

Ji Yunshu glanced at Mr. Yun who fainted on the ground, "Lin Yan used the opportunity to cure Yun Rong as a bait to get the Yun family to take the bait and willingly commit the kidnapping case, and promised to cover up the tracks of the people of the Shameng afterwards."

"And..." Ji Yunshu paused and did not continue. There was a flash of shock and strangeness in his eyes, and he secretly glanced at Li Jiu.

 Li Jiu: “What?”

Ji Yunshu took a deep breath: "Moreover, it was not accidental that Lin Yan found the Yun family. Yun Xingye once..."

She paused, as if it was difficult to speak.

Ning Feng frowned: "Seventh sister, what's wrong with you?"

 She spoke hesitantly, but it was not like her usual temperament at all.

Ji Yunshu sighed, "He once participated in the experiment of the Cha League."

 The air suddenly fell into silence.

"Seventh sister, are you kidding me?" Ning Feng's tongue was tangled.

 Lu Qingran could clearly feel his trembling with the hand that was holding his. Yes, trembling. Ning Feng had the hair on his back standing on end, and his palms were covered in cold sweat.

 That experiment was an unspeakable nightmare for each of them.

 Even if it has been a long time, I still feel somewhat uncomfortable when I mention that experiment.

Compared to Ning Feng, Bai Muyou's reaction was not very big, but he frowned, his face changed slightly, and he murmured: "How could..."

Suddenly, the siblings suddenly realized that Li Jiu was the one who was most affected by the experiment.

 The two of them looked back at the same time.

Li Jiu looked normal on the surface, but the clenched fists hanging by her sides revealed her inner unrest at the moment.

The moment Ji Yunshu said the word "experiment", a violent look suddenly gathered in her eyes, and the aura around her body was cold and sinister, cold and killing.

  When she was on the verge of losing control, a pair of large, generous hands wrapped around her fist. Li Jiu was stunned and looked sideways, falling into those light gray eyes.

 Just for a moment, those strong and compelling murderous intentions were all restrained and returned to normal.

Qi Jingci’s eyes were deep and his tone was worried: “Nine-nine.”

Li Jiu shook his head at him: "It's okay."

However, she didn't act as if nothing was wrong.

At this moment, Bai Yuxiu frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly asked: "The experiment you are talking the seed project from more than ten years ago?"

Ji Yunshu nodded slightly.

He immediately hissed and looked at Lu Qingran blankly, both seeing shock and astonishment in the other's eyes.

 Seed program.

The human experiment on the group of people with special abilities that once caused a sensation in the world. Due to its bloody, cruel and dehumanizing content, the impact was very bad. The association of people with special abilities at that time banned it and destroyed all experimental data and materials. He was wanted all over the world and was wanted to kill him. The experimental alliance forces.

With the destruction of the Chameng, this seed plan has become history forever, but why is it being mentioned again now?

Looking at the reactions of Li Jiu and others, Bai Yuxiu narrowed his eyes slightly and remembered a rumor that had been circulating in the association for a long time.

  It is rumored that the Nine Gods of the Second Supervision Team and her team members are all survivors of the Seed Project.

When they heard about it before, they only regarded it as a joke. The survival rate of experimental subjects who have experienced the Seed Project is 0.1%. Even if they survive, they will become fools due to severe mental damage. It was impossible for anyone to survive intact. But at present, it seems that this rumor is not groundless.

 Li Jiu: “Continue.”

Ji Yunshu coughed lightly, glanced at the others, and said hesitantly: "...Not only that, the five major families in the Imperial Capital were all participants in that experiment."

 The five major families in Imperial Capital are the Li family, the Qi family, the Bai family, the Lu family and the Yun family.

This news is really exciting.

If there was silence just now, it is deathly silence now.


The floor tiles under Li Jiu's feet cracked.

The wall behind him also had tiny cracks.

 Everyone clearly felt the ground shaking.

Li Jiu's mental power was on the verge of losing control.

"not good!"

Ji Yunshu shouted: "Hurry-"

She was about to shout to run, but this place couldn't bear the power of Li Jiu's violent mental energy, and it would collapse!

 The secret prison of the Second Supervisory Team could not be shaken even by a full blow from an SS-level superpower, but now, it could not withstand Li Jiu's loss of mental control.

Ji Yunshu cursed in his heart.


If Li Jiu's mental power is really out of control, in serious cases it may even destroy the entire base. This has not happened before.

 She once not only destroyed the base, but also seriously injured all of them. In the end, it was the president himself who knocked her out.

 Countless experiences in the past told them that Li Jiu was usually as strong as a pervert, and when she was in a violent state, she was simply in **** mode, killing Buddhas when Buddhas were blocking her, and killing gods when she was blocking gods.

Just when Ji Yunshu wanted to take out a silver needle to stun Li Jiu just in case, Qi Jingci beside her suddenly made a move, quickly stepped forward to take Li Jiu into his arms, and gently comforted him: "Jiujiu ,calm."

 A shocking scene occurred.

Li Jiu gradually calmed down in Qi Jingci's arms. The mental energy that had almost gone out of control suddenly disappeared. The whole person calmed down and returned to normal.




Ji Yunshu took back the silver needle that glowed coldly.

Bai Muyou put down the ice blade that instantly condensed.

Ning Feng released his finger that was holding the trigger.

The three of them stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded, as if they had seen a ghost.

Three voices sounded in surprise at the same time: "How did you do it?"

 Just, quite suddenly.

 (End of this chapter)

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