She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 603: Second brother

Chapter 603 Second Brother

Qi Jingci did not answer, but hugged Li Jiu quietly, his eyes lowered, and the emotions in his eyes could not be seen clearly.

When the person in his arms gradually calmed down, he picked up Li Jiu by the waist and took Li Jiu directly out of the dark prison.

Bai Muyou and Bai Yuxiu looked at each other and immediately followed.

Ning Feng put the gun back and looked at the Yun family members who were stunned by Li Jiu's leaked mental power. He rolled his eyes helplessly: "What should I do now?"

Ji Yunshu glanced at her calmly and said, "She's not going to die. It's more important for the boss to go and see her first."

As she spoke, she took a long step, crossed the Yun Yin in front of her, and left calmly.


Ning Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, turned his head and looked at Lu Qingran, and followed him.

Qi Jingci carried Li Jiu back to the room and gently put her on the bed. He wanted to get up and cover her with a quilt, but he felt someone tugging on his sleeve.

He lowered his gaze. Li Jiu's hand was firmly holding his sleeve and refused to let go, as if he was nervous.

Qi Jingci frowned, feeling very uneasy about her current state, so he sat on the edge of the bed, held her hand, and said in a clear voice, "Jiujiu, what's wrong?"

The consequence of almost losing control of his mental power is that Li Jiu is now in a state of unconsciousness, and his eyes are blank and dazed, as if he has lost his soul.

 “Second brother…”


Qi Jingci saw her lips move, but didn't hear what she was saying, so he subconsciously moved closer.

  …“…Second brother.”

This time he heard it very clearly.

Who is this?

Qi Jingci frowned. This was the first time he heard this title from Li Jiu. To be able to shout it out unconsciously, this person must be very important to her.

Thinking of this, Qi Jingci suddenly felt jealous.

Li Jiu's past that he had not been involved in had someone to go through with her. There were also people to bear the memories and pain that he could not relate to.

Although he was a little unreasonable, he was very jealous and at the same time blamed himself for not getting to know Li Jiu earlier.


Bai Muyou hurriedly followed, looking at Li Jiu lying there who was in a normal mood, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.


Bai Yuxiu followed her closely, fearing that something was wrong with her. He grabbed her wrist and looked up and down, his face full of worry.

He glanced at Qi Jingci and Li Jiu and said, "Third brother is here, nothing will happen."

Bai Muyou's eyes were full of Li Jiu at this moment. After giving him a perfunctory sentence, he stepped forward to observe Li Jiu's condition and asked cautiously: "Boss, are you okay?"

Li Jiu looked at her blankly, opened and closed his red lips, and repeated the two words: "...Second brother."

Bai Muyou was shocked and froze, staring at Li Jiu in disbelief: "Boss, boss, who are you calling?"

 “Second brother.”

With a loud bang, Bai Muyou's mind was confused.

Qi Jingci, who was on the side, saw that her expression was not right either. He frowned even more and asked in a deep voice, "Who is that?"

Bai Muyou was stunned for a moment and subconsciously wanted to answer, but the words came to her lips but she couldn't say them because she found that she didn't know how to introduce him to others.

In the end, she could only forcefully twitch the corners of her lips, draw a bitter arc, and explain: "She is thinking about the past again."

Just at this time, Ji Yunshu also arrived. “Seventh sister, come and take a look, the boss is crazy again.”

Ji Yunshu's eyes flashed and he sighed, she knew it would be like this.

She stepped forward and pushed Qi Jingci and Bai Muyou away, leaned down in front of Li Jiu, stretched out three fingers and shook them. The other person's eyes remained motionless and there was no response.

Ji Yunshu clicked his tongue irritably and complained in a low voice: "I'm really looking for trouble for myself."

 It’s all my fault for being so mean-mouthed just now.

"You all go out and leave her to me." Ji Yunshu straightened up and spoke stiffly.

Qi Jingci did not move.

“Master Qi, this is not her first time. Don’t worry, I’m very good at it.”

Qi Jingci's eyes dimmed and he struggled for a moment. He finally looked at Li Jiu and retreated in silence.

Everyone also went out with him, the door was closed, and in an instant, she and Li Jiu were the only two people left in the room.

Outside the door, Qi Jingci's face was so gloomy that he could drip water. He raised his eyes to look at Bai Muyou and said in a cold tone: "What's going on with Jiujiu, tell me."

The name that I had been thinking about Li Yan's mouth, and Ji Yunshu said, "It's not the first time", and that seed plan, what's going on!

Bai Yuxiu silently stood in front of Bai Muyou, covering part of his sight, and said, "Third brother, calm down first, don't scare Xiaoyou."

 After all, Qi Jingci's anger is not something ordinary people can bear.

Bai Muyou's eyes warmed up, he gently tugged on his clothes, and whispered: "Brother, it's okay."

 She stood up from behind Bai Yuxiu, met Qi Jingci's gaze without showing any signs of weakness, and smiled slightly: "Actually, the boss should tell you this himself."

 “But now…”

She turned around and looked at the closed bedroom door and sighed softly: "It's a long story. I can only tell you first that you don't have to worry. This is a normal situation."

“Is this still normal?”

"Boss, she...had been seriously injured once before, and her spirit was damaged."

Qi Jingci's pupils shrank sharply. For a person with superpowers, the spiritual realm is equivalent to a second heart, and its importance is self-evident.

 Injury to the mental realm, ranging from loss of consciousness to life-threatening.

"So since then, her situation has been very unstable. She was always prone to violence at the beginning, and her powers were out of control from time to time. With her strength, losing control once is enough to destroy the entire association."

Bai Muyou sighed: "This is why the base of our second team is built in the mountains. Do you really think that we are independent and unsocial?"

This was a decision made by Zhong Qing for the safety of everyone in the association, and Li Jiu himself agreed.

“Then there’s no way?” Qi Jingci’s voice was filled with panic.

“Seventh sister has been trying to find a way, but it can only temporarily delay her condition, but she cannot be cured. We are also very puzzled about this. Maybe it’s because of the boss’s... special constitution.”

When she said the last sentence, she paused deliberately and concealed part of the pronunciation, but Qi Jingci was too concerned about Li Jiu to notice this.

He was really panicked and anxious. When Bai Muyou saw this, he immediately said: "But third brother, you don't have to worry, there will always be a way. Teacher... ahem, the president has been secretly talking to me all these years. We have used resources to treat the boss, and there has been a lot of improvement.”

Qi Jingci turned a deaf ear to her words, turned to Bai Yuxiu and said, "Yuxiu, get Miles back right away."

Bai Yuxiu: "But third brother, Miles said some time ago that he can't be separated for the time being..."

 “Let him stop all research and come back immediately!”


I'm a little upset tonight. I didn't do well in the exam. The balance in my bank card is getting smaller and smaller. Even my most beloved dog is seriously ill and is about to die. So I drank to drown my worries. Now I feel like vomiting after drinking ( =_=)



 (End of this chapter)

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