She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 610: Half-animal experimental subject

Chapter 610 Half-Beast Experimental Subject

However, Qi Sijin calmed down quickly. He knew not to be impulsive. After the Chameng was wiped out, the association searched everywhere for a long time and only gave up and left after confirming that there were no survivors.

 But Los became a fish that slipped through the net.

  Having escaped the association's screening for more than ten years, what he planned was definitely more than what they guessed.

 The most urgent task is to rescue the two old men without alerting the enemy.

At this moment, two members of the Cha League with their faces covered passed by him. Qi Sijin narrowed his eyes, thinking of his plan.


His luck was very good. These two people were close to Los. Following him, he easily found the two old men. Now he only needed to rescue them while Los and others were not paying attention.

 However, the surrounding area was very heavily guarded and because of the importance of the two old men to Los Angeles, the number of manpower arranged overtly and covertly in the vicinity had more than tripled, which was a bit tricky.

Qi Sijin "held up" Mr. Qi, observing the surroundings calmly, and clicked his tongue slightly, feeling a little heavy.

 I don’t know how long it will take for the boss’ side.

Loss led them through the long dark passage and came to the door of the laboratory. Through the verification through his pupils, the heavy door slowly moved to both sides, and everything inside was displayed in front of them.

The next moment, after seeing the scene clearly, Qi Sijin clearly felt that Mr. Qi's whole body stiffened suddenly, and his hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

He frowned and looked over, but then he was also stunned.

The huge laboratory was dark. I don't know who pressed the switch. Suddenly it was as bright as day. There was a faint and unknown pungent smell in the air. Except for the sound of the instruments constantly operating, the silence was so heart-stopping.

Directly in front of them, there was a row of glass containers that accommodated an adult. The containers were filled with transparent solutions, which showed a light emerald green under the snow-white light.

And inside each container, there was floating a naked young child who was no more than six or seven years old. Each of them was in a curled-up posture, as if they were fetuses in the womb. They had no idea where they were, and they were quiet. The ground fell asleep.

Some of these children are missing arms, but have a pair of feathered wings on their backs, some have no legs, and their lower bodies are replaced by a long snake tail, and some have half of their faces covered with... The scales are terrifying, and the head does not resemble the shape of an ordinary person...

 They are all half-animals.

Looking at these experimental subjects, Mr. Qi's legs almost lost strength. If it weren't for Qi Sijin's support, he would have fallen to his knees. Not only him, Mr. Li was not much better either. His face was pale and bloodless, as if Some bad memories come to mind. “How was it? Surprise?”

Ross smiled and turned to look at them, and introduced them to them kindly and considerately: "Although this place was destroyed back then, my good father had already anticipated this day, so he hid some of the facilities in advance. No, this is an advantage for me. ”

"I have not been idle in the past few years. I have searched everywhere for the manuscript of the plan. Emperor Tian paid off his hard work and finally let me find it. Therefore, I followed the contents of the manuscript and restored the experiment of twenty years ago step by step. , please take a look at it, if there is any omission, I hope you will criticize and correct me.”

Mr. Qi only glanced at it and then looked away, holding back his nausea and asked: "Where did you get the manuscript?"

 They had clearly destroyed all records and data related to the experiment back then.

“You two don’t need to worry about this.” The smile on Los’s face was flawless. “Let’s comment on my new seed plan first.”

"I bother!"

Mr. Li finally couldn't help it and exploded, "This is a **** seed plan! You beast! The seed plan was ruined by perverts like you and your son!"

Los was indifferent, and the smile on his face did not diminish at all: "Mr. Li, you misunderstood. I only improved on the basis of my father's experiments. I prepared them exactly according to the level recorded in his manuscript. How could I ruin the seed plan?" Woolen cloth?"


Mr. Li couldn't help but wanted to rush up and give him a slap, but was restrained by the person behind him.

Ross chuckled lightly and walked forward to look at him. The coldness in his eyes was chilling, "But, since my father failed, I can't copy certain things, so I added my own ideas. "

Ignoring the raging anger in Mr. Li's eyes, he stood up and looked at the row of glass containers and said, "Now it seems that the effect is not bad."

 “My darlings are about to mature.”

"you you you!"

Mr. Li said "you" three times but you didn't come out. He was obviously mad.

 This beast!

How dare he!

   I’ve been too busy these days, and the plot is stuck, so... I’m stuck again (;︵;`)



 (End of this chapter)

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