She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 611: seed plan

Chapter 611 Seed Plan

Looking at the furious expressions of Mr. Qi and Mr. Li, Los said contemptuously in his heart: "Old stubborn."

 There is no way to adapt at all.

A few decades ago, the world was not developing as peacefully as it is now. Wars and conflicts were everywhere. Wars continued between different countries and regions. There were also many factions of superpowers secretly. There were many frictions, which eventually turned into violent conflicts. , resulting in losses for both sides, heavy casualties, and a sharp decline in the number of superpowers.

 This is when the Seed Project emerged.

Compared with ordinary people, the most significant difference between people with supernatural powers is that their spiritual realm is stimulated and their abilities are awakened. The strange stone is the only key to stimulating the spiritual realm.

As for the strange stone, no one knows its origin. Only the few records handed down by ancestors in the world today mention it occasionally. It is said that more than a hundred years ago, a group of troops broke into the uninhabited deep forest and accidentally discovered it. A mineral deposit, the ore mined from it is very special, and can give people who touch it have abilities that ordinary people don't have, which are called superpowers.

 Hence the name of the superpower.

Over the next hundred years, countless superpowers who awakened their superpowers by chance worked hard to explore the secrets of the strange stones, but they all ended in failure. Gradually, everyone gave up and continued.

 However, when the number of superpowers decreased sharply due to fighting, this special group finally realized the crisis of extinction.

 Because they have special powers, they consider themselves different from ordinary people. This arrogance and conceit that has long been engraved in their bones have made them accustomed to being superior. They are not willing to accept the fate of destruction so calmly.

 So they created the Seed Project.

According to common sense, the birth of a superpower must be inspired by strange stones, but this process is not 100% successful. The awakening rate is less than 40%, and the qualifications are uneven, which means that talent There will be fewer and fewer excellent superpowers, and eventually they will disappear.

 The Seed Project is an attempt to achieve "superpower inheritance" by studying the genes of superpowers, so that highly qualified superpowers can pass their talents on to the next generation through combination.

 The five major families are among the original executors of the Seed Plan.

They are not superpowers, but they have deep interests involved with superpowers. In order to better study the structural differences between superpowers and ordinary people, the five major families readily agreed to join the Seed Project and sent the most powerful members of their families. Top elite. The Seed Project lasted for a long time. By Mr. Li's generation, it had been exactly fifty years. For a full fifty years, they had made no obvious progress. This made those who had been looking forward to this project gradually turn from hope to disappointment. In the end, No more illusions about this plan.

However, there are always people who are not willing to accept that fifty years of hard work have been in vain, so they secretly use their twisted ideas to turn the original seed plan into a cruel and **** human experiment.

 They are crazy.

They conducted human experiments on superpowers who volunteered as experimental subjects, and forced different superpowers onto the same superpower, which led to serious rejection and eventually caused many experimental subjects to explode and die. They also tried Transferring the abilities of superpowers to ordinary people will naturally result in failure.

Countless experimental subjects who died due to failed experiments were secretly buried and turned into dust and mud in the dark, lonely and uninhabited valley.

  Although these people's actions were very secretive, they were still discovered by people from the five major families. They were very angry, but it was of no avail. They were just ordinary people, and their efforts to fight against those with supernatural powers were in vain.

The people who participated in the experiment were all elites from the five major families, and their IQs and strategies were far beyond ordinary people. They pretended that nothing happened and continued to work. However, they secretly concealed it from the eyes of the group of people and secretly contacted the association at that time. , working together inside and outside, destroyed this dark experimental base in one fell swoop.

 The Seed Project also eventually died.

But now, it has been revived again, used as a tool of **** cruelty, and continues to poison innocent people.

 But these old things are not within the scope of Los's consideration. He only wants to achieve his own goals, but on his own, his understanding of the seed plan is really limited.

 So, whether he uses soft or hard tools, he must get Mr. Li and Mr. Qi to agree to assist.

 (End of this chapter)

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