She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 617: Join us

 Chapter 617 Join us

Los seemed to have heard some big joke, "Fourth brother, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you want me to die as soon as we meet. I'm so sad."

Qi Sijin sneered: "Really? I see you are quite happy."

“It’s very happy. There is nothing more joyful than seeing old friends again.”

He took a step forward, and Qi Sijin immediately guarded the two old men behind him. This man has always been insidious, and there are no tricks if he can't protect him.

 Loss paused, sighed, and frowned slightly: "You are still the same as before."

 He ​​raised his head, his whole demeanor suddenly changed, and his tone became a bit gloomy, "You are all the same as before, no one believes me!"

Qi Sijin did not accept his behavior, "Stop pretending, I find it annoying."

Loss raised his eyebrows and regained his gentle look. His face changed so quickly that it was astonishing.

He lowered his gaze, plucked the petals, and said in a nonchalant tone: "Lin Yan said that the person he captured ran away. His people searched the entire Shameng and couldn't find him."

 Qi Sijin’s eyes flashed.

“Later, I thought about it carefully. Although Lin Yan is a waste, the men I gave him are not. Those who have the ability to escape from the Shameng headquarters must not be ordinary people, but should be fellow travelers.”

  Loss: "It's really surprising that among the children of the Li family and the Qi family, there are actually people with super powers."

He shifted his gaze to the two old men and said incredulously: "I thought that you two would never let your children touch this field in this life."

Mr. Qi clenched his fists and closed his eyes helplessly.

Loss twitched the corners of his lips: "I never expected that Fourth Brother, you are actually the second young master of the Qi family?"

 “How ironic, have you forgotten that year?”

"Shut up!"

Qi Sijin shouted sharply and looked at him with an extremely cold gaze: "You don't deserve to mention those days."

Loss chuckled: "Fourth brother, don't be angry."

“You must have heard what I said to the two old men just now. What do you think?”

Qi Sijin paused and glanced behind him subconsciously.

 “What can I think?”

 “The culprit who caused you to become an experimental subject and suffered so much was actually your own grandfather, and”

Loss watched calmly as Mr. Qi's eyes suddenly widened and the corners of his lips raised, "It seems that Mr. Qi doesn't know about this yet."

He asked Qi Sijin in confusion: "Fourth brother, didn't you tell your family?"

"That's right. According to how much Mr. Qi hates people with superpowers, I'm afraid he will be very angry if he finds out about it, and he might even sever ties with you."

 Loss looked at Mr. Qi and asked, "You think so?"

Mr. Qi: "I"

Mr. Qi looked panicked for the first time.

He looked at Qi Sijin standing in front of him, his mind was in confusion, and he couldn't help but think of some past events.

Qi Sijin was kidnapped when he was eight years old. At that time, the Qi family used all their forces to surround the imperial capital. After a thorough investigation for three days and three nights, no one was found. Only later did they find out that the kidnapping was not for Qi Sijin. Jin went there, but his parents, Qi Jingyuan, the second master of the Qi family, and his wife Zhao Yilan. The purpose of the other party was to force the Qi family to make concessions. Who knew that Qi Sijin's parents were busy at that time and could not accompany them. When he went to the amusement park, the other party decided to do the next best thing and tied him up. Later, after investigation, it was found that the kidnapping was indeed done by a family that had a hostile relationship with the Qi family. Why, why did Qi Sijin fall into the hands of the Chameng?

Mr. Qi closed his eyes sadly, "Ajin, what happened back then?"

Qi Sijin sighed in his heart and said, "Grandpa."

He paused and seemed to be thinking about how to express it more tactfully: "Back then, you used all the channels of the Qi family to blockade the Imperial Capital and vowed to find me. Those who kidnapped me saw that the situation was not going well, so they secretly sold me to A human trafficker, he was later bought by the Chameng."

When Mr. Qi heard these words, his heart suddenly throbbed with pain, and his voice was choked with sobs: "Then you came back later, why didn't you tell me?"

 Why didn’t he tell them what he was suffering and insisted on holding it in?

Thinking back to the beginning, they almost all thought that Qi Sijin had been ripped off. Qi Jingyuan and his wife were in agony every day. Zhao Yilan even suffered from severe depression for a time and almost didn't get into trouble. Who knew that half a year later, there was news about Qi Sijin. After he came back, , Zhao Yilan's condition has improved a lot, but she was worried that Qi Sijin would cause psychological problems due to the shadow of the kidnapping. After long discussions, Qi Jingyuan decided to move abroad with his wife and son, and did not return to China until recent years to develop.

Qi Sijin laughed twice: "At that time, there were other reasons."

 After the Association rescued them from the Cha League, it really wanted them to return to their parents and relatives and stay away from the fire pit of the Association and the Cha League. But he himself disagreed and voluntarily joined the Association and embarked on the path of being a superpower.

Since he was a child, he has only returned to the Qi family a handful of times, so Mr. Qi and others naturally do not know his identity.

Mr. Qi: "Alas!"

What can he say?

Ross looked at the grandparents and grandsons with expressions of watching a good show. He couldn't help but clapped his hands twice and said: "What a great relationship between grandparents and grandsons. Fourth brother, I specially invited Mr. Qi to help me restart the seed plan this time." , I didn’t expect to receive this unexpected surprise from you.”

Qi Sijin’s eyes turned cold, “So?”

“Otherwise, why don’t you come and help me too?”

Los thought for a moment and said, "You and I were both experimental subjects back then and have experience in the seed project, and the two old men are one of the planners. It's perfect!"

“If you can join, you may have a greater chance of success.”

Qi Sijin was a little amused by his whimsy: "Do you think it's possible?"

 “Why not?”

“You, the leader behind the association, don’t you know that I am a member of the association’s second monitoring team, directly subordinate to the president, and also one of the president’s direct disciples?”

Qi Sijin sneered: "It would be too whimsical for you to ask me to join you!"

But Ross dismissed it: "What good is that old immortal Zhong Qing? I can give you whatever he can give you and what the association can give you, and even more."

He smiled and said: "Fourth brother, for the sake of our friendship when we were young, are you sure you don't want to think about it?"

Qi Sijin's eyes darkened, and he raised his left hand back, using the power in his palm. In the blink of an eye, a golden light appeared, condensed into substance, and he suddenly attacked Los with lightning speed, carrying endless killing intent.

Before Los finished his last words, he was caught off guard. But just for a moment, there was a hint of ridicule in his eyes, and he was not overestimating his own abilities!

 He also activated his supernatural power in the palm of his hand, and a red light flashed in an instant, and he rushed forward without dodging.

Two rays of light met in the air, causing chaos in the surrounding airflow and forming a violent gust of wind, which caused everyone to stagger around and almost lose their balance.

The two of them faced off for only a few tens of seconds, but the winner and loser were already decided. They immediately stopped their hands at the same time and stepped back.

Qi Sijin only took one step back, while Los took more than ten steps back before he could stop. He was panting slightly, his face was slightly pale, and there was sweat on his forehead.

   It’s been a bit rough lately, and it’s not far from the end.



 (End of this chapter)

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