She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 618: Association knocks on the door

 Chapter 618 The association comes to the door

 Loss bent down slightly and relaxed for a while.

 Having just confronted Qi Sijin, he was a little overwhelmed by his mental power.

He wiped away the blood that spilled from the corners of his lips without changing his expression, and sneered: "Fourth brother is really not polite at all."

  Qi Sijin's palms gathered strength again, and his tone was cold: "What is there to talk about with you?"

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes and planned to take action again.

However, Los did not panic at all and raised his hand slightly. The people around him immediately understood and raised their weapons, all with their dark muzzles pointed at Mr. Qi and Mr. Li.

 Qi Sijin made a move.

Loss looked at him with a half-smile: "Fourth brother, I advise you to think twice before you act."


Qi Sijin clenched his fists, but in the end he put his hands down because he was concerned about the safety of the two old men.

 “Thank you for the compliment.”

Los snorted and waved again. The people below immediately stepped forward to hold the two old men, and threatened: "Be honest!"


Qi Sijin's expression changed and he quickly stepped forward. The next second, he was pressed against the back of his head by the cold muzzle of a gun, unable to move at all.

He turned his eyes slightly and saw Ross appearing behind him at some point, with a gun in his hand, and his index finger on the trigger. With just a slight move, he could kill him.

 “Don’t move around, you might get into trouble.”

 Qi Sijin's eyes were extremely cold, and the aura in his body was rising steadily. The coldness was so cold that it felt like falling into an ice cave. However, Kross's expression did not change at all, and he still looked casual and leisurely.

He sighed in Qi Sijin's ear: "Since you don't cooperate, don't blame me for being merciless."

The next moment, he suddenly raised his right hand high and stabbed Qi Sijin with something.

Qi Sijin groaned, and suddenly felt that his whole body was limp, as if all his strength had been drained away, and even his mental strength could not be felt at all.

He suppressed the pain, gritted his teeth and asked, "What the **** did you do!"

Ross: "This is a newly developed potion, specifically for people with superpowers. The stronger the strength, the more obvious the effect. Fourth brother is the first user. How do you feel?" "Lo, Si!"

Qi Sijin's tone was full of uncontrollable murderous intent, and she wanted to skin him and remove his bones immediately.

However, Ross was not affected by him at all and released the hand that restrained him. Qi Sijin's whole body suddenly fell to the ground as if he had collapsed. Fortunately, he was held up by someone, and his hands were restrained behind him, making him unable to move at all.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands, and said condescendingly: "The effect of this potion is very long-lasting. Unless you use the antidote, you will always look like this."

“So, I’ll give you time to consider whether you want to cooperate with me.”

 Loss leaned down and looked directly at him, "Fourth brother, please don't challenge my patience."

After saying that, he straightened up and ordered: "Take the three of them back."


The three of them were quickly taken down. At this moment, someone suddenly ran in and said to Los: "Chief, it's bad! People from the association are coming!"

 Everyone was suddenly shocked.

The association came to our door so quickly.

 However, Los's reaction was particularly calm. He replied that he understood, and then said: "Let Lin Yan take my babies to solve it."

The man hesitated: "But Mr. Lin is tracking those people who escaped."

  "Tell him to come back! He's a useless thing. If you let him see you as a person, you can still let people run away. He's a waste who fails to achieve anything but fails!"

 “Yes, yes, my subordinate, go now!”

As soon as he turned around, he heard Ross say again: "Wait a minute!"

 He stopped immediately, turned around and waited for orders.

“Tell Lin Yan to go play with the losers in the association, and I will personally go and meet those few fish that slipped through the net.”


 (End of this chapter)

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